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STAP细胞事件再生枝节 精选

已有 26853 次阅读 2014-9-14 08:48 |个人分类:自然科学|系统分类:海外观察


关于STAP细胞的话题,本来已经没有什么值得再报道的。但是小保方美国哈佛大学的导师再生医学专家Charles Vacanti不甘寂寞,竟然再次启动这一话题,说自己有培养STAP细胞的秘密武器,制造STAP细胞并不是单纯用酸性培养基或机械压迫,还需要另外一个条件,就是要ATP 的参与,ATP就是三膦酸腺苷。不过他认为是由于严重疏忽导致这一错误信息,其实这种说法并不那么可信。细胞培养液的成分是细胞培养中关键问题,尤其是这种用于诱导干细胞的酸性培养基。其成分尤其不可能忽视。ATP浓度如果高于普通培养基,竟然因为疏忽绝对不可能。


“In recent months, our lab decided tore-explore the utility of a low pH solution containing ATP in generating STAPcells,” Vacanti writes in the revised protocol. “We found that while pH aloneresulted in the generation of STAP cells, the use of a low pH solutioncontaining ATP, dramatically increased the efficacy of this conversion.  When this acidic ATP solution was used incombination with mechanical trituration of mature cells, the results were evenmore profound” (emphasis original).




人们在发表论文的时候,故意将其中关键步骤避而不谈,主要是为避免其他学者超越,这好像成为学术领域的一个潜规则,但这种做法显然对促进学术的发展没有好处。一是验证他人研究存在风险,因为不能依靠公开发表论文中提供的研究方案,因此学术上一直有一种说法:重复有风险,开展要慎重。另外一个是确定研究的真实性存在困难,这在某种程度上已经成为制约科学发展的一种毒瘤,在实用技术上,受商业利润的影响,这种现象尤其普遍。但是在基础理论研究上,如果也采用同样的技术壁垒,将受到学术界的唾弃,学术研究本质上不提倡保密,提倡公开交流,因为理论上任何学术思想和技术都是在前人基础上的发展。假如STAP细胞确实是因为需要ATP才能成功,那么国际上许多先后重复小保方论文而又无法重复的学者会怎么想,会不会接受这个Charles Vacanti的行为?当然,如果这个方法确实被证明可行,会怎么样?



Asenior co-author on controversial, and now retracted, stem cell papers has quietlyposted new tips on how the research can be replicated.

Twopapers claiming that stressing the body’s cell could produce embryonic-likestem cells, a process called stimulus triggered acquisition of pluripotency(STAP), were heralded when published in Nature in January but thrashed soonafter when problematic images and figures were soon found.

Thatmight not have been so worrisome if the experiments, which the authors calledeasy to do, were replicated, but various external groups tried and failed to doso. Co-authors in Japan responded with a tipsheet. Soon after that, the leadauthor on the paper laying out the fundamental STAP technology, Charles Vacantiof the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, released his own,quite different, list of tips for reproducing STAP. Still no one succeeded inreplicating the findings.

SinceApril, Hitoshi Niwa, a well-respected mouse stem cell specialist at the Centerfor Developmental Biology (CDB) in Kobe and a co-author on the papers, has beengiving a focused, last-ditch effort to replicate the experiment; on August 27,he reported no luck so far and suggested that light emission from dying cells,known as autofluorescence, might have been confused with fluorescent tags meantto signal conversion to the embryonic-like state.

Duringthat period, the lead author on both papers, the CDB’s Haruko Obokata, wasfound guilty of misconduct and both papers were retracted. Obokata’s supervisorat the CDB, Yoshiki Sasai, committed suicide, and Vacanti stepped down aschairman of Brigham and Women’s Department of Anesthesiology, Preoperative andPain Medicine. The CDB itself has halved in size.

Onemight have thought that STAP was finished. But Vacanti is not one to give up soeasily.

Evenwhen he finally agreed to retract the papers, he maintained, in a post on hisdepartment’s website, that “there has been no information that cast doubt onthe existence of the stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency (STAP) cellphenomenon itself.” Vacanti said that he was confident that Niwa would“replicate the core STAP cell concept that my brother Martin and I originallyhypothesized, and trust that it will be verified by the RIKEN as well asindependently by others.”

Now,in a note posted without fanfare on Vacanti’s department’s website and datedSeptember 3 — one week after Niwa announced failure to replicate the findings —Vacanti has offered his second revision to the STAP protocol.

Incomparison his first revised protocol in March (“Refined protocol for generatingSTAP cells from mature somatic cells”), the new one (“REVISED STAP CELLPROTOCOL. 09.03.14:”) highlights the use of ATP in the solution, in combinationwith two stresses — exposure to acid and physical pressure on the cellmembranes — that he used in the previous recipe. “In recent months, our labdecided to re-explore the utility of a low pH solution containing ATP ingenerating STAP cells,” Vacanti writes in the revised protocol. “We found thatwhile pH alone resulted in the generation of STAP cells, the use of a low pHsolution containing ATP, dramatically increased the efficacy of thisconversion.  When this acidic ATPsolution was used in combination with mechanical trituration of mature cells,the results were even more profound” (emphasis original).

 We made a significant mistake in ouroriginal declaration that the protocol was ‘easy’ to repeat,” the protocolcontinues. “This was our belief at the time, but it turned out to be incorrect.Many of the steps described appear to be a function of the technique of theindividual investigator. Consequently, the revised protocol below shouldincrease the likelihood of success.”


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