

Phytoneuron 2010-2015发表的论文清单(二)2013、2014年

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Phytoneuron 2014publications


2014-1   6 January 2014

Reveal, J.L. and D.J. Mansfield.  2014.  Two new varieties of Eriogonumovalifolium (Polygonaceae) from the Intermountain West, USA.  Phytoneuron 2014-1: 1–7.


2014-2   6 January 2014

Reveal, J.L.  2014.  Two new varieties of Eriogonumwrightii (Polygonaceae) from Baja California, Mexico.Phytoneuron 2014-2: 1–3.


2014-3   6 January 2014

Reveal, J.L. and P. Veilleux.  2014.  Eriogonum ammei (Polygonaceae), a new garden hybrid.  Phytoneuron 2014-3: 1–3.


2014-4   6 January 2014

Reveal, J.L. and A. Clifford.  2014.  A new variety of Eriogonumleptophyllum (Polygonaceae) from eastern Arizona.  Phytoneuron 2014-4: 1–4.


2014-5   6 January 2014

Burt-Utley, K. and J.F. Utley. 2014.  A new species of Begonia(Begoniaceae) from Mexico. Phytoneuron 2014-5: 1–4.


2014-6   6 January 2014

Burt-Utley, K. and J.F. Utley.  2014.  New species of Begonia(Begoniaceae) from Guerrero, Mexico. Phytoneuron 2014-6: 1–9.


2014-7   6 January 2014

Sorrie, B.A. and R.J. LeBlond.  2014.  Eleocharis fallax (Cyperaceae): Recent collections and morphological comparison with E. ambigensand E. montevidensis.  Phytoneuron 2014-7: 1–7.


2014-8   6 January 2014

Loeuille, B., C.M. Sinischalchi, and J.R. Pirani.  2014.  New names in Vernonieae (Asteraceae) of northeastern Brazil.  Phytoneuron 2014-8: 1–11.  


2014-9   6 January 2014

Franck, A.R.  2014.  Typification of Harrisiafernowii (Cactaceae). Phytoneuron 2014-9: 1.  


2014-10   6 January 2014

Hammel, B.E., M.H. Grayum, and R. Aguilar.  2014.  Tapirira lepidota (Anacardiaceae), a unique new species from the Golfo Dulce region ofCosta Rica.  Phytoneuron 2014-10: 1–5.  


2014-11   6 January 2014

Nesom, G.L.  2014.  Taxonomy of Cyclanthera(Cucurbitaceae) in the USA. Phytoneuron 2014-11: 1–17.


2014-12   6 January 2014

Nesom, G.L., D.D. Spaulding, and H.E. Horne.  2014.  Further observations on the Oxalis dillenii group (Oxalidaceae).  Phytoneuron 2014-12: 1–10.


2014-13   6 January 2014

Nesom, G.L.  2014.  Oxalis pilosa(Oxalidaceae) adventive in Texas.  Phytoneuron 2014-13: 1–3.


2014-14   6 January 2014

Nesom, G.L. and J.M. Egger. 2014.  Castilleja coccinea and C. indivisa (Orobanchaceae).  Phytoneuron 2014-14: 1–7.


2014-15   6 January 2014

Nesom, G.L. and J.M. Egger.  2014.  Review of the Castillejapurpurea complex (Orobanchaceae).  Phytoneuron 2014-15: 1–16.


2014-16   6 January 2014

Sorrie, B.A.  2014.  The maritime variant of Smilaxbona-nox (Smilaceae). Phytoneuron 2014-16: 1–3.  


2014-17   21 January 2014

Hrusa, G.F.  2014.  Diplacus bicolor, correct name in the genus Diplacus for Mimuluswhitneyi (Phrymaceae).  Phytoneuron 2014-17: 1.  


2014-18   21 January 2014

Reveal, J.L. and D.H. Mansfield.  2014.  Recognition of Eriogonumcalcareum var. sceptrum(Polygonaceae), an Idaho endemic. Phytoneuron 2014-18: 1–2.  


2014-19   21 January 2014

Singhurst, J.R., N. Shackelford, W. Newman, J.N. Mink, andW.C. Holmes.  2014.  The ecology and abundance of Hymenoxys texana (Asteraceae).  Phytoneuron 2014-19: 1–19.  


2014-20   28 January 2014

Harms, R.T. 2014.  A new species of Evolvulus(Convolvulaceae) from the High Plains of the Texas/New Mexico border.  Phytoneuron 2014-20: 1–20.  


2014-21   28 January 2014

Angelo, R. and D.E. Boufford.  2014.  Atlas of the flora of New England: Families of vols. 17& 18: Flora of North America. Phytoneuron 2014-21: 1–24 + map pages 1–32.    


2014-22   28 January 2014

Grande Allende, J.R.  2014.  Novitates Agrostologicae, IV. Additional segregates from Panicum incertae sedis.  Phytoneuron 2014-22: 1–6.  


2014-23   11 February 2014

McAvoy, W.A. and R.M. Wilson.  2014.  Rediscovery of Lobeliaboykinii (Campanulaceae) in Delaware.  Phytoneuron 2014-23: 1–4.  


2014-24   11 February 2014

Egger, J.M. 2014.  Neotypification and notes on the status of Castilleja tapeinoclada (Orobanchaceae).  Phytoneuron 2014-24: 1–5.


2014-25   11 February 2014

Holmes, W.C., J.R. Singhurst, and P.M. Loos.  2014.  Status of Amelanchierarborea (Rosaceae) in Texas. Phytoneuron 2014-25: 1–5.  


2014-26   11 February 2014

Reveal, J.L. and B. Ertter. 2014.  Overlooked sectional names of North American Rosaceae trib.Potentilleae.  Phytoneuron2014-26: 1–4.  


2014-27   18 February 2014

Darrach, M.E. and C.E. Hinchliff.  2014.  Lomatium tarantuloides (Apiaceae), a new narrowly endemic species from northeastOregon.  Phytoneuron2014-27: 1–8.  


