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美国得克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校的科研诚信指南核查单 精选

已有 5082 次阅读 2020-11-15 07:57 |个人分类:他山之石|系统分类:博客资讯






· 确保你本人和你的研究人员接受过适当的培训。

·        对于拥有实验室者,要学习、复习一下实验室安全手册、方案和规定,确保所有人员熟悉方案。I

·        完成利益冲突(COI)主题的培训,提交商业利益披露的陈述。想了解更多信息,可联系本校科研诚信办公室(ORI)或访问ORI网站的COI相关内容。

·        弄清实验室员工或参与你科研项目的研究人员中是否也有人负责科研活动之设计、开展与汇报,并告知他们COI相关规定。

·        根据本校的指南和规定开展科研活动和发表活动。想了解更多信息,可在线访问本校运行程序手册(HOP)第10章的内容——“科研”。

·        如果你的研究是获得经费资助的,请在线访问本校的受资助项目管理办公室(OSPA)的指南和规定。

·        就科研数据或受资助项目数据之记录、收集、管理和保存制定专门的方案。想了解更多信息,可在线访问ORI“数据拥有权”栏目的相关信息。



·        向本校动物关怀和利用委员会(IACUC)提交使用动物的申请,获得其批准。

·        你本人和实验室人员必须注册参与职业健康和安全计划。

·        完成本校的动物使用者培训课程。

·        安排动物住所。有关实验动物关怀方面的培训、资源和步骤,可咨询实验动物资源中心(LARC)。

·        若有虐待动物的情形、不遵守本规定的情形或未获授权就使用动物的情形,请向本校动物关怀和利用委员会办公室举报。


 ·Review information on the Institutional Review Board (IRB) website.

·        Submit your application, research protocol and any other additional documentation to the IRB Office.

·        Obtain approval from from the IRB office before initiating your research or activity.

·        Complete the Human Subjects Protection Training Program. Visit the IRB Training and Development section for additional information.

·        Contact ORI if you need a Restricted Data License or if you need access to restricted-use data.


·Review information on the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) website.

·        Review the Biosafety and other laboratory safety manuals, plans and policies and ensure that all personnel are familiar with the plans.

·        Submit the UTSA Biosafety Application Form to the IBC and obtain approval from the IBC before initiating your research or activity.

·        Complete all UTSA Safety Training courses listed on the Biosafety application form.


·        Review information on the Chemical Safety Committee (CSC) website.

·        Contact the CSC or click here to review the list of chemicals that requires submission of a CSC application.

·        Review Chemical and other laboratory safety manuals, plans and policies and ensure that all personnel are familiar with the plans.

·        Submit the Application for Approval to Use Carcinogenic, Highly Toxic, or Acutely Hazardous Chemicals form to the Chemical Safety Committee.


·Review program information on the Radiation and Laser Safety website.

·        Review the Laser, Radiation, X-Ray and other laboratory safety manuals, plans and policies and ensure that all personnel are familiar with the plans.

·        Submit the Application for UTSA Radiation and Laser Safety forms to the Radiation & Laser Safety Committee.

·        Complete all UTSA Laser and Radiation Safety Training courses.


·Contact EHSRM or review the list of substances or devices to determine, before receiving or shipping, whether the biological material or chemical substance (e.g. dry ice) is considered a hazardous material.

·        Contact ORI and submit the Export Control Related Activity Assessment Request Form (PDF) to determine if the shipping (export) of the materials outside of U.S. may be affected by the export control regulations.



·        Review the ORI Export Controls website.

·        Contact ORI and submit the Export Control Related Activity Assessment Request Form (PDF) to determine if the activities may be affected by the export control regulations, or whether other controls measures are needed to ensure that the research activities are in compliance with U.S. Export Control regulations.

·        Submit the Certification of Temporary Export of UTSA Property Form (PDF) to ORI if you are taking UTSA property when traveling abroad.


·        Contact the Office of Contracts & Industry Agreements for assistance.

·        Contact ORI and submit the Export Control Related Activity Assessment Request Form (PDF) to determine if the shipping (export) of tangible items outside of U.S. may be affected by the export control regulations.


·Review information on the Visiting Scholars/Researchers Webpage or contact ORI at (210) 458-4233.

·        Submit the Person of Interest (POI) Form (PDF) and required documentation to ORI (U.S. and non-U.S. visiting researchers without a UTSA Visa Sponsorship), if applicable.



·        Review the ORI Export Controls website.

·        Submit a restricted part screening request to ORI to verify that the foreign entities or individuals are not listed in any of U.S. government restricted, denied, debarred, designated or blocked persons lists.


·Review the Office of Commercialization and Innovation (OCI) website.

·        Submit a Technology Disclosure Form to OCI, as applicable.



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