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. y8 n: G! o* l! M) i
网上资源(综合性):4 c& |: ]5 A$ V* M3 Q/ q5 f
: Q( k/ V% W" D) i: @9 ahttp://www.uksaf.org/tech/xps.html" A4 |6 [, Y, Z3 J
http://www.polymersolutions.com/xps.html  q* k+ p) j/ x. {
8 P: u. o! \5 g, u( _http://www.npl.co.uk/nanoanalysis/
- c  c. f/ {- c0 H* |9 q5 N8 v
# B  g4 @1 s4 I6 }! n" ]# l学习资源:, B1 G5 p( H9 D2 Q3 U' D2 S( c1 B: {
http://goliath.emt.inrs.ca/surfsci/xpslinks.html2 t, `' F, r, K4 b) u2 `
http://www.chem.qmul.ac.uk/surfaces/scc/scat5_3.htm6 y' Y3 H; z  T& _# Q7 W1 N! |
http://www.chemistry.adelaide.ed ... rel/content/xps.htm
  u6 u7 d' b/ B( U$ F' Jhttp://cmm.mrl.uiuc.edu/techniques/xps.htm1 |6 U, G" a8 x) [1 z5 D
http://www.csma.ltd.uk/techniques/xray_photoelectron.htm; E) h* ~; J% l
' q/ l. K! v1 u; E/ {: N1 C, F- {7 R
" @! X! Y' N3 pNIST X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Database
) X  |5 O' w: z( ihttp://srdata.nist.gov/xps/: w% b1 K. D) D; ]* A. c
/ s; u* U' P) c1 u6 F9 n
"  XPS Database Systems, XPS & AES Software & XPS Spectra Handbooks  "7 `; W; V6 e; x* N7 u
http://www.xpsdata.com/% k) i: o. S8 i: E9 t3 |" H. F

3 A$ ?; a4 ~  L  S. J Flash: http://www.lasurface.com/design/logolasurface.swf , P! V; M8 s' X1 D- @

4 q4 z8 L0 K% {3 K3 _www.lasurface.com/welfront.htm# \9 l8 t6 R7 P; A" f3 e
% z+ |7 R4 L9 c

( l9 n9 X# w" [/ d
4 R( J3 I: @- z6 A6 ?5 R6 ^主要软件
/ v% g' f8 s3 k7 N/ q" yhttp://www.phy.cuhk.edu.hk/~surface/XPSPEAK/
& j# W% o5 y2 x* I1 ?8 E  Zhttp://www.casaxps.com/
) D" t- {' H  i- o6 A6 n+ M3 ?' Ghttp://escalab.snu.ac.kr/~berd/Fitt/fitt.html
- P3 Z# I! x% ]5 Q7 g# O
2 m7 V& d4 |) f; A5 N
) e! O& b% I- D; R离子溅射产额最新数据:' R9 P6 c$ U+ h* m" ?5 v( J
(对估算深度剖面分析的厚度和表面刻蚀厚度非常有用)1 l" d2 z1 i! V5 D, _& ~2 p0 q
( D6 U3 c- l0 d4 G7 B( H& p5 }. D+ g# T9 z
5 P' i# @7 J$ ahttp://goliath.emt.inrs.ca/surfsci/jobs/index.html
" }. {3 T1 j) R! `/ W3 Z. V7 d; a& ~6 }# J: D; e9 g
主要公司:4 S9 H8 k& }- \4 a$ Y
热电(VG)% v) b9 _% S% K2 o4 H, {4 p
& }/ {7 `) }0 X2 G$ |% i! t5 t& }) O$ z5 w2 ]
PHI ( 或PE物理电子学)
! W3 q$ U1 U$ _" s! _http://www.phi.com/genf.asp?ID=2842 t" I1 B  G% k- s8 A1 Y
9 ]7 L- X! [4 l3 {
KRATOS. Y9 I- a5 C* l1 ]) r/ G, f
http://www.kratos.com/& b% H- H; f- g$ n) w5 n' j
# W- y' P8 ~; m0 A6 y; z

