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已有 50436 次阅读 2014-3-11 18:02 |个人分类:软件安装及编译|系统分类:科研笔记






LDAUU = 0.00  2.00  0.00
LDAUJ =  0.00  0.20  0.00


LDAUL =-1  3    -1





Electronic structures[edit]

Typically, strongly correlated materials have incompletely filled d- or f-electron shells with narrow energy bands.

   One can no longer consider any electron in the material as being in a "sea" of the averaged motion of the others (also known as mean field theory).

    Each single electron has a complex influence on its neighbors.

    The term strong correlation refers to behavior of electrons in solids that is not well-described (often not even in a qualitatively correct manner) by simple one-electron theories such as the local-density approximation (LDA) of density-functional theory or Hartree–Fock theory.


  For instance, the seemingly simple material NiO has a partially filled 3d-band (the Ni atom has 8 of 10 possible 3d-electrons) and therefore would be expected to be a good conductor.

   However, strong Coulomb repulsion (a correlation effect) between d-electrons makes NiO instead a wide-band gap insulator.

   Thus, strongly correlated materials have electronic structures that are neither simply free-electron-like nor completely ionic, but a mixture of both.




紧密相连的半导体和 近藤绝缘体。 物理学中有个Kondo effect 即近搜索藤效应,指的是含有极少量磁性杂质的晶态金属在低温下出现电阻极小的现象。
   自从1930年以来,实验上发现某些掺有磁性杂质原子的非磁性金属(例如,以铜、金、银等为基,掺入杂质铬、锰、铁等的稀固溶体)的电阻-温度曲线在低温下出现一个极小值。 按照通常的电阻理论(见固体的导电性),稀固溶体的电阻应随温度下降而单调下降,最后趋于由杂质散射决定的剩余电阻,因此,难以理解上述现象。1964年,近藤淳对这个现象作了正确的解释,因此人们常把它称作近藤效应。


网络摘录3:  http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6a8a6ba40100pvfb.html


在平均场近似或者说是一般得LDA计算中,能带的自旋分裂是由一个称为Stoner 参数I来主导得,而且平均场近似中认为这个交换分裂能是小于带宽的,一般而言I的数值在LSDA中大概在1eV左右,这样即使对于某些氧化物如 NiO,FeO,MnO等即使能带发生交换分裂,整个体系依然是金属性的,试验观察到得这些氧化物实际上是绝缘体,主要原因在于在这些氧化物中d轨道的能级位置不是由I来决定的,而是Hubbard参数U决定,U也称为On-site Coulomb作用能,相当于把两个电子放在空间同一个位置需要得能量,U数值一般在10eV左右,如此大的分裂能足以将Fermi面附近连续分布得d能级分开,从而得到正确得基态性质,目前广泛采用得LDA+U的算法就是针对某些定域轨道,如d或者f,这些轨道占据存在强烈的在位Coulomb排斥。正是U使得带隙分裂,而不是轨道极化参量I


       d以及f 轨道电子之间的关联能采用一个和轨道占据以及自旋相关的有效U表示;整体计算的时候需要将原来DFT计算过程中已经包含的部分关联能扣除,这部分一般叫 Double Counting part,并且用一个新的U来表示,最终的结果是在DFT计算的基础上新增加一个和d或者f轨道直接相关的分裂势的微扰项,这部分能量可以采用一般微扰理论计算。
        在CASTEP最新的版本中增加的LDA+U的计算,U参数的设置一般主要是针对过渡金属氧化物(Charge transfer type insulator),包含非满层f轨道的元素等,高温超导体强关联体系。在

