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The 2nd Pollinator Insect Forum (First Announcement)

已有 3500 次阅读 2017-2-15 12:54 |系统分类:科研笔记| 会议, 论坛, 传粉昆虫, 注册, 培训班

The 2nd Pollinator Insect Forum

(First Announcement)

Confirmed and supported by the General Council, the Entomological Society of China, the 2nd Pollinator Insect Forum will be held in Beijing,26-30 May 2017. This forum is organised by the Special Committee on Pollinator Insects, the Entomological Society of China, supported by the Youth Committee, the Entomological Society of China and the Ecological Society of Beijing. This forum will focus on  pollination function research, scientific reports and a workshop on pollinator insects. Special committee and delegates will also discuss the issues about the Special Committee on Pollinator Insects, working group and capacity-building and the possibility of the Chinese Chapter of International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI). Hereby we make the 1st announcement as below.

The major topics of this workshop:

The second meeting by the Special Committee on Pollinator Insects, theEntomological Society of China: Discussion on the committee organization and capacity-building, and establishment of the Chinese Chapter of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI).

The Second Pollinator Insect Forum: Scientific talks on pollinatordiversity and functions, etc.

A workshop for training next generation specialists on pollinator insects.


Registration: 26th, May 2017

Plenary and symposia: 27-28th, May 2017

Workshop: 29-30th, May 2017

Departure: 1st June 2017


Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

(Meeting room C101 or B105, will be announced later)


The official language for the workshop and training course is English. English presentations with Chinese PPT or vice versa are acceptable.


Registration fee: The registration fee is 800 RMB for regular attendees and 600 RMB for training course members. (to be decided in the 2nd announcement)

Payment: You can pay your registration at the Registration Desk or through bank transfer. The information on bank transfer appears as below:

Name of the bank account: The Entomological Society of China (中国昆虫学会)

Bank name: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Beijing West Haidian District Branch (中国工商银行北京海淀西区支行)

Bank account number:0200004509089163471

Notice: Please specify the "Pollinator Insect Forum" conference/ training course fee, when paying your registration through bank transfer. Cash only for the registration day (26 May 2017). If cash is unavailable, please transfer your registration fee as soon as possible.

Accommodation and transportation

Organizers will arrange dinners. Please arrange your hotel and transportation by yourself.If need help for booking the hotel rooms, please contact Xue-Mei Yang (Email: yangxm@ioz.ac.cn; Tel:010-6480-7085, 13552504452)

Contact persons

If you have any other question, please contact: Qing-Song Zhou (zhouqingsong@ioz.ac.cn)and Qin-Yan Dai (daiqy@ioz.ac.cn).

Address:Room A316, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1 Beichen West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China; Tel: 010-6480-7081; 010-64807085

Chair Persons:  Prof. Chao-Dong ZHU, Prof. Teja TSCHARNTKE, Prof.Zachary HUANG

Organizer:        The Special Committee on Pollinator Insects, the Entomological Society of China

Co-organizersThe Youth Committee, the Entomological Society of China

 The Ecological Society of Beijing

14February 2017

Participant information for the 2nd Pollinator Insect Forum




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