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openSUSE Leap 42.2 released

已有 3671 次阅读 2016-11-17 03:16 |系统分类:科研笔记

Release Notes

   openSUSE Leap is a free and Linux-based operating system for your    PC, Laptop or Server.  You can surf the web, manage your e-mails and    photos, do office work, play videos or music and have a lot of fun!  

Publication Date: 2016-11-16, Version: 42.2.20161116.a7f4825

 This is the initial version of the release notes for the forthcoming  openSUSE 42.2.

 If you upgrade from an older version to this openSUSE Leap release, see  previous release notes listed here:

This public beta test is part of the openSUSE  project. Information  about the project is available at

 Report all bugs you encounter using this prerelease of openSUSE 42.2  in the openSUSE Bugzilla. For more information, see If you  would like to see anything added to the release notes, file a bug  report against the component Release Notes.

1 Installation

   This section contains installation-related notes.    For detailed upgrade instructions, see the documentation at  

1.1 Minimal System Installation

   To avoid some big recommended packages from being    installed, the pattern for minimal installations uses another    pattern that creates conflicts with undesired packages. This pattern,    patterns-openSUSE-minimal_base-conflicts,    can be removed after installation.  

   Note that the minimal installation has no firewall by default. If you need    one, install SuSEfirewall2.  

1.2 UEFI—Unified Extensible Firmware Interface

   Prior to installing openSUSE on a system that boots using UEFI    (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface), you are urgently advised to    check for any firmware updates the hardware vendor recommends and,    if available, to install such an update. A pre-installed Windows 8    is a strong indication that your system boots using UEFI.  

Background: Some UEFI firmware has bugs that cause it    to break if too much data gets written to the UEFI storage area. However,    there is no clear data of how much is too much.  

   openSUSE minimizes the risk by not writing more than the bare minimum    required to boot the OS. The minimum means telling the UEFI firmware about    the location of the openSUSE boot loader. Upstream Linux kernel features    that use the UEFI storage area for storing boot and crash information    (pstore) have been disabled by default. Nevertheless, it    is recommended to install any firmware updates the hardware vendor    recommends.  

1.3 Installer Crashes When Set to Mount by Label by Default

   When setting the default mount value to    By Label during partitioning, the installer will    report an error and crash. As a workaround use another option for    installation. If needed, switch back to By Label on    the running system.  

1.4 UEFI, GPT, and MS-DOS Partitions

   Together with the EFI/UEFI specification, a new style of    partitioning arrived: GPT (GUID Partition Table). This new schema    uses globally unique identifiers (128-bit values displayed in 32    hexadecimal digits) to identify devices and partition types.  

   Additionally, the UEFI specification also allows legacy MBR (MS-DOS)    partitions. The Linux boot loaders (ELILO or GRUB 2) try to    automatically generate a GUID for those legacy partitions, and write    them to the firmware. Such a GUID can change frequently, causing a    rewrite in the firmware. A rewrite consists of two different    operations: Removing the old entry and creating a new entry that    replaces the first one.  

   Modern firmware has a garbage collector that collects deleted    entries and frees the memory reserved for old entries. A problem    arises when faulty firmware does not collect and free those entries.    This can result in a non-bootable system.  

   To work around this problem, convert the legacy MBR partition to GPT.  

1.5 Nouveau 3D/DRI Driver May Crash KDE Applications

   With openSUSE Leap 42.2, the Nouveau Mesa/DRI driver for 2D/3D    rendering is considered experimental. The Nouveau kernel/KMS    driver and the Nouveau driver for 2D rendering are    still considered stable.  

   When the Nouveau Mesa/DRI driver is in use, some applications may crash,    especially KDE and Qt applications. The driver is now in a separate    package called Mesa-dri-nouveau, which can be removed    in case of problems.  

   Without this driver installed, there is no hardware 3D acceleration support    on any Nvidia GPU and no 2D acceleration on newer Nvidia GPUs    that use Glamor for fast 2D operations. Kernel Mode Setting and    basic 2D are still available, as is 2D acceleration via EXA on    GPUs from the Nvidia GPU generation code-named Kepler    (introduced in 2012) and earlier. 3D operations are supported    via software rendering.  

   For more information, see the bug reports at    and  

2 System Upgrade

   This section lists notes related to upgrading the system.    For detailed upgrade instructions, see the documentation at  

2.1 Upgrading from openSUSE Leap 42.1
2.1.1 Removed and Replaced Packages

    The following packages have been removed or replaced compared to     openSUSE Leap 42.1:    

  • arista: Replaced by transmageddon.        

  • cadabra: The source code no longer builds. The          successor, Cadabra          2 is not stable yet.        

  • dropbear: Removed because there are no relevant          advantages over openssh.        

  • emerillon: Replaced by          gnome-maps.        

  • gnome-system-log: Replaced by          gnome-logs.        

