黄安年文 黄安年的博客/2011年10月12日(美东时间)发布
8月25日,我们前往新泽西看望袁清教授夫妇, 他们告诉我有关在俄亥俄州莱特市居住时发生的一件真实的经历, 他们所住地段遭受雹灾,许多家庭的屋顶受到不同程度的损害。过了一段时间, 他们发现许多家庭开始了屋顶翻修工程, 出于好奇,向邻居打听, 获悉政府对于遭受雹灾地区有笔拨款,由保险公司受理这笔拨款, 受灾家庭需要提出申请,由保险公司派人前来实地考察提出评估报告及给予补贴费的额度,如果受灾家庭在半年之内不提出补贴要求则将不予受理。于是他们向保险公司提出要求派人来评估他们家屋顶受灾程度, 保险公司很快派人前往, 但是他们并没有入户察看, 只是将汽车开到路口,看了一眼即回公司,用不了几天一纸通知, 同意受灾补贴,由于他们家的面积是超大型的,尽管屋顶只是被冰雹砸凹了几处,但全面屋顶面积翻修,结果费用是30000多美元, 除自己仅仅付保险费500美元,全部由保险公司来付, 当然这对于房屋出售时是个好消息。这笔费用最后是由政府埋单的, 保险公司和居民家庭均从中受益,何乐不为, 也是以民为本嘛!
“A Flood can hit anywhere, at any time, Protect yourself with flood insurance.
Flooding has made the news again. You may think your home is safe, but no one can predict where or when the next flood will happen. The fact is , everyone lives in a flood zone—it’s just a question of whether you live in a low, moderate, or high risk area.
Most homeowners insurance policies don’t cover flood damage. But you can help protect your home and its contents with a flood insurance policy from the National Flood Insurance Program.
Flood Insurance costs less than you might think.
If you live in a low-to-moderate risk area and are eligible for the Preferred Risk Policy through the National Flood Insurance Program, you could pay as little as $ 129 a year, including coverage for your property’s contents.
When you choose Allstate to administer your flood insurance, you’ll get service and convenience from an industry leader. And if disaster strikes, an experienced claim handing team will be there to help you when you need it most.
Call today. Sleep better tonight.
Don’t put it off any longer—call me at (914) 288-0101. I’ll be happy to provide you with information to help you choose the flood insurance protection that’s right for you
Cosgrove Agency, Inc. LUTCF
(914) 288-0101
owencosgrove@allstate.com ”
“P.S. it takes 30 days for a flood policy to take effect. Don’t wait-call me today!”
保险公司是依据国家的洪水灾害保险项目来推动家庭参与水灾保险的, 问题是我们所住的Danbury市Ridgebury Hills地段是一块丘陵坡地的最高处, 如果真的我们的住地遭受水灾了,那么估计整个康州和美东地区是一片泽国了, 某些低洼地估计被水淹在数十米深处了, 这样的情况真的发生,美国真的要遭遇没顶之灾了。
附照片一张是保险公司来信原件的影印件, 户主名字及地址照片中略去。
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