2014-28   18 February 2014

Cholewa, A.F. 2014.  Lysimachia latifolia (Myrsinaceae), an overlooked nomenclatural change.  Phytoneuron 2014-28: 1–2.  


2014-29   18 February 2014

Grande A., J.R. 2014.  Additional notes: Segregates from Panicum incertae sedis. Phytoneuron 2014-29: 1.  


2014-30   4 March 2014

Rodríguez, D. and T.F. Daniel.  2014.  Hygrophila costata (Acanthaceae), nuevo registro para la flora de El Salvador.  Phytoneuron 2014-30: 1–3.  


2014-31   4 March 2014

Nesom, G.L.  2014.  Taxonomy of Erythranthesect. Erythranthe (Phrymaceae).  Phytoneuron 2014-31: 1–41.


2014-32   4 March 2014

Zander, R.H.  2014.  Four water-soluble mounting media for microslides.  Phytoneuron 2014-32: 1–4.  


2014-33   4 March 2014

Lemke, D.E.  2014.  Validation of the name Lecheatorreyi var. congesta (Cistaceae).  Phytoneuron 2014-33: 1–2.  


2014-34   14 March 2014

Schilling, E.E. and A. Floden.  2014.  Barcoding the Asteraceae of Tennessee, tribe Senecioneae.  Phytoneuron 2014-34: 1–5.  


2014-35   17 March 2014

Felger, R.S., S. Rutman, and J. Malusa.  2014.  Ajo Peak to Tinajas Altas: A flora of southwestern Arizona.Part 6.  Poaceae – grass family.  Phytoneuron 2014-35: 1–139.  


2014-36   25 March 2014

Vincent, M.A.  2014.  Neotypification of Trifoliumpsoralioides Walter (Fabaceae) and its transfer to Orbexilum. Phytoneuron 2014-36: 1–7.    


2014-37   25 March 2014

Burt-Utley, K. and J.F. Utley.  2014.  New species of Begonia(Begoniaceae) from Mexico and Central America.  Phytoneuron 2014-37: 1–8.  


2014-38   25 March 2014

Singhurst, J.R. and W.C. Holmes.  2014.  New vascular plant records for far south Texas.  Phytoneuron 2014-38: 1–4.  


2014-39   25 March 2014

Phipps, J.B.  2014.  A new series and validated varietal name in Crataegus (Rosaceae).  Phytoneuron 2014-39: 1–2.


2014-40   2 April 2014

Reveal, J.L. and K.N. Gandhi.  2014.  On the validity of TrilliumL. subg. Phyllantherum Raf.(Melanthiaceae: Parideae). Phytoneuron 2014-40: 1–3.  


2014-41   2 April 2014

Lichvar, R.W., M. Butterwick, N.C. Melvin, and W.N.Kirchner.  2014.  The National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update of wetland ratings.  Phytoneuron 2014-41: 1–42.  


2014-42   2 April 2014

Dean,E.A.  2014.  Two new species of Lycianthesseries Tricolores from eastern Mexico.  Phytoneuron 2014-42: 1–6.  


2014-43   10 April 2014

Angelo, R.  2014.  Observations relative to claims of disappearance ofLiliaceae and Orchidaceae in Concord, Massachusetts, USA.  Phytoneuron 2014-43: 1–8.    


2014-44   24 April 2014

Austin, D.F. and J.A. McDonald.  2014.  Lectotypification of Convolvuluswheleri (Convolvulaceae). Phytoneuron 2014-44: 1–4.  


2014-45   24 April 2014

Semple, J.C., and D. Estes. 2012.  Discovery of Solidagoporteri (Asteraceae: Astereae) in Alabama and Tennessee and a secondpopulation in Georgia. Phytoneuron 2014-45: 1–11.  


2014-46   1 May 2014

Nesom, G.L. 2014.  Citrus trifoliata (Rutaceae): Review of biology and distribution in the USA.  Phytoneuron 2014-46: 1–14.  


2014-47   1 May 2014

Sorrie, B.A.  2014.  Noteworthy records from Dare and Tyrrell counties, NorthCarolina.  Phytoneuron2014-47: 1–15.  


2014-48   12 May 2014

Costa, C.M. and R.P.Roberts.  2014.  Techniques for improving the quality and quantity of DNAextracted from herbarium specimens. Phytoneuron 2014-48: 1–8.  


2014-49   20 May 2014

Singhurst, J.R. and W.C. Holmes.  2014.  Rediscovery of Seleniaaurea (Brassicaceae) in Texas. Phytoneuron 2014-49: 1–3.  


2014-50   20 May 2014

Urbatsch, L.E. and J.K. Saichuk.  2014.  Hymenachne amplexicaulis new for Louisiana.  Phytoneuron 2014-50: 1–4.  


2014-51   20 May 2014

Pruski, J.F.  2014.  Lowryanthus rubens (Compositae: Athroismeae), a new genus and species from southeasternMadagascar.  Phytoneuron2014-51: 1–11.  


2014-52   2 June 2014

Bergeron, A. and S. Pellerin.  2014.  Carex×cayouettei(Cyperaceae), a new intersectional sedge hybrid from southern Québec, Canada.  Phytoneuron 2014-52: 1–11.  


2014-53   2 June 2014

Taylor, D.W.  2014.  Large inequalities in herbarium specimen density in thewestern United States. Phytoneuron 2014-53: 1–8.  


2014-54   2 June 2014

Stevens, W.D. and A.L. Arbeláez.  2014.  A new ocellate species of Matelea (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae) from Mesoamerica.  Phytoneuron 2014-54: 1–3.


2014-55   16 June 2014

Gutierrez, R., Jr.  2014.  Proboscidea fragrans (Martyniaceae) in El Paso County, Texas.  Phytoneuron 2014-55: 1–3.  


