
周之超 2014-4-2 17:29
The classify.seqs command allows the user to use several different methods to assign their sequences tothe taxonomy outline of their choice. Current methods include using a k-nearestneighbor consensus and Wang approach. Classify 用两种方法来计算分类: knn 和 wang. 两者的区 ...
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approximate Likelihood-Ratio Test 和 standard bootstrap区别
周之超 2013-3-7 00:46
aLRT (parametric bootstrap)和 standard bootstrap(nonparametric bootstrap)的区别,aLRT 是phyML计算支持率的另外一种方法,其中Chi2-based aLRT (approximate Likelihood-Ratio Test) for branches 得到的支持率比较松散,SH-like 得到的比较相近 -b (or --bootstrap) int int = -1 : approximate lik ...
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周之超 2013-3-5 11:11
Unifrac PcoA 分析中 unweighted 说明,不同环境之间的差异是根据不同环境特有的分支长度来区分的。 The UniFrac Metric Calculating the UniFrac metric. The majority of options in the UniFrac interface make comparisons based on the UniFrac metric. The UniFrac metric measu ...
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