
方玉光 2012-12-10 11:13
几天前访友,听得他们小儿的一些故事,幽默中藏有智慧,记之以娱大方。 1. Timmy is my friend's 3-year-old son. He watches his Mom doing business on eBay, selling and buying a lot of things over there. One day, when his grandpa scolds him, he rushes to her Mom and shouts "let's put grandpa on eBay!"& ...
个人分类: 幽默|3584 次阅读|没有评论
Be aware of what you post or send!
方玉光 2012-10-7 00:48
In this day and age, we have given up the traditional way of communications such as letter writing or paper-based journal. Instead, we heavily rely on electronic media to communicate such as what I am doing now. With constant heavy pressure from every corner of our life, we have become busier and bu ...
个人分类: 生活随思|2765 次阅读|没有评论
方玉光 2012-3-27 04:54
个人分类: 生活随思|3309 次阅读|没有评论
方玉光 2012-3-18 23:05
从小就想写些什么,梦想成为作家,并且曾一度准备考文科。可家境贫寒,没得选择,有学上就行。于是乎,转了理科,上了数学专业。但对于文学,还是时不时地涉猎一二。看见别人洋洋长篇,时不时临渊羡鱼,可惜地是又不能退而结网,只好在其他写作上有所补偿。学了数学后,方知做数学也可以写文章,只是成不了作家,但可以成 ...
个人分类: 生活随思|2904 次阅读|没有评论

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