
李昂 2015-8-17 15:49
The movie about head combustion shocked me.Cheated by the murderer,I once thought he is innocent.But the professor’s words are vigilant.Deliberately or accidentally?Physics tells the truth.Thinking in sensibility aspect,we may get wrong answers,which may allow the evil or wrong the innocent.Physic ...
个人分类: Students @ class of "Watch Movi|3052 次阅读|没有评论
李昂 2014-7-28 18:44
Maybe I am not very interest in mathematic, but I truly like physics. Learning physics can make me keep thinking and consider something other than how to make life. Obviously, art and physics are different in some aspect. Art interprets the visible world, physics c ...
个人分类: Students @ class of "Watch Movi|4863 次阅读|没有评论

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