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已有 5856 次阅读 2019-9-17 09:36 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:人物纪事| 布莱恩·亚瑟, 经济学, 引文桂冠奖



据聖菲研究所(Santa Fe InstituteSFI)网站2019912日报道,该研究所的外聘教授布莱恩·亚瑟(W. Brian Arthur)荣获2019年经济学引文桂冠奖。

聖菲研究所(Santa Fe InstituteSFI)是一个位于美国新墨西哥州聖菲市的非盈利性研究机构,该所的主要研究方向是复杂系统科学。该所于1984年由乔治·考温(George Cowan)、大卫·潘恩斯(David Pines)、斯特林·科尔盖塔(Stirling Colgate)、默里·盖尔曼(Murray Gell-Mann)、尼克·麦特罗博利斯(Nick Metropolis)、赫布·安德森(Herb Anderson)、彼特·A·卡拉瑟斯(Peter Caruthers)以及理查德·斯兰斯基(Richard Slansky)等人一同创办。

布莱恩·亚瑟(W. Brian Arthur)SFI的一位外聘教授,被Web of Science集团(Web of Science group)遴选为2019年的引文桂冠奖(2019 Citation Laureate)得主,“获奖原因是他的研究揭示了经济系统中产生的网络效应,这些系统产生了越来越多的回报。”


Web of Science报道,引文桂冠奖的授予是为了表彰世界级的研究人员,他们的研究成果通常在全球被引用最多的0.01%的出版物中,这表明研究的影响力有可能在未来成为诺贝尔奖获得者。自2002年以来,Web of Science每年一度的引文桂冠奖得主名单都会在10月份之前进行公布。通常每年大约有20位获奖者,其中50位已经成为诺贝尔奖得主(详见“引文桂冠奖 Citation Laureates”)。

亚瑟说,这个名称是一个受欢迎的“表明复杂性经济学正在得到关注的迹象”。至于预测诺贝尔奖,他开玩笑说,“不要屏住呼吸。(don’t hold your breath.)”

SFI 201911月的研讨会——“新复杂性经济学(New Complexity Economics)”——将由亚瑟和其他复杂性经济学先驱承担组织工作,他们在30多年前就开始研究经济学的非传统方法。现在这些方法正日益成为主流,特别研讨会将“探索复杂性经济学的新前沿”。更多信息请注意浏览SFI官网以及相关网站的报道。

W. Brian Arthur selected as Web of Science 2019 Citation Laureate


Competing technologies, increasing returns, and lock-in by historical events

WB Arthur

The economic journal 99 (394), 116-131

Increasing returns and path dependence in the economy

WB Arthur

University of michigan Press

Increasing returns and the new world of business

WB Arthur

Harvard business review 74 (4), 100-&

Positive feedbacks in the economy

WB Arthur

Scientific american 262 (2), 92-99

Inductive reasoning and bounded rationality

WB Arthur

The American economic review 84 (2), 406-411

The nature of technology: What it is and how it evolves

WB Arthur

Simon and Schuster

Self-reinforcing mechanisms in economics

WB Arthur

The economy as an evolving complex system 5, 9-31

Complexity and the economy

WB Arthur

science 284 (5411), 107-109

Asset pricing under endogenous expectations in an artificial stock market

WB Arthur, JH Holland, B LeBaron, R Palmer, P Tayler

The economy as an evolving complex system II 27

The economy as an evolving complex system II

WB Arthur

CRC Press

Time series properties of an artificial stock market

B LeBaron, WB Arthur, R Palmer

Journal of Economic Dynamics and control 23 (9-10), 1487-1516

Path-dependent processes and the emergence of macro-structure

WB Arthur, YM Ermoliev, YM Kaniovski

European journal of operational research 30 (3), 294-303

‘Silicon Valley’locational clusters: when do increasing returns imply monopoly?

WB Arthur

Mathematical social sciences 19 (3), 235-251

Artificial economic life: a simple model of a stockmarket

RG Palmer, WB Arthur, JH Holland, B LeBaron, P Tayler

Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 75 (1-3), 264-274


W.  Arthur

W. Brian Arthur

External Professor, Santa Fe Institute; Visiting Researcher, Intelligent Systems Lab, PARC; Inaugural Recipient, Lagrange Prize; Author, The Nature of Technology

W. BRIAN ARTHUR is a leading economist and complexity thinker. He is best known for his pioneering work on positive feedbacks or increasing returns in the economy—what happens when products that gain market share find it easier to gain further market share—and their role in locking markets in to the domination of a single player.

Arthur is also one of the pioneers of the science of complexity—the science of how patterns and structures self-organize. He is a member of the Founders Society of the Santa Fe Institute and in 1988 ran its first research program. He has served on SFI's Science Board for 18 years and its Board of Trustees for 10 years. He is currently External Professor at SFI.

Arthur held the Morrison Chair of Economics and Population Studies at Stanford from 1983 to 1996. He holds degrees in operations research, economics, mathematics, and electrical engineering.

Arthur was awarded the inaugural Lagrange Prize in Complexity Science in 2008, and the Schumpeter Prize in Economics in 1990. He is a Guggenheim Fellow, 1987-88, Fellow of the Econometric Society, and IBM Faculty Fellow.

He holds honorary doctorates from the National Univ. of Ireland (Galway) 2000, and Lancaster University (UK) 2009.

He is the author of The Nature of Technology: What it Is and How it EvolvesIncreasing Returns and Path Dependence in the Economy, and Complexity and the Economy.


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