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已有 8564 次阅读 2012-10-26 23:01 |个人分类:植物氢气效应|系统分类:科研笔记| 动物, 中国, 植物, style


氢气对动物的效应已经研究比较多了,但对植物的效应研究比较罕见,来自南京农业大学的一篇报道,将可能掀起一股研究氢气在植物抗性研究的热潮,这一研究将发表在著名植物杂志Plant Cell Environ,目前已经可以在线阅读。这一发现具有非常重要的启示意义,说明氢气的作用范围不仅是动物、细菌、也包括植物。这不仅从另一个角度证明了氢气的生物学效应客观真实,而且意味着氢气的应用范围会扩展到农业和林业。


Hydrogen gas acts as a novel bioactive molecule in enhancing plant tolerance to .pdf


Plant Cell Environ. 2012 Oct 24. doi: 10.1111/pce.12029. [Epub ahead of print]

Hydrogen gas acts as a novel bioactive molecule in enhancing plant tolerance to paraquat-induced oxidative stress via the modulation of heme oxygenase-1 signaling system.

Jin Q, Zhu K, Cui W, Xie Y, Han B, Shen W.

College of Life Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, P.R. China.

Hydrogen gas (H(2) ) was recently proposed as a novel antioxidant and signaling molecule in animals. However, the physiological roles of H(2) in plants are less clear. Here, we showed that exposure of alfalfa seedlings to paraquat stress increased endogenous H(2) production. When supplied with exogenous H(2 ) or the heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) inducer hemin, alfalfa plants displayed enhanced tolerance to oxidative stress induced by paraquat. This was evidenced by alleviation of the inhibition of root growth, reduced lipid peroxidation and the decreased hydrogen peroxide and superoxide anion radical levels. The activities and transcripts of representative antioxidant enzymes were induced after exposure to either H(2 ) or hemin. Further results showed that H(2) pretreatment could dramatically increase levels of the MsHO-1 transcript, levels of the protein it encodes, and HO-1 activity. The above-mentioned H(2) -mediated responses were specific for HO-1, given that the potent HO-1 inhibitor counteracted the effects of H(2) . The effects of H(2) were reversed after the addition of an aqueous solution of 50% carbon monoxide (CO). We also discovered enhanced tolerance of multiple environmental stresses after plants were pretreated with H(2) . Together, these results suggested that H(2) might function as an important gaseous molecule that alleviates oxidative stress via HO-1 signaling. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.



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