
学习笔记 Development of an organization and education
潘发勤 2021-11-28 14:43
As educators, from its centenaryhistory , we cansee the relationship between the organization and education,and how itleadthe educational development: The New Culture Movement and relative education provided a source of ideology and talentsfor ...
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潘发勤 2020-12-3 11:01
嫦娥五号到月球“取土”,“奋斗者号”深潜器抵地球最深处。这真是: “可上九天揽月,可下五洋捉鳖”。 当年已怀凌云志,今朝梦圆慨而慷! 共和国缔造者在当年诗词中所描绘的蓝图,怀有的梦想,经过科技工作者的不懈努力与奋斗,已在逐步实现。看到视 ...
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潘发勤 2020-3-13 16:34
2020年是“生物多样性超级年”, 3 月 4 日又是“世界野生动植物日”。这些节日的设置使人们认识到敬畏自然,保护野生动植物,保护生物多样性的重要意义。 地球是无数动植物物种的家园,人类和无数看得见和看不见的动植物微生物种类共同生活在同一片穹顶之下,相互依存,无法分割。我们依靠生物圈所有 ...
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潘发勤 2018-5-16 00:22
是“ 生物适应环境”还是“环境适应生物”?杜威的真正意思是什么? In Dewey's Democracy and Education (Chapter 1),there's a passage: Reproduction of other forms of life goes on in continuous sequence. And though, as the geological record shows, not merely individua ...
个人分类: 学习笔记|5462 次阅读|没有评论
Meaning of the word "agence" in Democracy and Education
潘发勤 2015-6-16 16:33
I wonder how to uncerstand the sentence 'these agencies are usually relied upon too exclusively in the following passage : To achieve this internal control through identity of interest and understanding is the business of education.While books and conversation can do mu ...
个人分类: 学习笔记|2886 次阅读|没有评论
潘发勤 2015-3-17 08:06
地球科学进展 民勤县经济发展与生态环境的定量关系研究 关键词: 环境压力; STIRPAT模型; 耦合协调; 内陆河流域 Studies on the Quantitative Relation Between Economic Development and Ecological Environment of Minqin County O网页链接 农业机械化与美国历史上的大沙暴 分析造成美国大沙暴的原因,并 ...
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