

Call for Papers: Special Issue on Nanoprobes and Biomedical

已有 1075 次阅读 2024-7-15 14:56 |个人分类:Nano Biomedicine and Engineering|系统分类:论文交流


The intersection of nanoprobes and biomedical imaging represents a transformative frontier in modern medicine and biotechnology. This field explores the utilization of nanoscale probes for enhanced visualization, detection, and analysis of biological systems. The development of nanoprobes, their integration with imaging modalities, and their application in preclinical and clinical settings are central to this research domain. This Special Issue highlights the key aspects of nanoprobe design, synthesis, and their utilization in various imaging techniques. Furthermore, it discusses the safety and biocompatibility challenges associated with these probes, their potential in disease diagnosis and therapy, and the quantitative analysis methods employed. This Special Issue concludes by outlining the frontiers of nanoprobe-based imaging and highlights the need for continuous innovation in this exciting and rapidly evolving field.

This Special Issue in Nano Biomedicine and Engineering (NBE) aims to provide a platform to showcase the recent progress and challenges in the field of nanoprobes and biomedical imaging. The scope of the collection is broad, including but not limited to:

  • Design and synthesis of nanoprobes

  • Application of nanoprobes in biomedical imaging

  • Biocompatibility and safety of nanoprobes

  • Application of nanoprobes and bioimaging in disease diagnosis and treatment

  • Quantitative analysis methods for nanoprobes and biomedical imaging

  • Research on cutting-edge technologies of nanoprobes and biomedical imaging

We hope that readers find this Special Issue informative and useful for the rational design and construction of nanoprobes and biomedical imaging. This call for papers is open for the following article types:

  • Research Article

  • Review

Open for submissions until 18 December 2024 (extended)

If you would like to contribute to this Special Issue, you can submit your article directly through the NBE online submission service. The Editorial Office reserves the right to check the suitability of submissions in relation to the scope of both the journal and the collection, and the inclusion of accepted articles in the Special Issue is not guaranteed. Please also note that all submissions will undergo our normal rigorous peer review processes.

Editorial Office

For any questions, please feel free to contact us:

Add: No. 1954 Huashan Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China (200030)

Tel: +86-21-62800087


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IP: 82.139.81.*   | 璧� 璧� +1 [6]鍒佺┖闈�   2014-10-25 00:38
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IP: 128.179.142.*   | 璧� 璧� +1 [5]璋捣浠�   2014-10-25 00:26
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IP: 128.179.142.*   | 璧� 璧� +1 [4]璋捣浠�   2014-10-25 00:26
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2014-10-25 09:091 妤硷紙鍥炲妤间富锛� 璧� 璧� +1 |
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2014-10-24 21:301 妤硷紙鍥炲妤间富锛� 璧� 璧� +1 |
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2014-10-24 21:351 妤硷紙鍥炲妤间富锛� 璧� 璧� +1 |
IP: 137.132.3.*   | 璧� 璧� +1 [1]鍙舵稕   2014-10-24 11:22
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2014-10-24 11:571 妤硷紙鍥炲妤间富锛� 璧� 璧� +1 |

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