Species       U              J                    U-J(Ueff)
NiO              8.0           0.95                7.1
CoO          7.8          0.92                 6.9
FeO          6.8          0.89                 5.9
MnO          6.9          0.86                 10.3
VO             6.7          0.81                 5.9
TiO              6.6          0.78                5.8
Reference: Band theory and Mott insulators: Hubbard U insteat of Stoner I, PRB Vol44 No 3 (1991);
下面给出过渡金属(不包括稀土元素)U和J参数的选取(uint in Ry,1Ry=13.6eV):
3d series:
Elements       U                J
V                0.25             0.05
Cr                0.26             0.053
Mn                0.28             0.055
Fe                0.3                 0.058
Co                0.31             0.059
Ni                    0.31             0.06
4d series:
Elements       U                    J
Nb                    0.19             0.04
Mo                    0.2                 0.04
Tc                    0.21             0.042
Ru                    0.22             0.042
Rh                    0.25             0.044
Pd                    0.29             0.044
5d series:
Elements           U                   J
Ta                    0.19             0.039
W                   0.20             0.038
Re                    0.205              0.039
Os                    0.2                0.039
Ir                       0.21             0.038
Pt                   0.215              0.038
        对于其他过渡金属化合物U一般在5-10eV之间。如在PRB73,134418(2006)这个文献中作者在计算Co掺杂的ZnO时采用的U是6和 8eV。过渡金属的U数值和d电子排列以及价态有关系,因此上面给出的数值只是一个大概的估算数值,具体文献见Physical Review B Vol50,No23,1994.
      LDA+U 算法主要原创作者是俄罗斯金属研究所的V.I. Anisimov,重要文献有:
Corrected atomic limit in the local density approximation and the electronic structure of d impurities in Rb, Phys.Rev.B 50,23 (1994);
Band theory and Mott insulators: Hubbard U instead of Stoner I, Phys.Rev.B. 44 No.3 (1991);
Materials Studio 4.3版本中也给出了一些元素默认的U数值(实际是Ueff=U-J):

Element NameAtomic numberAngular MomentumHubbard U
Sc21d2.5 eV
Ti22d2.5 eV
V23d2.5 eV
Cr24d2.5 eV
Mn25d2.5 eV
Fe26d2.5 eV
Co27d2.5 eV
Ni28d2.5 eV
Cu29d2.5 eV
Y39d2.0 eV
Zr40d2.0 eV
Nb41d2.0 eV
Mo42d2.0 eV
Tc43d2.0 eV
Ru44d2.0 eV
Rh45d2.0 eV
Pd46d2.0 eV
Ag47d2.0 eV
Cd48d2.0 eV
La57f6.0 eV
Ce58f6.0 eV
Pr59f6.0 eV
Nd60f6.0 eV
Pm61f6.0 eV
Sm62f6.0 eV
Eu63f6.0 eV
Gd64f6.0 eV
Tb65f6.0 eV
Dy66f6.0 eV
Ho67f6.0 eV
Er68f6.0 eV
Tm69f6.0 eV
Yb70f6.0 eV
Fr87f2.0 eV
Ra88f2.0 eV
Ac89f2.0 eV
Th90f2.0 eV
Pa91f2.0 eV
U92f2.0 eV
Np93f2.0 eV
Pu94f2.0 eV
Am95f2.0 eV
Cm96f2.0 eV
Bk97f2.0 eV
Cf98f2.0 eV
Es99f2.0 eV
Fm100f2.0 eV
Md101f2.0 eV
No102f2.0 eV




NB: LDAUL, LDAUU, and LDAUJ must be specified for all atomic species!

LDAUU LDAUJ 两个参数是根据体系的POTCAR 中原子的种类来确定其值的个数,也就是说如果POTCAR 有三类原子的话,你想对其中的一类原子如V 加U 修正(假设加的U 为6.0V)的话,并且V 在POSCAR 中的顺序是第2类原子,而其他元素的原子不想加U 的话,其相应值设为0 即可。

