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已有 5723 次阅读 2011-1-7 18:42 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:观点评述

 X/ H) S$ O
: v3 k0 Q4 U) R' x  ~  R+ c& XGWAS已为我们揭示了各种疾病与基因特定区域之间存在大量的关联。不过让人泄气的是,GWAS还未能显示出太多在这些关联背后的生物化学信息。在2011年,我们希望能真正了解到,基因及非编码区域对那些与代谢、肥胖和糖尿病相关的医学条件产生影响的内在机制。" [& k8 d% `4 f  ~
" o. E6 ]  y: d$ F科学家知道如何将人体细胞重编程为诱导多功能干细胞(iPS cell),并将iPS细胞转化成为其他细胞类型。接下来,从病人体内获取的iPS细胞将更多地应用到医学研究模型、潜在药物的筛选以及为何现存药物只对部分病人有用的研究上。
3 T8 R! P4 k# m6 v基因组测序大爆发$ X/ I. u; r) y% s" ?
在2011年里,人类基因组测序所需花费无疑将有所下降。下一代基因测序仪器已开始投放市场,这将使得进行全测序的人类基因组数量节节攀升。/ p9 @5 b) N" C) m; B( y$ h
丙肝治疗/ H) {% ) D1 v! E' B! |! K' S
5 I: {- r. P0 m- ^: K- C/ W合成生物学:想想多细胞
  L9 U2 ~8 G( x5 Z  o7 K# S科学家不用非得通过单个细胞弄清复杂的合成生物学了,我们可以期待有更多关于细胞群体行为的文章在今年发表。利用细菌来制药或许会成为现实。

Adaptation Genes! }# N3 K/ O3 3 [. G9 x- P" A/ p
Ecologists and evolutionary biologists are busy harnessing the faster, cheaper sequencing technologies to learn which genes help organisms, from bacteria to butterflies, thrive in the natural world. Until now, such genome scans were very difficult to do in organisms that weren't also already well studied in the lab. But new techniques, such as one called RAD tag sequencing, should lead to the discovery of many more genes contributing to adaptation in the coming year.   c+ j! y4 R; l3 L  ?# o. c! C

' C, o* l& o* h$ J9 yHammering Viruses$ _. h6 W6 g  X/ O1 I0 F4 `5 v  Q
Most antibodies are quite specific, derailing only viruses that look alike. But broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) are immune system generalists, capable of disabling a wide range of viral variants. Recent progress in identifying bNAbs effective against HIV and in developing a flu vaccination strategy in animals that elicits these generalists have brought us closer to harnessing these molecules. In 2011, researchers hope to come up with the viral pieces—the main vaccine ingredients— that trigger the immune system to make bNAbs.
( Q' l4 i. p0 E2 @/ g( D# J& r% }% }, s" N; h
Malaria Shots
& Y8 [/ _* r8 X7 a7 kScientists can't wait for the results of the first phase III trial of a malaria vaccine. Up to 16,000 children in seven African countries are taking part in the study; the results for almost 9000 of them—the cohort aged 5 to 17 months—will be announced late in 2011. The vaccine, called RTS, S, offered roughly 50% protection in phase II studies. That's not spectacular, but given the field's frustrating history, expect elation—and a speedy application for regulatory approval—if the phase III study does equally well.



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