2014-56   16 June 2014

Gutierrez, R., Jr. 2014.  Noteworthy collections from Dallas County, Texas.  Phytoneuron 2014-56: 1–2.  


2014-57   16 June 2014

Ward, D.B.  2014.  Types of E.P. Bicknell's Sisyrinchium(Iridaceae).  Phytoneuron2014-57: 1–12.  


2014-58   16 June 2014

Carter, S.K., J.R. Singhurst, and W.C. Holmes.  2014.  Puccinellia parishii (Poaceae, Poeae): A genus and species new to Texas.  Phytoneuron 2014-58: 1–4.  


2014-59   16 June 2014

Willis, C.G. and C.C. Davis. 2014.  Reply to Angelo: Climate change and species loss inThoreau's woods (Concord, Massachusetts, USA).  Phytoneuron 2014-59: 1–4.  


2014-60   16 June 2014

Primack,R.B., A.J. Miller-Rushing, and B. Drayton. 2014.  Reply to Angelo: Declines in species in Thoreau’s Concordand the Middlesex Fells, Massachusetts, USA.  Phytoneuron 2014-60: 1–5.  


2014-61   16 June 2014

O'Kane, S.L., Jr., and K.D. Heil. 2014.  Penstemon bleaklyi (Plantaginaceae), a new high-elevation species fromnorth-central New Mexico. Phytoneuron 2014-61: 1–4.  


2014-62   16 June 2014

Reveal, J.L. and K.N. Gandhi.  2014.  Trillium subg. SessiliumRaf. (1830), an earlier namefor Trillium subg. Phyllantherum (Schult. & Schult.f) J.D. Freeman(Melanthiaceae: Parideae). Phytoneuron 2014-62: 1–3.  


2014-63   16 June 2014

Morgan, R., D. Styer, and J.L. Reveal.  2014.  Chorizanthe minutiflora (Polygonaceae:Eriogoneae),  a new narrow endemicCalifornia species. Phytoneuron 2014-63: 1–9.  


2014-64   1 July 2014

Santamaria Aguilar, D., R. Aguilar, y N.A. Zamora.  2014.  Una especie nueva de Couepia(Chrysobalanaceae) con pétalos pubescentes yendémica de la Península de Osa, Costa Rica.  Phytoneuron 2014-64: 1–7.  


2014-65   1 July 2014

Pruski, J.F.  Compositae- of Central America–III.  Fleischmannia pinnatifida (Eupatorieae), apinnatifid-leaved new species from Nicaragua.  Phytoneuron 2014-65: 1–7.  


2014-66   1 July 2014

Spellenberg, R., T.R. Van Devender, and P.D. Jenkins.  2014.  Astragalus martinii (Fabaceae), a new species from eastern Sonora and westernChihuahua, Mexico. Phytoneuron 2014-66: 1–8.  


2014-67   1 July 2014

Austin, D.F. and J.A. McDonald. 2014.  Relationships and taxonomy of Ipomoea variabilis (Convolvulaceae).  Phytoneuron 2014-67: 1–4.  


2014-68   1 July 2014

Hodel, D.R.  2014.  Washingtonia× filibusta (Arecaceae: Coryphoideae), a new hybrid from cultivation.  Phytoneuron 2014-68: 1–7.  


2014-69   1 July 2014

Felger, R.S., S. Rutman, M.A. Baker, J. Malusa.  2014.  Ajo Peak to Tinajas Altas: A flora in southwesternArizona.  Part 7. Eudicots: Cactaceae –Cactus Family.  Phytoneuron2014-69: 1–95.  


2014-70   1 July 2014

White, M.  2014.  Trifolium lappaceum (Fabaceae): New to Oklahoma with comments on the species inTexas.  Phytoneuron 2014-70:1–4.  


2014-71   1 July 2014

Rodríguez, D.  2014.  Bulbostylis paradoxa (Cyperaceae), nuevo registro para la flora de El Salvador.  Phytoneuron 2014-71: 1–3.  


2014-72   14 July 2014

Nesom, G.L.  2014.  Commentary: Speciation on a local geographic scale in Mimulus.  Phytoneuron 2014-72: 1–4.  


2014-73   22 July 2014

Spagnolo, S., C Bryant, K. Schulz, P. Minchin and E. Esselman.  2014.  Assessing quality of a regenerated prairie using floral andfaunal indices.  Phytoneuron2014-73: 1–15.  


2014-74   22 July 2014

Rosen, D.J. and S. Zamirpour.  2014.  Avicennia germinans (Acanthaceae) gaining ground in southeast Texas?  Phytoneuron 2014-74: 1–4.  


2014-75   6 August 2014

Siedo, S.J.  2014.  Sida littoralis, a new name for a species of Sida sect. Ellipticifoliae (Malvaceae) endemic to Florida.  Phytoneuron 2014-75: 1–5.  


2014-76   6 August 2014

Van Devender, T.R., A.L. Reina-Guererro, A.D. Flesch, S.Jacobs, and M.F. Wilson.  2014.  Additions to the flora of Sonora, Mexico. Phytoneuron 2014-76: 1–8.  


2014-77   6 August 2014

Holst, B.K. 2014.  A new species of Calyptranthes(Myrtaceae) from Panama. Phytoneuron 2014-77: 1–3.  


2014-78   6 August 2014

Zander,R.H.  2014.  Classical determination of monophyly, exemplified with Didymodon s. lat. (Bryophyta). Part 1 of3, synopsis and simplified concepts. Phytoneuron 2014-78: 1–7.  


2014-79   6 August 2014

Zander,R.H.  2014.  Classical determination of monophyly, exemplified with Didymodon s. lat. (Bryophyta). Part 2 of3, concepts.  Phytoneuron2014-79: 1–23.  


2014-80   6 August 2014

Zander,R.H.  2014.  Classical determination of monophyly, exemplified with Didymodon s. lat. (Bryophyta). Part 3 of3, analysis.  Phytoneuron2014-80: 1–19.  


