


已有 2538 次阅读 2020-11-19 12:54 |系统分类:科研笔记

Evolutionary origins for ecological patterns in space 2020



Historically, many biologists assumed that evolution and ecology acted independently because evolution occurred over distances too great to influence most ecological patterns.从历史上看,许多生物学家认为进化和生态学是独立进行的,因为进化的空间尺度太大而无法影响大多数生态模式。 Today, evidence indicates that evolution can operate over a range of spatial scales, including fine spatial scales.今天,有证据表明,进化可以在一系列空间尺度上运作,包括精细的空间尺度。 Thus, evolutionary divergence across space might frequently interact with the mechanisms that also determine spatial ecological patterns.因此,空间的进化差异可能经常与决定空间生态模式的机制相互作用。 Here, we synthesize insights from 500 eco-evolutionary studies and develop a predictive framework that seeks to understand whether and when evolution amplifies, dampens, or creates ecological patterns.在这里,我们综合了500项生态进化研究的见解,并开发一个预测框架,试图了解进化是否放大、抑制或何时创建生态模式。 We demonstrate that local adaptation can alter everything from spatial variation in population abundances to ecosystem properties. 我们证明,局部适应可以改变一切,从种群丰度的空间变化到生态系统属性。We uncover 14 mechanisms that can mediate the outcome of evolution on spatial ecological patterns. 我们发现了14种机制,可以调整空间生态模式进化的结果。Sometimes, evolution amplifies environmental variation, especially when selection enhances resource uptake or patch selection. 有时,进化会放大环境变化,特别是当选择增强资源吸收或补丁选择时。The local evolution of foundation or keystone species can create ecological patterns where none existed originally. 基础或基石物种的局部进化可以创造生态模式,而最初不存在。However, most often, we find that evolution dampens existing environmental gradients, because local adaptation evens out fitness across environments and thus counteracts the variation in associated ecological patterns.然而,大多数情况下,我们发现进化会抑制现有的环境梯度,因为局部适应使环境适应更加平衡,从而抵消了相关生态模式的变化。 Consequently, evolution generally smooths out the underlying heterogeneity in nature, making the world appear less ragged than it would be in the absence of evolution. 因此,进化一般能消除自然界中潜在的异质性,使世界看起来比没有进化时更不规则。We end by highlighting the future research needed to inform a fully integrated and predictive biology that accounts for eco-evolutionary interactions in both space and time.最后,我们强调未来需要的研究,为一个完全集成和预测性的生物学提供信息,该生物学在空间和时间上都具有生态进化相互作用。

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