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已有 1298 次阅读 2020-7-15 17:56 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载

本文为加拿大卡尔加里大学(作者:Mohamed Ali Attia)的博士论文,共187页。






Navigation systems play an important rolein many vital disciplines. Determining the location of a user relative to thephysical environment (e.g. roadway, intersections, and services) is animportant part of transportation services such as in-vehicle navigation, fleetmanagement and infrastructure maintenance. In addition, other navigationservices are required for locating the position of a user in an indoor physicalenvironment (e.g. airports, shopping malls, public buildings, universitycampus). This indoor-based navigation can assist in several applications suchas user navigation, enhanced 911 (E911), law enforcement, location-based andmarketing services. Both indoor and outdoor navigation applications require areliable, trustful and continuous navigation solution that overcomes thechallenge of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signal unavailability.To compensate for this issue, GNSS is now commonly used in tandem with othernavigation systems such as Inertial Navigation System (INS). This dual-systemintegration method provides a solution to GNSS signal outages. However, overtime there is a significant amount of drift, characteristic of INS butespecially common with low-cost commercial sensors. The effects of drift on INSaccuracy highlight the need for additional absolute aiding sensors that cansurvive for longer periods of time. In this thesis, a map aided navigationsolution is developed for GNSS-denied environments. Maps have been the primarymedium to visualize the navigation trajectories of a user’s everyday travels.This research investigates and develops an aiding system that utilizesgeospatial data models in more than just a visual way. It assists thenavigation solution by providing virtual boundaries for the navigationtrajectories and limits its possibilities only when it is logical to locate theuser on a map. The algorithms subsequently developed integrate severalnavigation sensors for different navigation solutions. Several geospatialmodels for both indoor and outdoor environments (e.g. urban canyons) inaddition to various map matching algorithms were used to match and projectnavigation position estimates on the geospatial map and used as an additionalfeedback for the navigation filter. The developed algorithms were field testedin several indoor and outdoor environments and yielded accurate matchingresults as well as a significant enhancement to positional accuracy. Theachieved results demonstrate that the contribution of the developed map aidedsystem enhances the reliability, usability, and accuracy of navigationtrajectories in GNSS-denied environments.


1. 引言

2. 导航应用的地理空间数据模型

3. 地图匹配算法

4. 移动式多传感器组合导航系统

5. 地图辅助的导航系统

6. 现场测试、结果、讨论与分析

7. 总结、结论与建议





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