2014-81   6 August 2014

Nesom, G.L. 2014.  Updated classification and hypothetical phylogeny of Erythranthe sect. Simiola (Phrymaceae). Phytoneuron 2014-81: 1–6.  


2014-82   12 August 2014

Spaulding, D.D.  andT.W. Barger.  2014.  Key to the Daffodils (Narcissus,Amaryllidaceae) of Alabama and adjacent states.  Phytoneuron 2014-82: 1–10.  


2014-83   12 August 2014

Woods, M. and A.R. Diamond, Jr.  2014.  The genus Baptisiain Alabama.  Phytoneuron2014-83: 1–11.  


2014-84   18 August 2014

Angelo, R.  2014.  Review of claims of species loss in the flora of Concord,Massachusetts, attributed to climate change.  Phytoneuron 2014-84: 1–48.


2014-85   28 August 2014

Felger, R.S., S. Rutman, and J. Malusa.  2014.  Ajo Peak to Tinajas Altas: Flora of southwestern Arizona:Part 8, Eudicots: Acanthaceae–Apocynaceae.  Phytoneuron 2014-85: 1–74.  


2014-86   28 August 2014

Johnson, G.P. and C. Frasier.  2014.  Yucca freemanii (Asparagaceae) new to Arkansas.  Phytoneuron 2014-86: 1–8.  


2014-87   28 August 2014

Atha, D.  2014.  New vascular plant county records from Bronx County, NewYork.  Phytoneuron 2014-87:1–2.  


2014-88   28 August 2014

Freire-Fierro, A.  2014.  A new combination for Monnina(Polygalaceae).  Phytoneuron2014-88: 1–2.  


2014-89   28 August 2014

Ward, D.B.  2014.  Thomas Walter Typification Project, VII: Observations on thegenus Collinsonia (Labiatae) and aneotype for C. serotina Walter.  Phytoneuron 2014-89: 1–5.  


2014-90   9 September 2014

Hrusa,G.F.  2014.  Two new subspecies of Giliaochroleuca (Giliasect. Arachnion: Polemoniaceae) from southwest-central California.  Phytoneuron 2014-90: 1–16.  


2014-91   9 September 2014

Harms,R.T.  2014.  Variation in Evolvulusnuttallianus (Convolvulaceae) in central Texas.  Phytoneuron 2014-91: 1–10.  


2014-92   9 September 2014

Primack,R.B. and A.J. Miller-Rushing.  2014.  Reply to Angelo: Changes in the flora of Concord,Massachusetts.  Phytoneuron2014-92: 1–5.  


2014-93   10 September 2014

Nesom,G.L.  2014.  Further observations on relationships in the Erythranthe guttata group (Phrymaceae).  Phytoneuron 2014-93: 1–8.  


2014-94   14 October 2014

Blackwell, A.H., P.D. McMillan, and C.W. Blackwell.  2014.  John Lawson’s plant collections, Virginia and North Carolina1710-1711.  Phytoneuron2014-94: 1–23.  


2014-95   14 October 2014

Nesom,G.L.  2014.  Phylogeny of Fraxinus sect. Melioides(Oleaceae): Review and an alternate hypothesis.  Phytoneuron 2014-95: 1–9.  


2014-96   14 October 2014

Atha, D, J.A. Schuler, and S. Lumban Tobing.  2014.  Corydalis incisa (Fumariaceae) in Bronx and Westchester counties, New York.  Phytoneuron 2014-96: 1–6.  


2014-97   14 October 2014

Singhurst,J.R., A.K. Buthod, and W.C. Holmes.  2014.  Pluchea foetida (Asteraceae) confirmed in the Oklahoma flora.  Phytoneuron 2014-97: 1–4.  


2014-98   14 October 2014

Angelo, R. and D.E. Boufford.  2014.  Atlas of the flora of New England: Families of vols. 9-13and 15-15 (except Fabaceae & Rosaceae) of the Flora of North America series.  Phytoneuron 2014-98: 1–43 + map pages 1–60.  


2014-99   14 October 2014

Rodriguez, Y.G. and G.V. Rojas.  2014.  Voyria crucitasensis (Gentianaceae), una nueva especie de plantamicoheterotrófica para Costa Rica.  Phytoneuron 2014-99: 1–6.  


2014-100   14 October 2014

Reveal, J.L.  2014.  John Torrey: A botanical biography.   Phytoneuron 2014-100: 1–64.  


2014-101   20 October 2014

Schilling,E.E., N. Mattson, and A. Floden.  2014.  Barcoding the Asteraceae of Tennessee, tribe Coreopsideae.  Phytoneuron 2014-101: 1–6.  


2014-102   20 October 2014

Spellenberg, R.  2014.  Grindelia oxylepis (Asteraceae, Astereae), new to New Mexico.  Phytoneuron 2014-102: 1–4.  


2014-103   12 November 2014

Diamond, A.R.  2014.  New and noteworthy vascular plant records from Alabama.  Phytoneuron 2014-103: 1–10.  


2014-104   12 November 2014

Bertelsen, C.D.  2014.  Review of plant elevation changes in Arizona.  Phytoneuron 2014-104: 1–10.  


2014-105   12 November 2014

Spellenberg, R.  2014.  Quercus barrancana (sect. Quercus, white oaks), a new species fromnorthwestern Mexico. Phytoneuron 2014-105: 1–12.  


2014-106   12 November 2014

Majure, L.C.  2014.  Typifications and a nomenclatural change in some easternNorth American Opuntia (Cactaceae).  Phytoneuron 2014-106: 1–2.  


2014-107   1 December 2014

Campbell, J.J.N. and W.R. Seymour, Jr.  2014.  Another review of theSymphyotrichum patens complex(Asteraceae), including a new variety of S.patens from the southern Blacklands, new records of S. georgianum, and notes on georgianum-likeplants outside its known range.  Phytoneuron 2014-107:1–33.  