  • hawk: Replaced by hawk2.        

  • ksnapshot: Replaced by          spectacle.        

  • labplot: Labplot has been replaced by its Qt5          version, called labplot-kf5. If you are updating          from an openSUSE Leap 42.1 installation on which          labplot is installed, you will receive the          labplot-kf5 automatically.        

  • nodejs: Renamed to nodejs4.        

  • psi: Replaced by psi+.        

  • python-moin: Replaced by          moinmoin-wiki. Purely a rename, not a version          upgrade - a virtually identical drop-in replacement.        

  • seamonkey: Source code no longer compiles. If          you were a Seamonkey user previously, switch to Mozilla Firefox and          Mozilla Thunderbird instead.        

  • ungifsicle: Replaced by          gifsicle.        

  • xchat: Replaced by hexchat.        

2.1.2 /var/cache on an Own Subvolume for Snapshots and Rollback

/var/cache contains a lot of very volatile data, such     as the Zypper cache with RPM packages in different versions for each     update. As a result of storing data that is mostly redundant but highly     volatile, the amount of disk space a snapshot occupies can increase very     fast.    

    To solve this, move /var/cache to a separate     subvolume. On fresh installations of openSUSE Leap 42.2, this is     done automatically. To convert an existing root file system, perform the     following steps:    

  1.       Find out the device name (for example,       /dev/sda2 or /dev/sda3) of       the root file system:      

    df /
  2.       Identify the parent subvolume of all the other subvolumes. For       openSUSE 13.2 installations, this is a subvolume named       @. To check if you have a       @ subvolume, use:      

    btrfs subvolume list / | grep '@'

          If the output of this command is empty, you do not have a subvolume       named @. In that case, you may be able to proceed       with subvolume ID 5 which was used in older versions of openSUSE.      

  3.       Now mount the requisite subvolume.      

    •         If you have a @ subvolume, mount that subvolume         to a temporary mount point:        

      mount <root_device> -o subvol=@ /mnt
    •         If you don't have a @ subvolume, mount subvolume         ID 5 instead:        

      mount <root_device> -o subvolid=5 /mnt
  4. /mnt/var/cache can already exist and could be the       same directory as /var/cache. To avoid data loss,       move it:      

    mv /mnt/var/cache /mnt/var/cache.old
  5.       Create a new subvolume:      

    btrfs subvol create /mnt/var/cache
  6.       If there is now a directory /var/cache.old, move it       to the new location:      

    mv /var/cache.old/* /mnt/var/cache

          If that is not the case, instead do:      

    mv /var/cache/* /mnt/var/cache/
  7.       Optionally, remove /mnt/var/cache.old:      

    rm -rf /mnt/var/cache.old
  8.       Unmount the subvolume from the temporary mount point:      

    umount /mnt
  9.       Add an entry to /etc/fstab for the new       /var/cache subvolume. Use an existing subvolume as       a template to copy from. Make sure to leave the UUID untouched (this is       the root file system's UUID) and change the subvolume name and its mount       point consistently to /var/cache.      

  10.       Mount the new subvolume as specified in /etc/fstab:      

    mount /var/cache
2.1.3 Synaptics X Driver Can Degrade Touchpad Experience Under GNOME

   In Leap 42.1, the Synaptics X driver (package    xf86-input-synaptics) was installed by default but had a    lower priority than the libinput driver    (xf86-input-libinput).  

   Starting with Leap 42.2:  

  •      The Synaptics X driver is no longer installed by default.    

  •      If the Synaptics X driver is installed, it will take precedence for any      touchpad devices.    

  •      The Synaptics X driver is no longer supported by GNOME. This means when      the driver is installed, Synaptics touchpads can only be configured to      the extent that a basic mouse can.    

   Unless you are using a Synaptics touchpad and have a large amount of custom    configuration for the Synaptics driver, remove the package from your system:  

sudo zypper rm xf86-input-synaptics
2.1.4 AArch64: Page Size Has Been Changed From openSUSE Leap 42.1 to openSUSE Leap 42.2

   In openSUSE Leap 42.1, the default page size on AArch64 platforms was 64    kB. With openSUSE Leap 42.2, the page size has been changed to 4 kB.    This renders old Swap and Btrfs file systems unusable.  

   If you are currently on openSUSE Leap 42.1 on AArch64, consider a fresh    installation of openSUSE Leap 42.2 instead of upgrading.  

2.2 Upgrading from openSUSE 13.2

    The following notes apply to upgrades from openSUSE 13.2 or older.     Make sure to also review the information provided in     Section 2.1, “Upgrading from openSUSE Leap 42.1”.  

