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已有 6795 次阅读 2017-1-20 20:20 |系统分类:科研笔记| 新种, 生物防治, 姬小蜂, 松树害虫




杨老师回复:昆虫界的天仙女一一果梢斑螟啮小蜂Baryscapus dioryctriae, 是一个新物种,十分美丽,请大家欣赏。它身体很小,只有2毫米长,金绿色,体态轻盈,体型优美,像一颗璀璨的绿宝石,又是一种优秀的天敌。它是我和博士后宋丽文等发表在《美国昆虫学报》2017年第1期上的一个寄生蜂新种,寄生在危害红松种子十分严重的大害虫——果梢斑螟蛹中,这种害虫的幼虫钻进红松球果中吃种子。我们常吃的松子就是红松的种子。由于它的危害,这几年我国东北林区红松种子产量大大降低,因此松子的价格越来越高。我们目前对这种小蜂正在进行人工大量饲养,释放后让他去防治果梢斑螟。我们将会吃到又圆又大、颗粒饱满、污染无公害的松子。(转发中科院动物研究所朱朝东研究员撰写的报道)

New Wasp Species Discovered Parasitizing Pests of Pine Trees

January 19, 2017 by Entomology Today

Baryscapus dioryctriae is a newly discovered species of wasp that parasitizes—and could be a potential biologicalcontrol agent of—two moth species of the genus Dioryctria, a pest of pine trees in China. (Photo credit: Li-Wen Song, et al)

By Josh Lancette

A new parasitoid wasp species, named Baryscapus dioryctriae, has been discovered in China. The new species is known to parasitize larvae of two species of Dioryctria, which are serious pests of pine trees, and was found during a survey looking for natural enemies of Dioryctria pryeri and D. abietella.





This finding, published today in the Annals of the Entomological Society of America, is important because the new species could potentially be used as a biological control agent. The Dioryctria moth larvae that hurt pine trees are often concealed within the cones, making insecticides generally ineffective. An effective biological control agent such as a parasitoid wasp could provide a way to manage the pest in an environmentally-friendly manner.

Baryscapus dioryctriae appears to have the characteristics of a superior biological control agent for suppression of its hosts because of its relatively high parasitism rate, the relatively large number of wasp individuals reared from a single host pupa, and the high female:male sex ratio,” write the researchers.

Furthermore,the new species appears to lend itself well to mass rearing, as the researchers successfully reared it on several other related hosts, such as the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) and the greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella).

The new species was discovered in a managed forest of Pinus koraiensis (commonly called Korean pine) in Northeast China by researchers from the Jilin Provincial Academy of Forestry Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Forestry.

Josh Lancette is manager of publications at the EntomologicalSociety of America.


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