6.6 (狂犬病疫苗的)免疫持续时间
6.6 Duration of immunity
CCEEVs establish immunological memory that presumably persists for the life of the individual even after titres of neutralizing antibodies decline. Clinic data confirm that vaccinated people respond to booster immunization (26–28), even if the initial course of pre- or post-exposure prophylaxis was administer years previously and regardless of the route of priming or booster immunization (intramuscular or intradermal) and the presence or absence of detectable titres of rabies virus-specific antibodies at the time of the booster. In addition, published data indicate that periodic booster doses of vaccine are not required after primary rabies vaccination (29,30), except as an additional precaution for people whose occupation puts them at continual or frequent risk of exposure (see section 8.4). Nevertheless,all vaccinated individuals subsequently exposed to rabies, according to the WHO definition of exposure, should receive an abbreviated course of post exposure prophylaxis, as specified in section 8.
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