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杂谈, 在一个突然有了阳光的午后。

已有 1740 次阅读 2020-4-25 23:32 |系统分类:海外观察| 海外读博应该学到什么



    昨儿有位好友聊到英国对留学生收取的高额学费话题,提出疫情当下,这个学期整个学校都在关闭的状态下,理应退回我们这个学期的学费。1.jpg我当时的直觉是:是的,这样想也有道理,但这可能不是我会想到的问题。[原话见右侧截图] 我们的 “百万学费”(文后有说明*)交的到底是什么钱?显然,那不仅包含我们可以上的课/做的实验,也不仅是可以在这些历史建筑里工作和生活的特权。这些看起来是学校的l关闭对我们最直接的影响,但是我感觉事实上其他一切资源还都触手可及,只不过了种形式而已。我承认,科研进度会受到很大程度影响,但是离开实验室,也有很多能做的事情呀。我甚至觉得(当然是个例),我和课题组以及导师之间的沟通更加频繁和有效了,毕竟每天都闲聊半个小时是之前不太现实的;关于上课,老师都把课程录好了放在网上了,我觉得我学习的时间更灵活了,避免了以前的两门课时间冲突而必须放弃一个的情况。当然,实践课和野外实习还暂时没有找到线上的解决方案。

A friend mentioned that we should claim back the tuition fee for the Easter Term when the univsity is under lockdown. Well, it makes sense, but no, this is not nothing I would expect at all. Surely, the tution fee we paid covers beyond the lectures we can choose from, the lab work for reseach, and the access to the historical buildings where we have dad the privilege to work and live. These are the sort of things that are unavailable during the lockdown. 



    我虽然不赞同朋友的关于退学费的提议,但我确实感激她提醒了我关于此问题的思考。午后出了太阳,我到院子里给种的菜浇水。发现自己在思考,我到底是在为什么付费?博士毕业时,应该都学到了什么? 是新知识,是发表的文章,是一份工作,是接触的人们(所谓的人脉?),是那(部分人眼中自带光环的)学位,是思考的方式,是英语的熟练。。。。。。?现在的我,很难说清楚应该从这这段海外读博的经历带来中获得什么。或许,这本就是一个不该有标准答案的问题。

I do appreacite my friend for bring the issue to my attention, though it is difficult for me to agree with her suggestion. Sitting in the graden this afternoon, I find myself wondering what I should expect to get from the university for what I paid? What I am aiming to achieve by the end of PhD course? Is it the knowledge, the publications, a job interview, the interactions with people around (so-called networking), the degree, the way of thinking, the improvement of using English...It is hard to say really. I have no idea what exactly it is that we are paying for this experience. And I won't buy it if someone gets a perfect answer to that.


    或许随着时间慢慢(其实很快) 推移,我会体会到更多,但同时也一定会忘记一些具体的东西。因此,趁着还在身在其中,现在的我想尝试着及时输出我学到的东西。在找到更好的记录的方式之前,我会一直在这里记录我的所学所想。因为感觉在科学网,我可以毫无顾忌地发表我的感受,接受意见,及时调整。毕竟,在这里(而不是微信朋友圈),“写作时,应该用the还是a” 这样的问题不会拉开我与不懂英语的奶奶的距离;“卤族元素在碳酸钙中不同的参杂机制” 的描述不会浪费到我可爱的社会学的小伙伴的流量;“在Sainsbury's可以买到正宗东北酸菜” 的小开心不会让国内的父母立刻回复 “尽量少出门” 。 

I will have more to reflect in the later life as I looked back to this PhD period, as I will surely lost the memory of the details about what I learn and how I think on daily base. So it might be a good idea to output as much as I can now, when the memory is still fresh. Before I find a better way to do so, I will try to bolg my thoughts here with KXW, where I feel comfortable to talk, open to suggestions and happy to change. 



It is probably more important to think about what we can do for the university, rather than what we should get from it. HOW YOU CAN MAKE THE WORLD A BTTER PLACE -- the only question in my application form that has nothing to do with my academic work. This serves the first lesson that Cambridge taught me, something I had never thought of as a 25-year old. Since then, I have changed. Think about how you can make the world a better place and DO IT is probably what I have paid for. 

* 关于 “百万学费” :由于我的奖学金直接免掉了学费,我没有每学期银行汇钱的经历,所以对学费没有真正的概念。所谓百万,不过是我的一个同届的同学,当年被录取时,有一个国内主流媒体关于她的 “学霸拿到百万奖学金” 的报道。秉承着认真追源的科学精神,我“默默”地查询了下关于学费的官方说明(自从被录取后的第一次。。。)。截图里是一年的总花销,主要是学费+生活费,按英镑汇率9 来算,差不多¥40 万。如果博士项目是三年制的话,那总的学费就是¥80万左右, 加上¥30万的生活费(学校给的参考标准,实际上也是可以够的,但会比较拮据),算下来说是一百万也不为过。



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