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Earth-Science Reviews 9篇;QSR 7篇;GSAB 3篇

已有 975 次阅读 2023-10-19 18:41 |系统分类:科研笔记

Earth-Science Reviews 9篇;Quaternary Science Reviews 7篇;GSA Bulletin 3

“意得辑”主要为英文非母语的科研作者提供英文润色、学术翻译、SCI/EI/SSCI发表指导等服务意得辑拥有2000多名具有专业学科背景的资深英文母语编辑、 翻译、发表专家团队



Urban evapotranspiration and its effects on water budget and energy balance: Review and perspectives


Earth-Science Reviews


Lacustrine dolomite in deep time: What really matters in early dolomite formation and accumulation?


Earth-Science Reviews


Mineralogy, geochemistry and occurrences of fougerite in a modern hydrothermal system and its implications for the origin of life [Earth Science Reviews, 225, 2022, 103910]

中国现代热液系统中钙辉石的矿物学、地球化学特征及其对生命起源的启示[j] .地球科学进展

Earth-Science Reviews


Bias in sediment chemical weathering intensity evaluation: A numerical simulation study


Earth-Science Reviews


Dynamics of Tethyan marine deoxygenation and relationship to S-N-P cycles during the Permian-Triassic boundary crisis


Earth-Science Reviews


Subduction initiation as recorded in the Izu-Bonin-Mariana forearc


Earth-Science Reviews


Scaling behavior of bedload transport: what if Bagnold was right?


Earth-Science Reviews


Cycles of ~32.5 My and ~26.2 My in correlated episodes of continental flood basalts (CFBs), hyper-thermal climate pulses, anoxic oceans, and mass extinctions over the last 260 My: Connections between geological and astronomical cycles

在过去260年间,大陆溢流玄武岩、超热气候脉冲、缺氧海洋和大灭绝的相关事件中~32.5 m~26.2 m的周期:地质和天文周期之间的联系

Earth-Science Reviews


Evolution of eastern Asia river systems reconstructed by the mineralogy and detrital-zircon geochronology of modern Red River and coastal Vietnam river sand


Earth-Science Reviews


Holocene summer temperature reconstruction based on a chironomid record from Sierra Nevada, southern Spain


Quaternary Science Reviews


Close encounters vs. missed connections? A critical review of the evidence for Late Pleistocene hominin interactions in western Eurasia


Quaternary Science Reviews


Glacial Isostatic Adjustment modelling of the mid-Holocene sea-level highstand of Singapore and Southeast Asia


Quaternary Science Reviews


Humid phases on the southwestern Arabian Peninsula are consistent with the last two interglacials


Quaternary Science Reviews


Different responses of precipitation patterns to the East Asian summer monsoon weakening: The 7.2 and 8.2 ka events

降水模式对东亚夏季风减弱的不同响应:7.28.2 ka事件

Quaternary Science Reviews


Prehistoric human activities and environmental background during the Late Neolithic to Bronze period in the Minjiang River Basin, Southeast China, based on luminescence ages and chemical elemental analysis of pottery


Quaternary Science Reviews


Stalagmite-based long-term and multi-centennial hydroclimatic variations in southwestern China during the Holocene and relations to global climate change


Quaternary Science Reviews


Late Cretaceous exhumation of the Little Belt Mountains and regional development of the Helena salient, west-central Montana, USA


GSA Bulletin


Investigating weathering signatures in terrestrial muds: Can climatic signatures be separated from provenance?


GSA Bulletin


Constraining flow and sediment transport intermittency in the geological past


GSA Bulletin




上一篇:JAES 10篇;AG 9篇;JGE 6篇
下一篇:Geophysical Research Letters 19篇;JGR 14篇
收藏 IP: 222.85.161.*| 热度|


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