海洋,湖沼,水产,生态分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/xushui 研究方向:资源生殖生态和恢复生态学;



已有 6010 次阅读 2009-2-13 08:45 |个人分类:环境学|系统分类:图片百科

Mediterranean Sea Dried Up Five Million Years Ago

引自:ScienceDaily (Feb. 12, 2009)

Approximately five million years ago, the Mediterranean Sea dried up after it was sealed off from the Atlantic Ocean. According to earth scientist Rob Govers of Utrecht University, a reduction in the weight on the Earth’s crust led to the Straits of Gibraltar moving upwards. Govers will publish his conclusions in the February issue of the earth sciences journal Geology.

 Mediterranean basin

Around six million years ago, something rather drastic happened: the world lost an ocean. Fortunately, it’s returned since then, but during the Messinian Salinity Crisis, there was no Mediterranean Sea. Instead, there was a bit of a wading pool… or possibly even completely dry land.



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