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科技写作漫谈(98):传递信息要先旧后新 精选

已有 8296 次阅读 2012-11-12 07:24 |个人分类:科技写作|系统分类:论文交流| 信息, background, exactly, Yellow



1Macular degeneration is affected by diet. One of the diet components that influences the progression of macular degeneration is vitamin B6. Although vitamin B6 seems to reduce the risk of macular degeneration, it may have some side effects.



2 Depression in the elderly is thought to affect more than 6.5 million of the 35 million Americans who are 65 years of age and older. It is considered to be a disorder that is commonly underdiagnosed, undertreated, and mismanaged by pharmacotherapy both in community dwelling seniors and in those residing in nursing facilities. Depression in the elderly has also been closely associated with dependency and disability that presents in both emotional and physical symptoms, thus amplifying the difficulty in diagnosis. Major depression, dysthymic disorder, and subsyndromal depression tend to be higher in persons over 65 who live in a long-term care facility.



3AOutbreaks of limb deformities in natural populations of amphibians across the United States and Canada, especially in wetland associated with agricultural fields , were evaluated in this study .

3BWe evaluated outbreaks of limb deformities that occurred in natural populations of amphibians across the United States and Canada , especially in wetland associated with agricultural fields .


摘编自《科技写作与交流》(任胜利 . 科学出版社, 2012年出版)



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IP: 112.25.185.*   | 璧� 璧� +1 [4]鑲栨潹   2013-2-24 22:21
IP: 61.153.150.*   | 璧� 璧� +1 [3]闄堟櫤缃�   2013-1-19 12:39
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IP: 61.140.154.*   | 璧� 璧� +1 [2]鏈卞織鏁�   2013-1-15 15:39
IP: 175.159.16.*   | 璧� 璧� +1 [1]davos   2013-1-13 12:19
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