《镜子大全》《朝华午拾》分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/liwei999 曾任红小兵,插队修地球,1991年去国离乡,不知行止。


【甜甜花絮: stage fright】

已有 2552 次阅读 2010-12-1 17:43 |个人分类:成长花絮|系统分类:生活其它| 甜甜花絮, stage, fright

【甜甜花絮: stage fright】 (2019 bytes)
Posted by: 立委
Date: September 02, 2007 11:15AM

学校有演讲培训,甜甜跟我说她最怕上台演讲,因为她有 stage fright. 每次上台,表面上看不出来,可是 "my legs are shaking". 

老师安慰她说,这个世界上,有 stage fright 的人比惧怕死亡的人都多。所以要多练习,培养自信心,慢慢就镇定自若了,这是基本的 social skills, 是中学教育的重要一环。 

我跟甜甜说,我从来没有 stage fright. 她说,you are one of the very few lucky ones who are born with this skill. Steve Job has this talent. Alexanda in my class is a lucky one too, he performs better on stage than elsewhere. But I am horrified of any public speeches. 

我说,有什么可怕的,只要你专心于自己要讲的内容,你站在台上,表面上在看着观众,eye contact, smiles, blah, blah, blah. 实际上,你什么也看不见,观众不过是黑压压的一片乌有。你只管说就好了。 

Easier said than done, 甜甜说。我说,我当年给国家副主席做翻译,记者无数,闪光灯一片,我也没害怕。甜甜说:Dad, no more bragging about it. You told me that many times already. I did not carry that from you. I am timid, like Mom. 

得。希望学校有办法培养她的勇气和 social skills。她小时候其实很主动的,现在越来越 shy 了。 


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