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已有 1625 次阅读 2020-7-14 19:35 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载

本文为美国卡内基梅隆大学(作者:Ross A. Knepper)的博士论文,共145页。






Robotic motion planning aspires to matchthe ease and efficiency with which humans move through and interact with theirenvironment. Yet state of the art robotic planners fall short of humanabilities; they are slower in computation, and the results are often of lowerquality. One stumbling block in traditional motion planning is that points andpaths are often considered in isolation. Many planners fail to recognize thatsubstantial shared information exists among path alternatives. Exploitation ofthe geometric and topological relationships among path alternatives cantherefore lead to increased efficiency and competency. These benefits include:better-informed path sampling, dramatically faster collision checking, and adeeper understanding of the trade-offs in path selection. In path sampling, theprinciple of locality is introduced as a basis for constructing an adaptive,probabilistic, geometric model to influence the selection of paths forcollision test. Recognizing that collision testing consumes a sizable majorityof planning time and that only collision-free paths provide value in selectinga path to execute on the robot, this model provides a significant increase inefficiency by circumventing collision testing paths that can be predicted tocollide with obstacles. In the area of collision testing, an equivalencerelation termed local path equivalence, is employed to discover when the workof testing a path has been previously performed. The swept volumes of adjoiningpath alternatives frequently overlap, implying that a continuum of intermediatepaths exists as well. By recognizing such neighboring paths with related shapesand outcomes, up to 90% of paths may be tested implicitly in experiments,bypassing the traditional, expensive collision test and delivering a net 300%boost in collision test performance. Local path equivalence may also be appliedto the path selection problem in order to recognize higherlevel navigationoptions and make smarter choices. This thesis presents theoretical andexperimental results in each of these three areas, as well as inspiration onthe connections to how humans reason about moving through spaces.


1. 引言

2. 分层规划

3. 分层规划器的应用

4. 路径集理论

5. 路径集设计

6. 路径采样

7. 碰撞测试

8. 路径选择

9. 本文扩展与未来工作展望

10.       结论



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