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GEE -- 遥感影像预处理

已有 10428 次阅读 2020-7-10 11:46 |个人分类:Google earth engine|系统分类:科研笔记


  • Extract image projection information and reproject an image. 重投影

  • Register images. 校准影像

  • Remove shadows. 去除阴影

  • Remove clouds. 去除云

  • Compute spectral indices. 计算光谱指数

Image Projections 投影


//Finding image projection information 

var image = ee.Image('LANDSAT/LT05/C01/T1_TOA/LT05_015030_20100531');  

print('Projection and transformation information:', image.projection()); 

//Print the nominal pixel size of the image (in meters) at the lowest level of the image pyramid 

print('Pixel size in meters:', image.projection().nominalScale());  

//Confirm that the nominal pixel size for the Landsat image is 30m 


var image = ee.Image('MODIS/MOD13A1/MOD13A1_005_2014_05_09'); 

print(image.projection());  //Confirm that the CRS is SR-ORG:6974 (a sinusoidal projection) 

var visParams = {min: 0.15, max: 0.7}; //Define visualization parameters  

Map.setCenter(-77.5127,43.2642,11); //Zoom to location near Rochester at level 11 

Map.addLayer(image, visParams, 'original');  //Add the original image to the map. 

var reprojected = image .reproject('EPSG:4326'); //EPSG:4326 is the code for ellipsoidal coordinates based on WGS 84  

Map.addLayer(reprojected, visParams, 'Reprojected');  


Performing image registration 影像校准


/* There are two steps to registering an image in GEE: 

determining a displacement image, which contains bands dx and dy that show an offset in x and y, 

respectively for each pixel, and then applying this to the image that is to be registered.  

This can be performed as two separate steps (Approach 1 below) or as a single step (Approach 2).*/ 

// Load two images to be registered. 

var image1 = ee.Image('SKYSAT/GEN-A/PUBLIC/ORTHO/MULTISPECTRAL/s01_20150502T082736Z'); 

var image2 = ee.Image('SKYSAT/GEN-A/PUBLIC/ORTHO/MULTISPECTRAL/s01_20150305T081019Z'); 

//Resampling in GEE can use nearest neighbor, bilinear or bicubic interpolation 

var image1Orig = image1.resample('bicubic'); //This forces the resampling method to bicubic 

var image2Orig = image2.resample('bicubic'); //Without using resample, the default is nearest neighbor 

//Choose to register using only the 'R' band. 

var image1RedBand = image1Orig.select('R'); //Create a new image that contains only the red band 

var image2RedBand = image2Orig.select('R'); 

//Approach 1  

//Determine the displacement needed to register image2 to image1 (using the selected red bands). 

var displacement = image2RedBand.displacement({

  referenceImage: image1RedBand,

  maxOffset: 50.0,      //defines the maximum displacement between the two images   

  patchWidth: 100.0   //size of patch used to determine image offsets. 


// Use the computed displacement to register all original bands. 

var registered = image2Orig.displace(displacement); 

// Show the results of co-registering the images.

var visParams = {bands: ['R', 'G', 'B'], max: 4000}; 

Map.addLayer(image1Orig, visParams, 'Reference'); 

Map.addLayer(image2Orig, visParams, 'Before Registration'); 

//Map.addLayer(registered, visParams, 'After Registration');//error! 可注释


//Approach 2  

/*If you don't need to know what the displacement is, Earth Engine provides the register() method, which combines calls to displacement() and displace(). 

The register() function uses all bands of the image in performing the registration. */ 

var alsoRegistered = image2Orig.register({ 

  referenceImage: image1Orig, 

  maxOffset: 50.0,   

  patchWidth: 100.0 }); 

//Map.addLayer(alsoRegistered, visParams, 'Also Registered'); 

探测并去除阴影像元(2 种方法)

有不同的颜色模型或颜色空间,例如 Red-Green-Glue (RGB), Hue-Saturation-Value (HSV), C1C2C3 等。


使用 C3* 指数, 基于 C1C2C3 颜色模型. Besher and Abdelhafiz (2015) found that the C3 component was sensitive to shadows but was not stable for certain color values. Thus, the C3* index was introduced to include near-infrared (NIR) information to increase the stability of the original C3 index. A threshold value is then used to distinguish between shadow and non-shadow pixels based on a histogram of C3* values. If water features are present in the image, a water mask is also applied since water and shadow pixels have similar radiometric responses.