2014-108   1 December 2014

Darrach, M.E.  2014.  Lomatium knokei (Apiaceae), a new, narrowly endemic species from Washington state.  Phytoneuron 2014-108: 1–12.  


2014-109   1 December 2014

Singhurst, J.R., C.T. Witsell, E. Sundell, and W.C. Holmes.  2014.  Utricularia cornuta (Lentibulariaceae) new to the Arkansas and Oklahoma flora.  Phytoneuron 2014-109: 1–5.


2014-110   1 December 2014

Zander, R.H.  2014.  Response to a particularly nasty review in the journal Cladistics.  Phytoneuron 2014-110: 1–4.


2014-111   11 December 2014

Brusca,R.C., W.M. Meyer, J. Overpeck, K. Franklin, J.F. Wiens, J. Eble, and W.Moore.  2014.  Replyto C. David Bertelsen: Review of plant elevation changes in Arizona.  Phytoneuron 2014-111: 1–4.  


2014-112   11 December 2014

Marshall,J.M.  2014.  Noteworthycollection of Papaver rhoeas fromIndiana.  Phytoneuron-112:1–4.  


2014-113   11 December 2014

Hill,S.R. and R.R. Halse.  2014.  Anew subspecies of Sidalcea hickmanii(Malvaceae) from Oregon. Phytoneuron 2014-113: 1–8.  

Phytoneuron 2013 publications



2013-1   9 Jan 2013

England,J.K.  2013.  Crassula aquatica (Crassulaceae) rediscovered in Alabama.  Phytoneuron 2013-1: 1–2.  


2013-2   9 Jan 2013

Angelo, R.and D.E. Boufford.  2013.  Atlas of the flora of New England: Fabaceae.  Phytoneuron 2013-2: 1–15 + map pages 1–21.


2013-3   9 Jan 2013

Spence,J.R.  2013.  A new combination in Ptychostomum(Bryaceae, Bryophyta) for Bryumsubneodamense Kindb. Phytoneuron 2013-3: 1.  


2013-4   28 Jan 2013

Nesom, G.L.  2013.  Taxonomic notes on Colubrina(Rhamnaceae).  Phytoneuron2013-4: 1–21.


2013-5   28 Jan 2013

Felger, R.S., S. Rutman, J. Malusa, andT.R. Van Devender.  2013.  Ajo Peak to Tinajas Altas: Flora of southwestern Arizona: Anintroduction.  Phytoneuron2013-5: 1–40.  


2013-6   28 Jan 2013

Reveal, J.L.  2013.  Identification of the plants and animals illustrated by MarkCatesby for his Natural History ofCarolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands.  Phytoneuron 2013-6: 1–55.  


2013-7   28 Jan 2013

McMillan, P.D., A.H. Blackwell, C. Blackwell,and M.A. Spencer.  2013.  The vascular plants in the Mark Catesby collection at theSloane Herbarium, with notes on their taxonomic and ecological significance.  Phytoneuron 2013-7: 1–37.  


2013-8   9 Feb 2013

Buthod, A.K.and B.W. Hoagland.  2013.  New to Oklahoma: Carexglaucescens (Cyperaceae) and Desmazeriarigida (Poaceae).  Phytoneuron2013-8: 1–5.  


2013-9   9 Feb 2013

Townsend, J.F.  2013.  Recognition of Boltonia asteroides var. glastifoliaand reestablishment of a more restrictive taxonomic concept for Boltoniaasteroides var. asteroides.  Phytoneuron 2013-9: 1–8.  


2013-10   9 Feb 2013

Wagner, D.H.  2013.  Rivulariella,gen. nov. (Jungermanniaceae), endemic to western North America.  Phytoneuron 2013-10: 1–9.  


2013-11   9 Feb 2013

Panero, J.L.and S.E. Freire.  2013.  Paquirea,a new Andean genus for Chucoa lanceolata (Asteraceae, Mutisioideae, Onoserideae).  Phytoneuron 2013-11: 1–5.


2013-12   9 Feb 2013

Zamora, N.A.  2013.  Una nueva especie de Schnella(Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae: Cercideae) para Costa Rica.  Phytoneuron 2013-12: 1–6.  


2013-13   9 Feb 2013

Singhurst,J.R. and W.C. Holmes.  2013.  Conyza floribunda (Asteraceae) new to the flora of Texas.  Phytoneuron 2013-13: 1–3.  


2013-14   25 Feb 2013

Urbatsch, L.E.  2013.  Plants new and noteworthy for Louisiana and Mississippi.  Phytoneuron 2013-14: 1–7.  


2013-15   25 Feb 2013

Turner, I.M.  2013.  Clarifying the nomenclature of Tridimeris (Annonaceae). Phytoneuron 2013-15: 1–2.  


2013-16   25 Feb 2013

Gutierrez, R., Jr.  2012.  Proboscidea sabulosa (Martyniaceae) in south Texas.  Phytoneuron 2013-16: 1–4.  


2013-17   20 Mar 2013

Phipps, J.B.  2013.  Validation of CrataeguslaurentianaSargent var. dissimilifolia (Rosaceae).  Phytoneuron 2013-17: 1–2.


2013-18   20 Mar 2013

Smith, M. and P.M. McKenzie.  2013.  Schoenoplectiella x magrathii (Cyperaceae), a new interspecific hybrid between S. halliiand S. saximontana from Oklahoma.  Phytoneuron 2013-18: 1–11.  


2013-19   20 Mar 2013

Schilling, E.E.  2013.  Barcoding the Asteraceae of Tennessee, tribes Cardueae andVernonieae.  Phytoneuron2013-19: 1–7.  


2013-20   20 Mar 2013

Vincent, M.A.  2013.  Euphorbia graminea Jacq. (Euphorbiaceae), new to the Bahamas.  Phytoneuron 2013-20: 1–3.  


2013-21   2 Apr 2013

Egger, J.M.  2013.  Castilleja kerryana (Orobanchaceae): A new species from the Rocky Mountains ofnorthern Montana. Phytoneuron 2013-21: 1–14.  


