
殷春武 2023-2-1 11:17
IEEE的期刊都会给一个模板,但是不同期刊会共用同一套模板。下载模板的网址为: https://journals.ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/create-your-ieee-journal-article/authoring-tools-and-templates/tools-for-ieee-authors/ieee-article-templates/ ​ journals.ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/create-your-ie ...
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殷春武 2023-2-1 11:14
这是一篇节省你 翻论坛、查资料 的文章。 我将把每一步尽量写的清楚,能够让 新手按照这篇文章进行完整的投稿 。 即使你从未投过稿,完全不了解IEEE的投稿流程,希望按照这篇文章,能够帮助你流畅无误的投稿 这是针对本科生和低年级研究生, 对投稿流程还不清楚,或者在初次投稿时可以参考的文章。 (零)预备 ...
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殷春武 2023-1-17 20:34
Abstract Intelligent robotics has drawn a great deal of attention due to its high precision, stability, and reliability, which are the basic key factors for industrial automation. This paper proposes an iterative learning control (ILC) technique with predefined-time convergence as a solution t ...
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