3 K6 q7 Y6 g% R2 j; b$ `主要参考书:% c+ a0 o* P* p" x

3 # ~4 B3 M$ s- r0 y) FPractical Surface Analysis -Auger and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
D. Briggs and M. P. Seah (Editors), Wiley Interscience, 1990 (2nd ed.)
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Photoelectron Spectroscopy (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences Vol. 82)
S. Huefner, Springer Verlag, 1995
Introduction to Photoelectron Spectroscopy (Chemical Analysis Vol. 67)
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P. K. Ghosh, Wiley Interscience, 1983
Handbook of Monochromatic XPS Spectra - Vol. 1 - The Elements and Native Oxides
B. V. Crist, XPS International, Inc., 1999
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Handbook of Monochromatic XPS Spectra - Vol. 2 - Commercially Pure Binary Oxides
B. V. Crist, XPS International, Inc., 1999
Handbook of Monochromatic XPS Spectra - Vol. 3 - Semiconductors
& l3 Z/ y. c5 j3 z) m) r $ ?% y$ O1 q4 F8 ?3 P7 P3 ~5 c  m8 a- @# L
B. V. Crist, XPS International, Inc., 1999
Handbook of Monochromatic XPS Spectra - Vol. 4 - Polymers and Polymer Damage
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B. V. Crist, XPS International, Inc., 1999
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Handbook of Monochromatic XPS Spectra - Vol. 5 - Miscellaneous Materials
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B. V. Crist, XPS International, Inc., 1999
On-Screen PDF Handbook of Monochromatic XPS Spectra - Vol. 1 - The Elements and Native Oxides, B. V. Crist, XPS International, Inc., 1999
Modern ESCA - The Principles and Practice of X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
T. L. Barr, CRC, 1994
+ E; p- p/ P$ Y" V7 d: Q. i8 n 6 t/ F9 T8 g2 B: { 6 f; `* M1 b6 b' V4 O% U& R* M3 c% Y
Systematics in the Electronic Stucture of Poly-Valent Liquid Metals Determined by Electron Spectroscopy (Ph.D. Dissertation)
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G. Indlekofer, University of Basel, Switzerland, 1987
Photo-electron Spectra Induced by X-rays of Above 600 Non-Metallic Compounds Containing 77 Elements
C. K. Jorgensen and H. Berthou, Munksgaard Publishers, Denmark, 1972
Handbook of X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
) B& T; c+ v0 e. k   O( L! M3 x+ j% ~ % l( \, Z- v7 G: b) D) [" l# l7 E, ?8 R
J. Moulder, William F. Stickle, P. E. Sobol, and K.D. Bomben, (J. Chastain, editor) Perkin Elmer Corporation (Physical Electronics), 1992 (2nd edition)
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Handbook of X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
C. D. Wagner, W. M. Riggs, L. E. Davis, and J. Moulder (G. E. Muilenberg, editor) Perkin Elmer Corporation (Physical Electronics), 1979 (1st edition)
Handbook of X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
N. Ikeo, Y. Iijima, N. Nimura, M. Sigematsu, T. Tazawa, S. Matsumoto, K. Kojima, and Y. Nagasawa, JEOL, 1991
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High Resolution XPS of Organic Polymers - The Scienta ESCA300 Database
G. Beamson and D. Briggs, Wiley Interscience, 1992
  s! E4 i: a" l, v3 V5 @1 I) G! f! c- q" s9 Z1 Z+ J. g
Practical Handbook of Spectroscopy
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J. W. Robinson, CRC, 1991
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(XPS BE Tables from K. Siegbahn)
VG Scientific XPS Handbook  AdemVG Scientific, 1991 (1st edition)
“表面分析”, 陆家和等编(清华大学),电子工业出版社.
8 w: E: I4 F) i) W6 J( g 2 A3 J- K0 `- j( L4 a4 K ( N! h9 H( e0 m& A0 l9 Z6 q% n8 A8 A' W  P0 z- D
1.        Surface and Interface Analysis
/ b( ?* R% E- t+ C$ k  R5 \& x4 C! K* r7 G! \& [
2.        Applied Surface Science
3.        Surface Science
& }" S+ S9 O* U, }3 I6 y9 V: u# I5 J- Q! R
4.        Surface Science Spectra
. o% N5 p2 G: n* Y
5.        J.Vac.Sci.Technol. A
6.        Vacuum
7.        Langmuir
+ \4 w1 V; L7 A! J% A : Y: k, H' ~! E6 T! F' X1 H4 a3 `6 {- D
8.        J.Physical Chemistry B
9.        Surface Letter and Review
10.        Applied Physics A
11.        ………….
4 n7 b- F3 Y3 [! B # \5 y! i7 R5 [! D ' D" j* x6 K; F. L
9 y, |; y, a+ w5 V$ b
% d0 `: x0 `  @6 h6 t5 o: T5 r. _元素灵敏度因子(在线):' A" p# C* P6 t1 f0 O' r4 E
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' s- B$ Q, G: chttp://www.xpsdata.com/XI_BE_Lookup_table.pdf
' y* L3 G$ l  o+ U( J2 {4 [
) % ^. x2 c8 `光电子截面:
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! s7 y: ?. m1 }7 h


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