LDAUU = 0.00  2.00  0.00
LDAUJ =  0.00  0.20  0.00


LDAUL =-1  3    -1

LDAUPRING =2  ,此参数一般可以不设。

总之注意加 U 要和各种元素原子对应起来,这样才行。
LDAUJ 的值一般是LDAUU 值的1/10 或稍大一些,总之前者和后者差一个数量级。
LDAU = .TRUE. Switches on the L(S)DA+U.
• LDAUTYPE = 1|2|4 Type of L(S)DA+U (Default: LDAUTYPE = 2)
1 Rotationally invariant LSDA+U according to Liechtenstein et al.
4 Idem 1., but LDA+U instead of LSDA+U (i.e. no LSDA exchange splitting)
2 Dudarev’s approach to LSDA+U (Default)
• LDAUL = L .. l-quantum number for which the on site interaction is added
(-1: no on site terms added, 1: p, 2: d, 3: f, Default: LDAUL = 2)
• LDAUU = U .. Effective on site Coulomb interaction parameter
• LDAUJ = J .. Effective on site Exchange interaction parameter
• LDAUPRINT = 0|1|2 Controls verbosity of the L(S)DA+U module







1. 在VASP中LDA+U和GGA+U是不是用命令LDAU=.TRUE.或GGAU=.TRUE.就可以了呢?什么情况下要+U呢?我看到VASP说明书上说对有d电子和f电子的体系要+U,那么对没有d或f电子的是不是就不用加了呢?


2. 英文说明书上对GGA+U的好像没有具体的说明,对LDA+U的说的比较详细,有LDAU=.TRUE.,LDAUTYPE=1/2/4/L/U/J,一般应怎么选择呢?


3. 关于赝势的选择:是不是LEXCH=91/PW/PB/LM/PE/RP的赝势只能用GGA计算,而LEXCH=CA的才能用作LDA计算?还是所有的赝势都可以用GGA和LDA计算?


4. 如果要比较GGA和LDA的结果,是不是必须用同一个赝势计算?



基本上对晶格参数影响不大,一般是会使E V上移,但对拐点的位置影响比较小。
影响Band structure的因素,我认为主要有两个:一个是Exchange-correlation kernel,其次是Pseudopotentials;现在大部分情况下pseudopotentials都是一样子的,因此主要是前者,采用不同的Exc形式对于band有影响,影响主要是说Eigenenergies 和band gap,所有local 和semi-local level functionals算出来的band dispersions,价带(VB)色散关系形状都很接近,当然因为Vxc的不同,可能对于特定的E(k)有能量的平移,local和semi-local functionals包括从LDA (CA-pZ,VWN),GGA(PBE,PW91,PBEsol,RPBE,rPBE, WC06,AM05)到Meta-GGA(PKZB,TPSS,RTPSS),导带部分,因为Vxc精确程度不同,因此band gap也会有差别,这个都是众所周知的,反正Meta--GGA以下的functionals继承了DFT只能用于计算ground state density和energy的传统,对于excited state(Band gap for solids)是无能为力。在Jacob Ladder的fourth rung,也就是Hybird functional,在Vxc方面引入了non-local exchange,这个convex修正对band structure影响比较大,特别是对于那些fractional accupation的轨道,一般可以达到+U的效果,比如PBE0 (0.25 Ex(HF)+0.75Ex(PBE)+Ec(PBE), 以及最简单的range separated fucntional HSE06
和HSE03(Short range HF exchange+long range GGA exchange+GGA correlation)。不过这个fourth rung的functionals在Ex和Ec构筑上面不是对等的,non-local和semi-local,一定程度上没有很好的延续semi-local和local functionals,Ex和Ec之间的error cancellation,在fifth rung,RPAlevel,是对等处理的。
Pseudopotentials改变的话,对于band也有影响,最简单的就是包含更多semi-cores或者更高能量的valenece orbitals算出来的和简单pseudopotentials算出来的就不一样,这个比较容易理解,不做解释了。
关于Mott-Hubbard insulator问题,要想得到正确的ground states,两个方面要先弄清楚:
第一是magnetic states要先弄对了,比如是AFM类型的Mott insulator,因此先要计算得到一个AFM的ground state
第二是在第一步的基础上可以做个+U的计算,U的数值要合适,太小的U不足以分裂能带,至少U数值要大于特定轨道能带的宽度,也就是U>t,这个可以参考文献,比较容易确定下来;因此正确的spin configuration+正确的U,可以确保计算结果的可靠性;
其他方案也有,比如直接用hybird functional,PBE0,HSE06, B3LYP。推荐前面两个,B3LYP在量子化学领域内被广泛的滥用,固体不推荐这个泛函。
Mott insulator,有带隙,当然是insulator了。


On site Coulomb interaction: L(S)DA+U (Supported as of VASP.4.6.)


