黄安年文 黄安年的博客/2015年8月7日晚上美东时间;8日上午北京时间发布
自7月20日—8月7日, 为期三周(每周星期一到星期五, 每天上午9:00-15;45)由约翰·霍普金斯大学组织的以提高美国优秀中小学生的数学、科学和人文知识为目的的纽约夏令营活动在今天下午落下帷幕,学生家长应邀参加了各自孩子所在的数学或科学或人文班的结束活动,孩子们集体向家长汇报了自己的学习成果,班上和夏令营组织了学生优秀作品展。
下面是大外孙的结束夏令营活动7日下午的留影。我专程由Chappaqua, NY 前来曼哈顿西第59街和第九大道香交的夏令营所在地接他回住地,前后总共14次,加上一次踩点认路,一次注册登记和了解夏令营情况,算来有16次(另一次即8月6日又他妈妈接回),和门卫及夏令营辅导老师已经相当的熟悉了。我接大外孙活动每次花费时间在5-7个小时,都是在酷暑的中午时刻,先从家中达车到车站(10美元),继而乘坐纽约东南线火车到Grand Central,再乘地铁或步行到达目的地,接到后需要在半小时内专乘1号线和时代广场直达Grand Central赶上16;18分105次车,第一站就是Chappaqua,下车后接打车回家,车程7分钟,12-13美元(含小费1-2美元)
Dear CTY Families,
It is hard to believe we havealready come to the end of our summer program. This is a friendlyreminder that tomorrow is our Open House. Open House is staggered bydiscipline. Here is a breakdown of times:
1:15-2:10 PM:Science Courses (Be a Scientist, Examining theEvidence, The Edible World, The Physics of Engineering)
2:15-3:10 PM: Math Courses (Geometry and Spatial Sense, Robotics, Inductive/Deductive Reasoning,Numbers: Zero to Infinity)
3:15-4:10 PM: Humanities Courses (United Nations,Journeys and Explorations, Ancient World, ModernFantasy, Writing/Reading Workshop, Writing and the Imagination)
Some ImportantNotes:
-Classroom presentations will beginpromptly, so parents should plan to go to their students' classroomsfirst. CTY staff will be available to guide you to the right classroom.
-An additional showcase ofhighlights from each course and the Activities Program will be on display inthe cafeteria. Families are welcome to go before or after theclassroom presentations to visit the space.
-Students generally leave with theirfamilies after the Open House. As a result, dismissal will take place inthe classrooms. Instructors will have a sign-out sheet for parents tosign indicating their student has been dismissed. Please bring yourpink placard to show instructors.
-All students not dismissed to theirfamilies from the classrooms will be brought to After Care starting at 2:10PM. After Care will remain open until 5:30 PM.
We look forward to seeing youtomorrow to celebrate what has been a productive and memorable CTY session.
Shawn Chisty
Site Director
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