2013-22   2 Apr 2013

Spencer, J.M. and M.A. Vincent.  2013.  Southern cat-tail(Typha domingensis, Typhaceae) discoveredin Ohio.  Phytoneuron 2013-22:1–5.


2013-23   2 Apr 2013

Woods, M.  2013.  Dalea mountjoyae M. Woods (Fabaceae), a new name for Daleagracilis (Nuttall) D.B. Ward.  Phytoneuron 2013-23: 1.  


2013-24   2 Apr 2013

Semple, J.C.  2013.  On the name Solidagomirabilis (Asteraceae: Astereae) and a new name for a Japanese species ofgoldenrod.  Phytoneuron2013-24: 1–9.  


2013-25   2 Apr 2013

White, M.  2013.  Veronica hederifolia (Scrophulariaceae): New for the flora of Texas.  Phytoneuron 2013-25: 1–3.  


2013-26   9 Apr 2013

Zamora, N.A.  2013.  A new species of Licania(Chrysobalanaceae) from northeastern Costa Rica.  Phytoneuron 2013-26: 1–6.  


2013-27   9 Apr 2013

Felger, R.S., S. Rutman, J. Malusa, and T.R. Van Devender.  2013.  Ajo Peak to Tinajas Altas: A flora of southwestern Arizona:Part 2. The checklist.  Phytoneuron2013-27: 1–30.


2013-28   2 May 2013

Urbatsch,L.E. and A. Meszaros.  2013.  Calandrinia ciliata (Portulacaceae) new to Louisiana.  Phytoneuron 2013-28: 1–3.  


2013-29   2 May 2013

Hannick, V.C., J.N. Mink, J.R.Singhurst, and W.C. Holmes.  2013.  Annotated checklist of the vascular flora of McLennan County, Texas.  Phytoneuron 2013–29: 1–37.


2013-30   2 May 2013

Woods, M. and W.S. Hughes.  2013.  The genus Dalea(Fabaceae) in Alabama. Phytoneuron 2013-30: 1–7.  


2013-31   2 May 2013

Turner, B.L.  2013.  Taxonomic status of PorophyllumX fruticulosum Rydb. (Asteraceae:Tageteae).  Phytoneuron2013-31: 1–3.  


2013-32   20 May 2013

Keith, E.L.  2013.  Trifolium nigrescens (Fabaceae), new to the Texas flora.  Phytoneuron 2013-32: 1–6.  


2013-33   20 May 2013

Johnson, G.P.  2013.  Prunus americana (Rosaceae) in the Arkansas flora.  Phytoneuron 2013-33: 1–5.  


2013-34   20 May 2013

Barringer, K.  2013.  New combinations in Sairocarpus(Plantaginaceae).  Phytoneuron2013-34: 1–3.


2013-35   20 May 2013

Spellenberg, R. andW. Anderson.  2013.  Zaluzania augusta (Asteraceae: Heliantheae) new to the flora of Chihuahua, Mexico.  Phytoneuron 2013-35: 1–3.  


2013-36   27 May 2013

Turner, B.L.  2013.  Taxonomic overview of the Mexican species of Salvia sect. Flocculosae (Lamiaceae). Phytoneuron 36: 1–11.  


2013-37   27 May 2013

Felger, R.S., S. Rutman,J. Malusa, and T.R. Van Devender. 2013.  Ajo Peak to Tinajas Altas: A flora of southwestern Arizona:Part 3: Ferns, lycopods, and gymnosperms.  Phytoneuron 2013-37: 1–46.  


2013-38   27 May 2013

Felger, R.S., S.Rutman, J. Malusa, and T.R. Van Devender. 2013.  Ajo Peak to Tinajas Altas: A flora of southwestern Arizona:Part 4.  Angiosperms: Magnoliids.  Phytoneuron 2013-38: 1–9.  


2013-39   1 July 2013

Keith, E.L.  2013.  Securigera cretica (Fabaceae), new to the Texas flora and second record for North America.  Phytoneuron 2013-39: 1–2.


2013-40   1 July 2013

Diamond, A.R., J.K.England, and B. Dykes.  2013.  New to Alabama: Pitted bluestem, Bothriochloa pertusa (Poaceae).  Phytoneuron 2013-40. 1–5.  


2013-41   1 July 2013

Semple, J.C. and J. Peirson. 2013.  A revised nomenclature for the Solidago simplex complex (Asteraceae: Astereae).  Phytoneuron 2013-41: 1–4.  


2013-42   1 July 2013

Semple, J.C.  2013.  Application of the names Solidagostricta and S. virgata(Asteraceae: Astereae). Phytoneuron 2013-42: 1–3.  


2013-43   1 July 2013

Nesom, G.L.  2013.  Two new species of Erythranthesect. Mimulosma (Phrymaceae) fromCalifornia.  Phytoneuron2013-43: 1–10.  


2013-44   10 July 2013

Elowsky, C.G., I.E. Jordon-Thaden, and R.B. Kaul.  2013.  A morphological analysis of a hybrid swarm of native Ulmusrubra Muhl. and introduced U.pumila L. (Ulmaceae) insoutheastern Nebraska. Phytoneuron 2013-44: 1–23.    Corrected version.  


2013-45   10 July 2013

Angelo, R. and D.E.Boufford.  2013.  Atlas of the flora of New England: Families of vols. 6 &14: Flora of North America. Phytoneuron 2013-45: 1–23 + map pages 1–30.    


2013-46   10 July 2013

Nesom, G.L.  2013.  Diplacusthompsonii(Phrymaceae), new species from California.  Phytoneuron 2013-46: 1–7.  


2013-47   17 July 2013

Diamond, A.R.  2013.  New and noteworthy woody vascular plant records from Alabama.  Phytoneuron 2013-47: 1–13.  


