閸︺劏绻栭柌灞界安鐠囥儲瀵�1. g : a body of persons of common and especially
professional interests scattered through a larger society <the academic community> 閿涘潰erriam-webster)
閸欐垼銆冪拠鍕啈娴滅尨绱癹ixiliying [2010-10-1 23:34:49]
娴g姾顕╅惃鍕亝娴滄稖鐦庣拋鐑樺灉閺屻儰绗夐崚锟�(妤硅崵鍎叉担鐘冲閸掓媽鍒涢崙鍝勫弿閺傚洤鎷伴崙鍝勵槱),娴o拷 Outcomes of Lumbar to Sacral Nerve Rerouting for Spina Bifida鏉╂瑧鐦掗弬鍥╃彿閻ㄥ嫭鎲崇憰锟�,缂佹捁顔�,閸滃本鈧崵绮ㄩ幋鎴炲閸掗绨�,鏉烆剝娴囨俊鍌欑瑓.閹存垵顕崠璇差劅娑撳秵妲稿鍫熷櫐婢讹拷,娴e棙鐗撮幑顔藉灉閸掓繃顒為弻銉ㄧ槤閸忔悂妲勭拠鑽ゆ畱缂佹挻鐏夐惇锟�,閸忚泛鐤勭拠鍕啈鏉╂ɑ妲告稉宥夋晩閻拷.
At 1 year 7 patients (78%) had a reproducible increase in bladder pressure with stimulation of the dermatome. Two patients were able to stop catheterization and all safely stopped antimuscarinics. No patient achieved complete urinary continence. The majority of subjects reported improved bowel function. One patient was continent of stool at baseline and 4 were continent at 1 year. Of the patients 89% had variable weakness of lower extremity muscle groups at 1 month. One child had persistent foot drop and the remainder returned to baseline by 12 months.
At 1 year a novel reflex arc with stimulation of the appropriate dermatome was seen in the majority of subjects. Improvements in voiding and bowel function were noted. Lower extremity weakness was mostly self-limited, except in 1 subject with a persistent foot drop. More patients and longer followup are needed to assess the risk/benefit ratio of this novel procedure.
閸掓ǹ鈧礁绗€閿涘本鍨滈崚姘缂佹瑨鍨傞崺搴°亯閺咁喖銇囩€涳讣绱橳emple University閿涘娈�
Michael R. Ruggieri閺佹瑦宸块幍鎾圭箖閻絻鐦介妴鍌欑铂绾喛顓婚懛顏勭箒閻绻冮柇锝呯殱娣団€宠嫙娑撴棁顓婚崥灞间繆娴犲墎娈戦崘鍛啇閵嗭拷
娴犳牕鑻熸稉鏃囶嚄闂傤喕绨″鍫熷剰閻ㄥ嫯绻樼仦鏇樷偓锟� 婵″倹鐏夐幃銊ヮ嚠濮濄倓绨ㄩ張澶庡窛閻ゆ埊绱濋崣顖欎簰缂佹瑦鍨滈崣鎴犵叚濞戝牊浼呴敍灞惧灉娴兼碍濡告禒鏍畱閻絻鐦介崣椋庣垳閸栧懏瀚幍瀣簚閸欓鐖滈崣鎴犵舶閹煉绱濋幃銊ㄥ殰瀹稿崬褰叉禒銉﹀ⅵ閸ヤ粙妾梹鍧椻偓鏃傗€樼拋銈冣偓锟