Approach 2 utilizes the HSV color space and applies the normalized saturation-value difference index (NSVDI). A threshold value is used to distinguish between shadow and non-shadow based on a histogram of NSDVI values.

Mostafa and Abdelhafiz (2017) describe these two approaches as the best approaches in shadow detection due to the use of direct formula, and an automatic procedure that does not require human input.



/*Define study boundary and name it as geometry. This is a necessary step to limit the study boundary to the image of interest.*/  

var geometry = ee.Geometry.Polygon(         

  [[[-76.1397, 43.0399],           

  [-76.1399, 43.0314],           

  [-76.1283, 43.0314],           

  [-76.1284, 43.0397]]]); 


//Create a variable called NAIP to point to the NAIP data collection 

var NAIP = ee.ImageCollection('USDA/NAIP/DOQQ');   //Filter NAIP imagery 

var point = ee.Geometry.Point(-76.136, 43.036); //Create a point at City of Syracuse 

var naipImage = NAIP

.filterBounds(point) //filter with defined filter location   

.filterDate('2011-01-01','2011-12-30') //Limit images to the ones collected in 2011     

.mosaic(); //Convert selected images into one composite image rather than an image collection. 

Map.setCenter(-76.1362, 43.0362, 15); 

Map.addLayer(naipImage,{},'original NAIP image'); 



Approach 1: Modified C3* Index (from Besheer and Abdelhafiz, 2015).

//Construct an image with green, red and near infrared bands of selected NAIP image 

var imageGRN = naipImage.select(['G','R','N']); 

/*Spatial reducers are functions in GEE that composite all the images in an Image Collection to a single image representing, for example, the min, max, mean or standard deviation of the images. 

It can also be used to composite the maximum value per each pixel across all bands in one image. 

Here, it reduce the GRN image to a one-band image with the maximum DN value for each pixel across all bands in the GRN image.*/ 

var maxValue = imageGRN.reduce(ee.Reducer.max()); 


// Merge the one-band maximum value image and the original NAIP image to create a new image. 

var imageMAX = naipImage.addBands(maxValue.select(['max']),["max"]); 

/*first max selects the band to add, second max provides the name of the band in the new image*/ 


// Calculate C3* index (from Besheer and Abdelhafiz, 2015) 

var C3 = imageMAX.expression(     

  'atan(B/max)', {





/* Print a histogram of the C3* index and determine the inflection point. 

Besheer and Abdelhafiz (2015) found experimentally that selecting the low frequency DN 

in the valley between the predominant features gave consistently accurate threshold levels 

for separating the shadow from non-shadow regions. See Figure 2 in Besheer and Abdelhafiz (2015) for more details. */ 



//Based on selected threshold above, mask out non-shadow from the C3 image 

 var shadowmask = C3.select('B').gte(0.85); 


 //create non-shadow mask based on C3 threshold 

 var C3shadow = C3.updateMask(shadowmask); 

 //apply mask C3 image to get shadow-only image 


// Apply a NDWI mask to the shadow image to mitigate confusion between water and shadows.  

// Generate a NDWI image based on the selected NAIP image bands 

var NDWI = imageMAX.expression(     

  '(G-N)/(G+N)', {





// Print a histogram of the NDWI values and determine low point in the last valley. 



// Based on the threshold selected above, mask out water pixels from the shadow-only C3 image 

var NDWImask = NDWI.select('G').lte(0.6);  

//create a water mask based on selected threshold in step above 

var C3shadow = C3shadow.updateMask(NDWImask); 

//apply defined mask from above to the shadow-only C3 index image 

//Display final shadow pixels with water removed. 

//This sets the stage for shadow compensation, which is the next key step in shadow detection and removal. Shadow compensation can be done by applying equation 17 in Mostafa and Abdelhafiz (2017). 

Map.addLayer(C3shadow, {palette: 'FF0000'}, 'shadow_final'); 





Approach 2: Normalized saturation-value difference index (NSVDI) (from Mostafa and Abdelhafiz, 2017).

var naipImage = naipImage                  



/*Convert NAIP image into Hue-Saturation-Value (HSV) space. 

HSV space is also referred to as IHS (intensity, hue, saturation) or HSB 

(hue, saturation, brightness). HSV system is an alternative to describing colors 

using RGB components. Value relates to the brightness of a color. 

Hue refers to the dominant wavelength of light contributing to the color. 

Saturation specifies the purity of color relative to gray. 