2013-48   17 July 2013

Van Devender, T.R., R.Spellenberg, A.D. Flesch, S. Jacobs, and A.L. Reina-Guererro.  2013.  Northern distributional limits of the Mexican willow oak (Quercusviminea) in Arizona, Sonora, and Chihuahua.  Phytoneuron 2013-48: 1–6.  


2013-49   17 July 2013

Lichvar, R.W. 2013.  The National Wetland Plant List: 2013 wetland ratings.  Phytoneuron 2013-49: 1–241.  


2013-50   25 July 2013

Yatskievych, G.,R.J. Evans, and C.T. Witsell.  2013.  A reevaluation of the Ozark endemic Claytonia ozarkensis (Montiaceae).  Phytoneuron 2013-50: 1–11.  


2013-51   25 July 2013

Singhurst, J.R.,J.N. Mink, and W.C. Holmes.  2013.  Persicaria capitata (Polygonaceae) naturalized in Texas.  Phytoneuron 2013-51: 1–3.  


2013-52   25 July 2013

Patel, P.K.  2013.  Argemone ochroleuca (Papaveraceae) naturalized in Dahod District, Gujarat,India.  Phytoneuron2013-52: 1–5.  


2013-53   12 August 2013

Nesom, G.L.,D.J. Rosen, and S.K. Lawrence. 2013.  Notes on variation and geography in Rayjacksonia phyllocephala (Asteraceae: Astereae).  Phytoneuron 2013-53: 1–14.  


2013-54   12 August 2013

Horne, H.E., T.W.Barger, and G.L. Nesom.  2013.  Two South American species of Oxalis (Oxalidaceae) naturalized in Alabama and the USA, firstreport.  Phytoneuron 2013-54:1–7.


2013-55   12 August 2013

Arroyo, F.and A.J. Pérez.  2013.  Three new species of Magnolia(Magnoliaceae) from Ecuador. Phytoneuron 2013-55: 1–6.  


2013-56   12 August 2013

Mosyakin, S.L.  2013.  New nomenclatural combinations in Blitum, Oxybasis, Chenopodiastrum, and Lipandra (Chenopodiaceae).  Phytoneuron 2013-56: 1–8.  


2013-57   21 August 2013

Semple, J.C.  2013.  A new species of Triplinerviaegoldenrod in eastern Canada (Asteraceae: Astereae): Solidago brendiae. Phytoneuron 2013-57: 1–9.  


2013-58   21 August 2013

Semple, J.C., H. Faheemuddin, Y.A.Chong, M.K. Sorour, J.A. Hood, I. Khamis, Y. Ma, and K. Kornobis.  2013.  A multivariate morphometric study of the Solidago canadensis / S. lepida complex of Solidago subsect. Triplinerviae. I. Northeastern taxa (Asteraceae: Astereae).  Phytoneuron 2013-58: 1–20.  


2013-59   21 August 2013

Blackwell, A.H. and P.D. McMillan.  2013.  Collected in 1704 in South Carolina: The plants of JosephLord.  Phytoneuron 2013-59:1–15.  


2013-60   4 September 2013

Singhurst, J.R.,J.N. Mink, and W.C. Holmes.  2013.  A short chronicle of Euphorbiacommutata (Euphorbiaceae) in Texas.  Phytoneuron 2013-60: 1–6.  


2013-61   4 September 2013

Keener, B.R.  2013.  Two vascular plant species new to the Alabama flora.  Phytoneuron 2013-61: 1–4.  


2013-62   4 September 2013

Simpson, B.B.  2013.  Krameria bicolor, the correct name for Krameria grayi (Krameriaceae).  Phytoneuron 2013-62: 1.  


2013-63   13 September 2013

Chapel, K.J. and M.A. Vincent.  2013.  Trifolium kentuckiense (Fabaceae, Papilionoideae), a new species from Franklin andWoodford counties, Kentucky. Phytoneuron 2013-63: 1–6.  


2013-64   13 September 2013

Nesom, G.L. 2013.  A third species of Mimophytums. str. and three new species of Omphalodes(Boraginaceae) from North America. Phytoneuron 2013-64: 1–22.  


2013-65   26 September 2013

Nesom, G.L.  2013.  Three new species of Diplacus (Phrymaceae) related toD. cusickii and D. nanus.  Phytoneuron 2013-65:1–18.  


2013-66   26 September 2013

Nesom, G.L.  2013.  Taxonomic notes on Diplacus(Phrymaceae).  Phytoneuron2013-66: 1–7.  


2013-67   26 September 2013

Nesom, G.L. 2013.  New distribution records for Erythranthe (Phrymaceae).  Phytoneuron 2013-67: 1–15.  


2013-68   26 September 2013

Nesom, G.L.  2013.  Observations on habit and duration in populations of Erythranthe microphylla and E. guttata (Phrymaceae).  Phytoneuron 2013-68: 1–8.  


2013-69   26 September 2013

Nesom, G.L.  2013.  The taxonomic status of Mimulussookensis (Phrymaceae) and comments on related aspects of biology inspecies of Erythranthe.  Phytoneuron 2013-69: 1–18.


2013-70   26 September 2013

Nesom, G.L.  2013.  A new species of Erythranthesect. Simiola (Phrymaceae) fromCalifornia serpentine. Phytoneuron-70: 1–6.  


2013-71   27 September 2013

Weckesser, W. 2013.  First record of Peganumharmala (Zygophyllaceae) in Val Verde County, Texas, and subsequenteradication treatment. Phytoneuron 2013-71: 1–5.  


2013-72   27 September 2013

Pruski, J.F. 2013.  Studies of Neotropical Compositae–IX. Four new species of Calea (Neurolineae) from Bolivia,Brazil, and Paraguay.  Phytoneuron 2013-72: 1–14.


2013-73   27 September 2013

McMillan, P.D. and A.H. Blackwell.  2013.  The vascular plants collected by Mark Catesby in SouthCarolina: Combining the Sloane and Oxford herbaria.  Phytoneuron 2013-73: 1–32.  


