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美国情报学家兰卡斯特(Frederick Wilfrid Lancaster )教授简介

已有 12156 次阅读 2013-8-29 07:41 |个人分类:图书情报|系统分类:人物纪事| 美国, Lancaster, 兰卡斯特





还记得1990年大三上信息检索课的时候,老师曾经提到过兰卡斯特。2010年5月初我去UIUC,与几位UIUC图书情报学院的年轻学者一起拜访了著名情报学家Pauline  Cochrane。当时还有一个计划,就是想去拜访一下兰卡斯特教授。但是Hong Zhang博士说兰卡斯特教授年事已高,近年已经不再见客,于是就放弃了这个想法,多少有点遗憾。今天看到他去世的消息,再回顾一下他的成就以做纪念。



兰卡斯特教授是著名的学者、教育家、导师与“作家”,以在联机检索与MEDLARS系统评价方面的成就闻名于世,在图书情报领域有着广泛的研究和成果,涉及图书馆服务评价、检索系统评价、叙词构建、检索词汇控制、标引与文摘、图书情报学的调查方法、信息系统的兼容问题、图书情报服务的技术与管理以及信息社会的相关课题,等等。他自己认为,他在情报学领域最重要的时刻是1968年他的第一本著作Information retrieval systems; characteristics, testing, and evaluation被John Wiley公司接受并出版。自此之后,他开始在情报学领域做了大量的研究,取得丰富的成果。


兰卡斯特教授一生著作颇丰,1981年, Garfield 这样评价他, "Over the  years, Lancaster has authored more than 75 articles, book chapters,  special reports, and monographs on various aspects of information  science.... Perhaps most notable among Lancaster's works are five  books he has written. Three of these books have won the ASIS Best  Information Science Book Award, and a fourth won the Ralph R. Shaw Award  of the American Library Association" (Garfield, 1981).



British-American information scientist. He immigrated to the USA in 1959; Worked as information specialist by the National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Md., 1965–68; professor, University of Illinois, Urbana, 1972-92 Professor emeritus, U. Ill., Urbana, 1992-.

F. W. Lancaster is in particular known for his work on online retrieval including evaluation studies of the MEDLARS-system. He has, however, an unusual broad and comprehensive authorship in Library and Information Science (LIS). Over a period of four decades he has continuously emerged as a visionary leader in the field of LIS. His research, writings, and teachings have earned him the highest honors in the profession. Lancaster excelled at many fronts: as scholar, educator, mentor, and writer.



“美国图书馆学家、情报学家、教育家。1933年9月4日出生于英国达勒姆。1950~1954年就读于美国纽卡斯尔图书馆学校。1953年担任美国纽卡斯尔公共图书馆高级助理,开始了其图书馆职业生涯。先后担任美国阿克伦公共图书馆科学技术高级馆员、华盛顿赫纳公司系统评价组常务顾问和组长、美国国立医学图书馆情报系统专家和副馆长特别助理以及韦斯泰特研究公司情报检索服务部主任。1970年以后,任教于美国伊利诺伊大学图书馆学研究生院。1972年担任该院教授并兼任生物医学图书馆员培训计划负责人。他还是英国伦敦分类法研究小组的成员。兰开斯特以著述、教学和咨询等活动为图书馆学和情报科学的发展作出了贡献。其主要著作有:《情报检索系统──特性、试验与评价》(1968)、《医学文献分析与检索系统查询检索服务评价》(1968)、《情报检索词汇控制》(1972)、《联机情报检索》(1973)、《图书馆服务的测量与评价》(1977)、 《走向无纸信息社会》(1978)等。到70年代末,他还编辑了5部书,撰写了70多篇论文和技术报告。1969年他的论文获美国情报学会颁发的最佳论文奖,1970年和1975年他的著作又两次获得最佳图书奖。1978年由于他编写的《图书馆服务的测量与评价》填补了图书馆学研究的空白,获拉尔夫·肖奖。



  • Baker, S. L. & Lancaster, F. W. (1977/1991). The Measurement and Evaluation of Library Services. 2nd ed. Arlington, Va.: Information Resources Press. (1st ed. 1977; 2nd ed. 1991).

  • Lancaster, F. W. (1968a). Evaluation of the MEDLARS demand search service. [Washington] U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service.

  • Lancaster, F. W. (1968b). Information retrieval systems; characteristics, testing, and evaluation. New York, Wiley.

  • Lancaster, F. W. (1978). Toward Paperless Information Systems. New York: Academic Press.

  • Lancaster, F. W. (1982). Libraries and Librarians in an Age of Electronics. Arlington, Va.: Information Resources Press.

  • Lancaster, F. W. (1985). Thesaurus construction and use; a condensed course. Paris: General Information Programme and Unisist, Unesco.

  • Lancaster, F. W. (1986). Vocabulary control for information retrieval. 2nd. ed. Arlington, Va.: Information Resources Press.

  • Lancaster, F. W. (1988/1993). If You Want to Evaluate Your Library. Champaign: University of Illinois, Graduate School of Library and Information Science. (1st ed. 1988, 2nd ed. 1993).

  • Lancaster, F. W. (1991/1998/2003). Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice. London: Library Association. (1st ed. 1991; 2nd ed. 1998; 3rd. ed. 2003).

  • Lancaster, F. W. (Ed.). (1993). Libraries and the future; essays on the library in the twenty-first century. New York : Haworth Press.

  • Lancaster, F. W. & Fayen, E. G. (1973). Information Retrieval On-Line. Los Angeles: Melville Pub. Co.

  • Lancaster, F. W. & Sandore, B. (1997). Technology and the Management of Library and Information Services. Champaign: University of Illinois, Graduate School of Library and Information Science.

  • Lancaster, F. W. & Smith, L. C. (1983). Compatibility issues affecting information systems and services. Prepared for the General Information Programme and UNISIST. Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

  • Martyn, J. & Lancaster, F. W. (1981). Investigative methods in library and information science; an introduction. Arlington, Va.: Information Resources Press.

  • Lancaster, E W. (1991). Indexing and abstracting in  theory and practice. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois, Graduate  School of Library and Information Science.



Frederick Wilfrid Lancaster. Wikipedia.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_Wilfrid_Lancaster.

Lancaster,F. Wilfrid .Getting Published.http://faculty.libsci.sc.edu/bob/ISP/lancaster2.htm.

Hayes, Robert M. A tribute to F. Wilfrid Lancaster.Library Trends, March 22, 2008.


兰开斯特, F. W. DictALL词都.http://www.dictall.com/indu53/20/53201017D1D.htm.


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