It is often utilized in operations for resolution-enhancement (Lillesand et al. 2015). */

var naipImagehsv = naipImage.rgbToHsv(); 

var NSVDI = naipImagehsv.expression(     

  '(S-V)/(S+V)', {       





/*Print a histogram of the NSVDI in order to determine the shadow threshold. 

Mostafa and Abdelhafiz (2017) expect the threshold to be zero, 

but this did not provide a satisfactory result. 

An iterative process was needed to identify a threshold (-0.2). */ 


var NSVDImask = NSVDI.select('saturation').gte(-0.2); //select non-shadow pixels based  

var NSVDIshadow = NSVDI.updateMask(NSVDImask); //apply mask to remove non-shadow pixels.

// Display the shadow-only NSVDI image 

Map.addLayer(NSVDIshadow,{palette: 'FF0000'}); 

Cloud detection 云探测

This section explores the detection of cloud pixels utilizing the built-in Landsat cloud score function in GEE that compute a score of cloudiness for each pixel. Note that cloud detection is a first step in compensating for the impact of cloudy pixels.

var cloudy_scene = ee.Image('LANDSAT/LT05/C01/T1_TOA/LT05_015030_20100531');


Map.addLayer(cloudy_scene, {bands: ['B4', 'B3', 'B2'], max: 0.4}, 'TOA'); 

/* Add the cloud score band, which is automatically called 'cloud'. 

The simpleCloudScore function uses brightness, temperature, and NDSI to compute a score 

in the range [0,100]. */ 

var scored = ee.Algorithms.Landsat.simpleCloudScore(cloudy_scene); 

/* Create a mask from the cloud score by experimentally selecting a threshold. 

Smaller thresholds  mean more pixels are selected as clouds. */ 

var mask50 = scored.select(['cloud']).lte(50); // selects pixels with cloud score of 50 or less 

var mask30 = scored.select(['cloud']).lte(30); 

// Apply the masks created above to the image and display the result to determine an appropriate threshold. 

var masked50 = cloudy_scene.updateMask(mask50); //apply mask50 

Map.addLayer(masked50, {bands: ['B4', 'B3', 'B2'], max: 0.4}, 'masked50'); 

var masked30 = cloudy_scene.updateMask(mask30); //apply mask30 

Map.addLayer(masked30, {bands: ['B4', 'B3', 'B2'], max: 0.4}, 'masked30');


// Load an image.

var image = ee.Image('LANDSAT/LT05/C01/T1_TOA/LT05_015030_20100531');  

var evi = CF.expression(     

  '2.5 * ((NIR - RED) / (NIR + 6 * RED - 7.5 * BLUE + 1))',{

    'NIR':image.select('B4'), //select 4th band       

    'RED':image.select('B3'), //select 3rd band       

    'BLUE':image.select('B1') //select 1st band 





Lab 2 – Image preprocessing techniques using Google Earth Engine.pdf


Besheer, M., Abdelhafiz, A., 2015. Modified invariant colour model for shadow detection. Int. J. Remote Sens. 36, 6214–6223. Modified invariant colour model for shadow detection.

Mostafa, Y., Abdelhafiz, A., 2017. Accurate shadow detection from high-resolution satellite images. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 14, 494–498. https://doi.org/10.1109/LGRS.2017.2650996.

Scaramuzza, P.L., Bouchard, M.A., Dwyer, J.L., 2012. Development of the Landsat data continuity mission cloud-cover assessment algorithms. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 50, 1140–1154. Development of the Landsat Data Continuity Mission Cloud-Cover Assessment Algorithms.

Zitová, B., Flusser, J., 2003. Image registration methods: A survey. Image Vis. Comput. 21, 977–1000. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0262-8856(03)00137-9.


Chen, J., Jönsson, P., Tamura, M., Gu, Z., Matsushita, B., Eklundh, L., 2004. A simple method for reconstructing a high-quality NDVI time-series data set based on the Savitzky-Golay filter. Remote Sens. Environ. 91, 332–344. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2004.03.014

Harris Geospatial, 2018. Spectral Indices. URL 这是一个光谱指数大集合


Horning, N., 2004. Selecting the appropriate band combination for an RGB image using Landsat imagery Version 1.0. American Museum of Natural History, Center for Biodiversity and Conservation.


andCombinations_Final.pdf (accessed 25 Feb 2018)

Kennedy M., 2000. Understanding Map Projections. GIS by ESRI 1–31.


Lillesand, T. M., Kiefer, R. W., & Chipman, J. W. (2015). Remote sensing and image interpretation. 7th edition. John Wiley & Sons.


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