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已有 4845 次阅读 2013-7-31 14:11 |个人分类:氢气生理盐水|系统分类:科研笔记| 输尿管





 IntImmunopharmacol. 2013 Jul 16. pii: S1567-5769(13)00288-9. doi:10.1016/j.intimp.2013.06.033. [Epub ahead of print]

Hydrogen-rich saline ameliorates renal injury induced by unilateralureteral obstruction in rats.

Xu B, Zhang YB, Li ZZ, Yang MW, Wang S, Jiang DP.

Department of Pediatric Surgery, Second AffiliatedHospital of Harbin Medical University, 246 Xuefu Road, 150086, Harbin, China.

Hydrogen has been demonstrated to have effective protectionagainst tissue injuries caused by oxidative stress, inflammation, andapoptosis. This study investigated the efficacy of hydrogen-rich saline (HS) onthe prevention of renal injury induced by unilateral ureteric obstruction (UUO)in rats. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided randomly into 4 groups: shamgroup, UUO group, UUO+saline group, and UUO+HS group. UUO was induced byligation of the left ureter. 5ml/kg HRSS or saline was administered beginning1day after UUO and for 10days thereafter. Rats were killed at 10days after UUO.Left kidneys were excised immediately for the tissue histologic examinationsand biochemical assays. Renal injury scores in the UUO group and the UUO+salinegroup were significantly higher compared with those in the sham group. However,administration of HS significantly reduced the injury score. Apoptosis indexwas significantly increased in UUO group and the UUO+saline group. HS treatmentalso reduced the apoptosis index. Interstitial fibrosis and macrophageinfiltration were obvious in UUO kidneys. However, HS treatment significantlyreduced the fibrosis and infiltration of macrophage in UUO kidneys. Significantincrease in the MDA level and decrease in the SOD activity were observed in UUOgroup and the UUO+saline group. MDA level of UUO+HS group was significantlyreduced. In addition, SOD activity of was significantly improved aftertreatment of HS. The data provide a biochemical and histologic basis for HSacting as a novel therapeutic strategy for preventing the renal injury inducedby UUO.


1.       Jiang Z,Xu B, Yang M, Li Z, Zhang Y, Jiang D. Protection by hydrogen against gammaray-induced testicular damage in rats. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2013Mar;112(3):186-91. doi: 10.1111/bcpt.12016. Epub 2012 Nov 1.

2.       Jiang D,Wu D, Zhang Y, Xu B, Sun X, Li Z. Protective effects of hydrogen rich salinesolution on experimental testicular ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats. JUrol. 2012 Jun;187(6):2249-53. doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2012.01.029. Epub 2012 Apr13

3.       Xu B,Zhang YB, Li ZZ, Yang MW, Wang S, Jiang DP. Hydrogen-rich saline amelioratesrenal injury induced by unilateral ureteral obstruction in rats. IntImmunopharmacol. 2013 Jul 16. doi:pii: S1567-5769(13)00288-9.10.1016/j.intimp.2013.06.033. [Epub ahead of print]


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