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已有 23588 次阅读 2015-10-14 14:42 |个人分类:科研|系统分类:论文交流| 论文, SCI, 审稿







Reviewer Comments Directed to Author(s)

1. The paper presentation requires significant improvement. In its present form, it is difficult to read it. There are many typos, grammar and syntax errors that it is very difficult to enumerate them all. For example :

(1) namely the Relative Deadline, Worst Case Execution time etc.  -> namely the Relative Deadline, Worst Case Execution Time etc

(2) The Preemptions helps -> The preemptions help

(3) The Preemption threshold Scheduling (PTS) -> The preemption threshold scheduling

(4) The CPPTS algorithm provides...  and  The Cyclic Priority Pre- Emptive Threshold  scheduling (CPPTS), -> before you define the CPPTS, we dont know what is CPPTS. You should denote it before using.

(5) Higher priority and lower priority -> higher priority and lower priority

(6) Each Task  is  assigned  -> Each task  is  assigned 

(7) if the  Interrupt latency goes -> if the interrupt latency goes

2. The notations or definitions is confusing or ambiguous. Such as: Let be the list of task set to be served.  Each  task   is denoted by .

3. The authors denote the the average number of preemptions and  the maximum number of preemptions , but they are not used in this paper.

4.  Most of the references are old. There are many papers on limited preempted scheduling, for example:

[1]Jinkyu Lee, Kang G. Shin, Preempt a Job or Not in EDF Scheduling of

Uniprocessor Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, 2014.

[2Esposito F, Yao G, Marinoni M, et al. Preemption Points Placement for Sporadic Task Sets[C]// 2012 24th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time SystemsIEEE, 2010:251-260.

[3Yao G, Buttazzo G, Bertogna M. Feasibility Analysis under Fixed Priority Scheduling with Fixed Preemption Points[C]// 2013 IEEE 19th International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and ApplicationsIEEE, 2010:71-80.  

... etc.

5. The authors say “The  reduction  in  the  relative Deadline  reduces the number of preemptions thus reducing the interrupt latency.” But they dont explain how the relative deadline reduces? And they dont explain why the relative deadline reduces can cause in reducing the interrupt latency? This is very important problem in this paper.

6. How to assign the preemption threshold ? You method has advantage or not compared to the method in (M. Saksena and Y. Wang, Scalable real-time system design using preemption thresholds).

7. The proposed CPPTS algorithm uses the buffering time of the higher priority task to serve the tasks of lower priority in a cyclic manner. How to use the buffering time to serve the tasks of lower priority? before the high priority execution or after the high priority completion? Whether it will effect the feasibility of the algorithm?

8. Although the paper presents a new CPPTS algorithm, this algorithm is compared only to an EDF or RM scheduling algorithm, and not to other limited preemption algorithms. Therefore the comparison is clearly favorable to the algorithm presented. Please compare your algorithms and the experimental results to equivalent preemption algorithms. Such as:

  [2Esposito F, Yao G, Marinoni M, et al. Preemption Points Placement for Sporadic Task Sets[C]// 2012 24th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time SystemsIEEE, 2010:251-260.

  [4Marko  Bertogna  and  Sanjoy  Limited  Preemption  EDF  Scheduling  of  Sporadic  Task  Systems, IEEE  TRANSACTIONS  ON  INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, VOL. 6, NO. 4, NOVEMBER 2010

9. In table 1, TASKSET is ambiguous. The number stands for the number of task set? Or the number stands for the number of task in the task set? If the number stands for the number of task set, How many task in each task set?

10. Can you explain CPU utilization in table 1? Why not use the number of preemptions to evaluate the performance of the algorithm。 



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13 刘洋 王小平 朱晓刚 王善勇 杨正瓴 赵美娣 李学宽 金耀初 biofans dulizhi95 xqhuang zywsy2010 qzw

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