LDAUTYPE= 1 | 2 | 4

LDAUL= [0 | 1 | 2 | 3  array] $ .qquad$LDAUU= [real array] $ .qquad$LDAUJ= [real array]

LDAUPRINT= 0 | 1 | 2


The L(S)DA often fails to describe systems with localized (strongly correlated) $ d$ and $ f$ electrons (this manifests itself primarily in the form of  unrealistic one-electron energies).

     In some cases this can be remedied by introducing a strong intra-atomic interaction in a (screened) Hartree-Fock like manner, as an on site replacement of the L(S)DA. This approach is commonly known as the L(S)DA+U method.
 Setting LDAU=.TRUE. in the INCAR file switches on the L(S)DA+U.

By means of the LDAUTYPE-tag on specifies which type of L(S)DA+U approach will be used:

  • LDAUTYPE=1: The rotationally invariant LSDA+U introduced by Liechtenstein et al. [90], which is of the form


    $.displaystyle E_{.rm HF}=.frac{1}{2} .sum_{.{.gamma.}}
...mma_3.gamma_4.gamma_2}){ .hat
n}_{.gamma_1.gamma_2}{.hat n}_{.gamma_3.gamma_4}


    and is determined by the PAW on site occupancies


    $.displaystyle {.hat n}_{.gamma_1.gamma_2} = .langle .Psi^{s_2} .mid m_2 .rangle
.langle m_1 .mid .Psi^{s_1} .rangle


    and the (unscreened) on site electron-electron interaction


    $.displaystyle U_{.gamma_1.gamma_3.gamma_2.gamma_4}= .langle m_1 m_3 .mid
...r}-{.bf r}^.prime.vert} .mid m_2 m_4 .rangle
.delta_{s_1 s_2} .delta_{s_3 s_4}


    ($ .vert m .rangle$ are the spherical harmonics)

    The unscreened e-e interaction $ U_{.gamma_1.gamma_3.gamma_2.gamma_4}$ can be written in terms of Slater's integrals $ F^0$, $ F^2$, $ F^4$, and $ F^6$ (f-electrons). Using values for the Slater integrals calculated from atomic orbitals, however, would lead to a large overestimation of the true e-e interaction, since in solids  the Coulomb interaction is screened (especially $ F^0$).

    In practice these integrals are therefore often treated as parameters,  i.e., adjusted to reach agreement with experiment in some sense: equilibrium volume, magnetic moment, band gap, structure. They are normally specified in terms of the effective on site Coulomb- and exchange parameters, $ U$ and $ J$. ($ U$ and $ J$ are sometimes extracted from constrained-LSDA calculations.)

    These translate into values for the Slater integrals in the following way  (as implemented in VASP at the moment):

    • $ p$-electrons: $ F^0=U$, $ F^2=5J$

    • $ d$-electrons: $ F^0=U$, $ F^2=.frac{14}{1+0.625}J$, and $ F^4=0.625 F^2$

    • $ f$-electrons: $ F^0=U$, $ F^2=.frac{6435}{286+195 .cdot 0.668+250 .cdot 0.494}J$, $ F^4=0.668 F^2$, and $ F^6=0.494 F^2$

    The essence of the L(S)DA+U method consists of the assumption that one may now write the total energy as:


    $.displaystyle E_{.rm tot}(n,.hat n)=E_{.rm DFT}(n)+E_{.rm HF}(.hat n)-E_{.rm dc}(.hat n)


    where the Hartree-Fock like interaction replaces the L(S)DA on site due to the fact that one subtracts a double counting energy ($ E_{.rm dc}$) which supposedly equals the on site L(S)DA contribution to the total energy,


