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科技写作漫谈(99):句子的主题要简洁清楚 精选

已有 7954 次阅读 2012-11-16 07:55 |个人分类:科技写作|系统分类:论文交流| background, exactly, Yellow


1Due to the nonlinear and hence complex nature of ocean currents, modeling these currents in the tropical Pacific is difficult.

修改后的例1Modeling ocean currents in the tropical Pacific is difficult due to their nonlinear and hence complex nature.


2The reason for rejection on the part of the biochemists was that the focus of the paper was too broad.

修改后的例2The biochemists rejected the paper because it was too broad.


3The cells were incubated at room temperature for two days.



4A decision was made in favor of the use of dyes, nitrofurans, and amidines as disinfectants.


修改后的例4 We decided to use dyes, nitrofurans, and amidines as disinfectants.

或:They/Researchers decided to use dyes, nitrofurans, and amidines as disinfectants.

摘编自《科技写作与交流》(任胜利 . 科学出版社, 2012年出版)



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14 王守业 李清林 唐常杰 虞左俊 余皓 杨肖 王震洪 温世正 陈小润 李冰 王澄海 龚鹏飞 njgdy qinzhaosu

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IP: 112.65.188.*   | 赞 +1 [4]贾成友   2012-11-16 17:17
回复  Welcome.
2012-11-17 22:471 楼(回复楼主) 赞 +1 |
IP: 72.253.204.*   | 赞 +1 [3]虞左俊   2012-11-16 15:45
I would write:
It is difficult to simulate currents in the tropical Pacific Ocean, because some of these currents are narrow and swift (therefore the names of deep jet, Tsuchiya jets, etc.). The difficulties arise also because the model itself is not perfect (resolution, unresolved sub-grid-scale features, etc.) and the forcing fields are inaccurate.

In my view, using "nonlinearity" as an explanation is a lazy-man's old trick: blame anything he does not understand on nonlinearity.
回复  Many thanks.
2012-11-17 22:461 楼(回复楼主) 赞 +1 |
IP: 72.253.204.*   | 赞 +1 [2]虞左俊   2012-11-16 15:36
例1:Due to the nonlinear and hence complex nature of ocean currents, modeling these currents in the tropical Pacific is difficult.

修改后的例1:Modeling ocean currents in the tropical Pacific is difficult due to their nonlinear and hence complex nature.

You will never find any of my colleagues write such sentences. Both are made up by someone who does not know currents in the tropical Pacific Ocean
IP: 183.212.225.*   | 赞 +1 [1]njgdy   2012-11-16 11:59
回复  You are welcome.
2012-11-17 22:461 楼(回复楼主) 赞 +1 |

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