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已有 5578 次阅读 2013-12-18 09:28 |个人分类:自然科学|系统分类:海外观察

经过近一年来多次会议和公众讨论,美国NIH20131217日终于宣布美国脑研究计划指南。该研究计划投入经费1.1亿美元,试图经过3年(原来说是10年),通过开发新技术,对庞大而复杂的大脑回路进行描绘。或者说对大脑所有细胞和联系进行详细记录的大型研究项目。NIH发布的指南中包括6类优先资助领域,主要依据今年9月份由15名成员组成的计划咨询委员会提交的一份报告。根据该指南,NIH将对这6类优先领域连续3年每年资助4千万美元NIH神经疾病和中风研究所所长Story Landis认为,经费显然不是那么充裕,希望将来可以有更多经费追加。

6类优先项目几乎全部聚焦于概念验证类项目或开发理解神经元如何协同工作产生行为学的新技术和新方法。例如,区分不同类型的神经细胞,确定这些细胞如何参与神经回路。Landis 说,NIH聚焦新技术意味着大部分申请项目不需要提供足够的前期研究数据(风险类研究,也是最近NIH的新思维),这将使许多科学家开始重视那些新思想,摆脱过去公事公办的习惯模式。其中只有大规模神经元记录领域的属于需要优化的现有技术,需要提供基础研究数据。



1. 大脑细胞分类方法。5-8项,规模为1000万。

$10 million, five to eight awards: Transformative Approaches for Cell-Type Classification in the Brain. Develop new classification strategies for the brain’s different cell types, with the goal of ultimately creating a census of all the cells in the human brain.

2. 开发分析大脑神经回路的新方法。7-10项,规模为500万。

$5 million, seven to 10 awards: Development and Validation of Novel Tools to Analyze Specific and Circuit-Specific Processes in the Brain. Develop new genetic and nongenetic tools to perform more sensitive, precise, and detailed analyses of brain circuits.

3.  大规模记录和分析神经系统的新方法。10-15项,规模为750万。

$7.5 million, 10 to 15 awards: New Technologies and Novel Approaches for Large-Scale Recording and Modulation in the Nervous System. Develop new technologies that can record and manipulate the activity of large numbers of neurons at the resolution of individual calls, in any region of the brain.

4. 大规模记录和分析神经系统方法的优化。10-15项,规模为750万。

$7.5 million, 10 to 15 awards: Optimization of Transformative Technologies for Large Scale Recording and Modulation in the Nervous System. Bring existing technologies for large-scale recording and modulation of neurons up to snuff.

5. 理解神经系统功能的整合方法。10-15项,规模为1000万。

$10 million, 10 to 15 awards: Integrated Approaches to Understanding Circuit Function in the Nervous System. Create interdisciplinary teams to study how circuit activity contributes to specific behaviors or neural systems.

6. 新一代人类大脑成像计划。7-9项,规模为400万。

$4 million, seven to nine awards: Planning for Next Generation Human Brain Imaging. Create teams of imaging scientists, engineers, material scientists, nanotechnologists, and computer scientists to plan for a new generation of noninvasive imaging techniques for the human brain.





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