    $.displaystyle E_{.rm dc}(.hat n) = .frac{U}{2} {.hat n}_{.rm tot}({.hat n}_{.rm...
... .frac{J}{2} .sum_.sigma {.hat n}^.sigma_{.rm tot}({.hat n}^.sigma_{.rm tot}-1)$(6.57)


















  • LDAUTYPE=2 (Default): The simplified (rotationally invariant) approach to the LSDA+U, introduced by Dudarev et al. [91]. This flavour of LSDA+U is of the following form:  


    $.displaystyle E_{.rm LSDA+U}=E_{.rm LSDA}+.frac{(U-J)}{2}.sum_.sigma .left[
.hat n_{m_1,m_2}^{.sigma} .hat n_{m_2,m_1}^{.sigma} .right) .right]


    This can be understood as adding a penalty functional to the LSDA total energy expression that forces the on site occupancy matrix in the direction of idempotency, i.e., $ .hat n^{.sigma} = .hat n^{.sigma} .hat n^{.sigma}$. (Real matrices are only idempotent when their eigenvalues are either 1 or 0, which for an occupancy matrix translates to either fully occupied or fully unoccupied levels.)

    Note: in Dudarev's approach the parameters $ U$ and $ J$ do not enter seperately, only the difference $ (U-J)$ is  meaningfull.  











  • LDAUTYPE=4: Same as LDAUTYPE=1, but LDA+U instead of LSDA+U (i.e. no LSDA exchange splitting). In the LDA+U case the double counting energy is given by,


    $.displaystyle E_{.rm dc}(.hat n) = .frac{U}{2} {.hat n}_{.rm tot}({.hat n}_{.rm...
... .frac{J}{2} .sum_.sigma {.hat n}^.sigma_{.rm tot}({.hat n}^.sigma_{.rm tot}-1)$(6.58)






LDAUL= $ L_1$$ L_2$ ... specifies the $ l$-quantum number (one number for each species) for which the on-site interaction is added.
(-1=no on-site terms added, 1= p, 2= d, 3= f, Default: LDAUL=2)

LDAUU= $ U_1$$ U_2$ ... specifies the effective on-site Coulomb interaction parameters.

LDAUJ= $ J_1$$ J_2$ ... specifies the effective on-site Exchange interaction parameters.

NB: LDAUL, LDAUU, and LDAUJ must be specified for all atomic species!

LDAUPRINT= 0 | 1 | 2  Controls the verbosity of the L(S)DA+U module.
(0: silent, 1: Write occupancy matrix to OUTCAR, 2: idem 1., plus potential matrix dumped to stdout, Default: LDAUPRINT=0)

It is important to be aware of the fact that when using the L(S)DA+U, in general the total energy will depend on the parameters $ U$ and $ J$. It is therefore not meaningful to compare the total energies resulting from calculations with different $ U$ and/or $ J$ (c.q. $ U-J$ in case of Dudarev's approach).  

Furthermore, since LDA+U usually results in aspherical charge densities at $ d$ and $ f$ atoms we recommend to set LASPH = .TRUE. in the INCAR file for gradient corrected functionals (see Sec. 6.44). For Ce$ _2$O$ _3$ for instance, identical results to the FLAPW methods can be only obtained setting  LASPH = .TRUE.

Note on bandstructure calculation:  The CHGCAR file also contains only information up to LMAXMIX (defaulted to  2) for the on-site PAW occupancy matrices. When the CHGCAR file is read and kept fixed in the course of the calculations (ICHARG=11), the results will be necessarily not identical to a selfconsistent run. The deviations can be (or actually are) large for L(S)DA+U calculations.  For the calculation of band structures within the L(S)DA+U approach, it is hence strictly required to increase LMAXMIX to 4 (d elements) and 6 (f elements).  (see Sec. 6.63).















































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