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来自心怿的诗 (56)

已有 2659 次阅读 2010-10-10 21:51 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:诗词雅集




我厉声喝道: “埃里斯!你忘记了地球三千三百多年前按动核战争世界大战电钮的疯子们,他们不也是这样考虑问题吗?他们给世界带来了什么,你不也是见证者吗?”


“镇静!镇静!我尊敬的教授!不要激动嘛,你讲话声音太大了。我这也是不得为之,我的科学院院长的位置还需要推进器呀。” 埃里斯开始用虚张声势来掩盖他的卑鄙。





















I snappily shout: Ellis! You forget the nuclear war lunatics who push-button pressed World War in earth three thousand and three hundred years ago. Had they thought the problem as this way? What they brought to the world, aren’t you also a witness?


“Calm down! Calm! My respectfully Professor! Do not be mad well, you talk too loud. I have to do so because the location of my Academy of Sciences also needs propulsion.” Ellis begins to cover up his despicable bravado.



“Shameless! Where is the Overfly girl?”



“She is the world’s treasure, went to a place she merit to go. No other comment.” Ellis impatiently says.


“You will not get a good retribution!”



However, the strong current begins to pass my body by the limbs, as if a strong tremor and explosions, I hope this is just a nightmare, I snap the tongue, and hope to be awakened from terrible dreams.


But soon into fuzzy sense, eyes blank.



Fuzzy among many things happened to me, and then the emptiness, the absolute abyss of the unconscious ... ....


So when I wake up again, I feel my sense as the air flows into my thinking world; I seem to have forgotten something.




I remember it, I am a soldier of the United Nations thirteenth legion, Lorraine Romain, is the only one selected by the thirteenth legion, in Ellis Fellow super human schemes.


Over the past few months my experiences in the space experiment station are vivid, and vivid.



More text goes here.


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