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已有 1610 次阅读 2020-8-10 17:19 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载

本文为美国爱荷华大学(作者:Joo Hyun Song)的博士论文,共166页。






In the field of medical imaging, imageregistration methods are useful for many applications such as inter- andintra-subject morphological comparisons, creation of population atlases,delivery of precision therapies, etc. A user may want to know which is the mostsuitable registration algorithm that would work best for the intendedapplication, but the vastness of medical image registration applications makesevaluation and comparison of image registration performance a non-trivial task.In general, evaluating image registration performance is not straightforwardbecause in most image registration applications there is an absence of “GoldStandard” or ground truth correspondence map to compare against. It istherefore the primary goal of this thesis work to provide a means forrecommending the most appropriate registration algorithm for a given task. Oneof the contributions of this thesis is to examine image registration algorithmperformance at the component level. Another contribution of this thesis is tocatalog the benefits and limitations of many of the most commonly used imageregistration evaluation approaches. One incremental contribution of this thesiswas to demonstrate how existing evaluation methods can be applied in themidpoint coordinate system to evaluate some symmetric image registrationalgorithms such as the SyN registration algorithm. Finally, a majorcontribution of this thesis was to develop tools to evaluate and visualize 2Dand 3D image registration shape collapse. This thesis demonstrates that manycurrent diffeomorphic image registration algorithms suffer from the collapseproblem, provides the first visualizations of the collapse problem in 3D forsimple shapes and real human brain MR images, and provides the firstexperiments that demonstrate how adjusting image registration parameters canmitigate the collapse problem to some extent.



1. 引言

2. 图像配准

3. 图像配准的评估方法

4. 实验

5. 总结与结论



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