2013-74   27 September 2013

Spaulding, D.D.  2013.  Key to the dodders (Cuscuta,Convolvulaceae) of Alabama and adjacent states.  Phytoneuron 2013-74: 1–15.  


2013-75   27 September 2013

Diamond, A.R.  2013.  New Cyperaceae and Poaceae records from Alabama.  Phytoneuron 2013-75: 1–18.  


2013-76   10 October 2013

Felger, R.S., S. Rutman, and J. Malusa.  2013.  Ajo Peak to Tinajas Altas: A flora of southwestern Arizona:Part 5.  Monocots except grasses.  Phytoneuron 2013-76: 1–59.


2013-77   10 October 2013

Powell, A.M. and R.W.Spellenberg.  2013.  Plateilema palmeri (Asteraceae: Helenieae: Plateileminae): Habitat informationand chromosome number from a population in Mexico.  Phytoneuron 2013-77: 1–5.  


2013-78   10 October 2013

Heiden, G.  2013.  Two new combinations in Baccharis(Asteraceae: Astereae). Phytoneuron 2013-78: 1–2.


2013-79   14 October 2013

Reveal, J.L. andK.C. Nixon.  2013.  The palm type collection in the Liberty Hyde BaileyHortorium (BH).  Phytoneuron2013-79: 1–46.


2013-80   14 October 2013

Nesom, G.L. 2013.  Mimulus filicifolius joins Erythranthe (Phrymaceae).  Phytoneuron 2013-80: 1–2.  


2013-81   14 October 2013

Schilling, E.E. and A. Floden.  2013.  Barcoding the Asteraceae of Tennessee, tribes Helenieae andPolymnieae.  Phytoneuron2013-81: 1–6.  


2013-82   6 November 2013

Morales, J.F. 2013.  Sinopsis del género Meliosma(Sabiaceae) en México y Centroamérica.  Phytoneuron 2013-82: 1–86.  


2013-83   6 November 2013

Spaulding, D.D.  2013.  Key to the bindweeds (Calystegia/Convolvulus,Convolvulaceae) of Alabama and adjacent states.  Phytoneuron 2013-83: 1–12.  


2013-84   6 November 2013

McKenzie, P.D.  2013.  Review: Yatskievych's Flora of Missouri, Vol. 3.  Phytoneuron 2013-84: 1–2.  


2013-85   6 November 2013

Morales, J.F.  2013.  Forchhammeria iltisii (Resedaceae), una nueva especie del bosque seco de CostaRica.  Phytoneuron 2013-85:1–7.


2013-86   6 November 2013

Thompson, R.L., D.B. Poindexter,K. Rivers Thompson, and P.F. Threadgill. 2013.  Thlaspialliaceum(Brassicaceae) naturalized in Georgia, Missouri, and North Carolina.  Phytoneuron 2013-86: 1–13.  


2013-87   22 November 2013

Singhurst, J.R., J.N. Mink, and W.C. Holmes.  2013.  Acer grandidentatum (Sapindaceae) in Montana.  Phytoneuron 2013-87: 1–4.  


2013-88   22 November 2013

Groberg, M.G., S.C. Meyers, P.M. Severns, and K. Amsberry.  2013.  Systematic evaluation of Sisyrinchiumhitchcockii (Iridaceae): A rare, endemic species of western North America.  Phytoneuron 2013-88: 1–6.  


2013-89   22 November 2013

Spellenberg, R.W.  2013.  Review: Lebgue Keleng and Quíntana Martínez, “Cactáceas deChihuahua."  Phytoneuron2013-89: 1–2.  


2013-90   22 November 2013

Campbell, J.J.N. and W.R. Seymour, Jr.  2013.  Towards a revision of the Rudbeckia fulgida complex (Asteraceae), with description of a newspecies from the blacklands of southern USA.  Phytoneuron 2013-90: 1–27.  


2013-91  22 November 2013

Malusa, J., K. Reichardt, R.S.Felger.  2013.  Giant sandbur (Cenchruspalmeri, Poaceae) new for Arizona and the United States.  Phytoneuron 2013-91: 1–5.  


2013-92  3 December 2013

Milsom, J.A. and M. Chamberland.  2013.  Mandevilla stans (Apocynaceae) new to the USA flora.  Phytoneuron 2013-92: 1–6.  


2013-93  3 December 2013

Buthod, A.K. and B.W.Hoagland.  2013.  New to Oklahoma: Murdanniakeisak (Commelinaceae). Phytoneuron 2013-93: 1–3.  


2013-94  3 December 2013

Schneider, A.  2013. Review: Heil, K.D., S.L. O’Kane, L.M. Reeves, and A. Clifford.  Flora of the Four Corners Region.  Phytoneuron 2013-94: 1–3.  


2013-95  11 December 2013

Lebkuecher, J., J. Craft, R. Hankenson, J. Johnson, and J.Martin.  2013.  Impactsof nonpoint-source pollution on periphyton characteristics in the West Fork ofthe Red River in north-central Tennessee.  Phytoneuron 2013-95:1–7.  


2013-96  11 December 2013

Singhurst, J.R., J.N. Mink, and W.C. Holmes.  2013.  Sennabicapsularis (Fabaceae) adventive in the USA(Texas).  Phytoneuron 2013-96:1–3.  


2013-97  11 December 2013

Nesom, G.L. 2013.  Review:Brandvain, Kenney, Flagel, Coop, and Sweigart. "Speciation and introgression between Mimulus nasutus and Mimulusguttatus." Phytoneuron 2013-97: 1–9.  


2013-98  11 December 2013

Lance, R.W. 2013.  Anew endemic species of Crataegus(Rosaceae) from western North Carolina.  Phytoneuron 2013-98:1–15.  


2013-99  11 December 2013

Spaulding, D.D. 2013.  Keyto the pinweeds (Lechea, Cistaceae)of Alabama and adjacent states.  Phytoneuron 2013-99: 1–15.

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