2.2.1 Network Interface Names

    When upgrading a remote machine from openSUSE 13.2, make sure your     network interfaces are named correctly.    

    openSUSE 13.2 used so-called predictable network interface names (for     example, enp5s0), whereas openSUSE Leap 42.1 uses persistent     interface names (eth0). After upgrading and rebooting,     the network interface names may therefore change. This could lock you out     of the system. To avoid interfaces from being renamed, run the following     command for each of your network interfaces before you reboot the system:    

/usr/lib/udev/udev-generate-persistent-rule -v -c enp5s0 -n enp5s0 -o /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules

    Replace enp5s0 with the name of your network     interface.    

2.2.2 Btrfs: Disk Space Leak after System Rollbacks

    openSUSE 13.2 used a Btrfs partition layout that allowed for disk space     to become permanently occupied with stale, inaccessible contents after the     first system rollback was executed.     This layout issue has been fixed in openSUSE Leap 42.1.     However, the fix can only be applied to newly installed systems.    

    If you are upgrading from openSUSE 13.2, you cannot convert the     file system to the new layout, but you can reclaim the lost disk space.    

  1.      Mount the initial root filesystem:    

    mount /dev/<ROOT_FILE_SYSTEM> -o subvolid=5 /mnt
  2.      Remove all files below /mnt that are not in a subvolume:    

    find /mnt -xdev -delete
  3.      Umount the filesystem again:    

    umount /mnt
2.2.3 Printing System: Improvements and Incompatible Changes

CUPS Version Upgrade to 1.7

   Compared to CUPS 1.5 in openSUSE 13.2 CUPS 1.7 introduced some    major changes that may require manual configuration adjustments.  

  •      PDF is now the standard print job format rather than PS.      Therefore traditional PostScript printers now also need a      filter driver for printing.    

         See      for details.    

  •      The network printer discovery protocol has changed.      The native method to discover network printers is now based on DNS Service      discovery (DNS-SD, that is, via Avahi).      The cups-browsed service from the      cups-filters package can be used to bridge old and new      protocols. Both cupsd and      cups-browsed need to run to make "legacy" clients      discover printers (that includes LibreOffice and KDE).    

  • The IPP protocol default version changed from 1.1      to 2.0. Older IPP servers like CUPS 1.3.x (for example in      SUSE Linux Enterprise 11) reject IPP 2.0 requests with Bad Request (see    

         To be able to print to old servers, the IPP protocol version must be      specified explictly by appending /version=1.1 to either:    

    •        The ServerName settings in        client.conf (for example,        ServerName      

    •        The CUPS_SERVER environment variable value.      

    •        The server name value of the -h option of the        command line tools, for example:      

      lpstat -h -p
  •      Some printing filters and back-ends were moved from the      cups package to the cups-filters      package.    

  • Some configuration directives were split from cupsd.conf      into cups-files.conf      (see,      CVE-2012-5519, and    

  • CUPS banners and the CUPS test page were moved from      the cups package to the      cups-filters package (see      and    

3 General

   This section lists general issues with openSUSE Leap    42.2 that do not match any other category.  

3.1 KDE Software for Personal Information Management (KDE PIM)

         openSUSE Leap 42.2 ships two versions of the KDE PIM          (Kontact, KMail, etc.) suite:      

  •         The legacy 4.x version        

  •         The version based on KDE Frameworks 5        

         KDE PIM 4.x is no longer supported by upstream KDE, but was          kept to avoid disrupting user workflows.      

         The two versions of KDE PIM are not co-installable. Some software, such as          KNode (package knode) require the legacy 4.x          version and will be uninstalled when installing any package from          KDE PIM 5.x (for example, the package kmail5).      

         KDE PIM 4.x will be removed in the next version of openSUSE Leap.          Therefore, you are encouraged to switch to the newer 5.x version.      

         However, not all settings are migrated from the older version at          this time. For more information, see the bug report at      

3.2 No Screen Lock When Using GNOME Shell But Not GDM

   When using GNOME Shell together with a login manager other than GDM, such    as SDDM or LightDM, the screen will not blank or lock. Additionally,    switching users without logging out is not possible.  

   To be able to lock the screen from GNOME Shell, enable GDM as your login    manager:  

  1.      Make sure that the package gdm is installed.    

  2.      Open YaST and from it, open      /etc/sysconfig Manager.    

  3.      Navigate to      DesktopDisplay managerDISPLAYMANAGER.    

  4.      In the text box, specify gdm. To save, click      OK.    

  5.      Reboot.    

4 More Information and Feedback
  •     Read the README documents on the medium.    

  •     View a detailed changelog information about a particular package from its     RPM:    

    rpm --changelog -qp FILENAME.rpm

        Replace FILENAME with the name of the RPM.    

  •     Check the ChangeLog file in the top level of the     medium for a chronological log of all changes made to the updated packages.    

  •     Find more information in the docu directory on the     medium.    

  • contains additional     or updated documentation.

  •     Visit for the latest product news     from openSUSE.    

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  Thanks for using openSUSE.  

  The openSUSE Team.

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