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JAES 10篇;AG 9篇;JGE 6篇

已有 1038 次阅读 2023-10-17 22:27 |系统分类:科研笔记

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 10篇;Applied Geochemistry 9篇;Journal of Geochemical Exploration 6

“意得辑”主要为英文非母语的科研作者提供英文润色、学术翻译、SCI/EI/SSCI发表指导等服务意得辑拥有2000多名具有专业学科背景的资深英文母语编辑、 翻译、发表专家团队



Origin of the Saibo-Lamasu skarn Cu deposit, Western Tianshan, Xinjiang, NW China: Evidence from geology, mineral chemistry, fluid inclusions, stable isotopes, and organic geochemistry


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


The boundary between the Middle and Upper Cambrian strata in the Tarim Basin, NW China: regional to global SPICE event correlation


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Conditional simulation of spatially correlated earthquake accelerograms based on wavelet packet coefficients


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Neoproterozoic slab window in the western Yangtze Block, South China: Evidence from adakitic granodiorites, gabbro-diorites and high-K granites in the Panxi arc belt


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


In situ crystallization of Fe-Ti oxides in the Panzhihua layered intrusion, SW China: Constraints from crystal size distribution and high-resolution X-ray computed tomography analyses


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Geology, mineralization and magma evolution of the Zuun Mod Mo-Cu deposit in Southwest Mongolia

蒙古西南Zuun Mod钼铜矿床地质、成矿作用及岩浆演化研究

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Taxonomic revision of the Cambrian trilobite <em>Abadiella</em> and its stratigraphic significance in Gondwana


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Source, attenuation, and site response of the Namche Barwa area, southeastern Tibetan Plateau, SW China, derived from seismic data of the 2017 Mainling <em>M</em><sub>S</sub> 6.9 earthquake sequence

2017MainlingMS  6.9级地震序列震源、衰减及场地响应研究

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Fault growth and linkage in multiphase extension settings: A case from the Lufeng Sag, Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


A new ground-motion model to predict horizontal PGA, PGV, and spectral acceleration for small-to-moderate earthquakes in the capital circle region of China


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


The distribution, sources and health risk of <em>N</em>-nitrosamines in karst dominated water of liujiang river, southwest China


Applied Geochemistry


Rare earth elements in alkaline Lake Neusiedl, Austria, and the use of gadolinium microcontamination as water source tracer


Applied Geochemistry


Remediation of acid mine drainage and immobilization of rare earth elements: Comparison between natural and residual alkaline materials


Applied Geochemistry


Hydrogen and oxygen isotope signal transmission in rainfall, soil water, and cave drip water in Liangfeng Cave, Southwest China


Applied Geochemistry


Distribution and isotopic compositions of phenanthrene and methylphenanthrenes in crude oil types: Implications for source input delineation and grouping oil families


Applied Geochemistry


Elemental and Sr–Nd isotopic evidence for unravelling the origin of the low-temperature geothermal fluids of Tivoli Terme (Latium, central Italy) between erosional S4 and S3 phases (upper Pleistocene) and neotectonics implications

元素和Sr-Nd同位素证据揭示了上更新世侵蚀S4S3(意大利中部Latium) Tivoli Terme低温地热流体的起源及其新构造意义研究

Applied Geochemistry


The reaction kinetics and Sn isotope fractionation of Sn(IV) chloride hydrolysis


Applied Geochemistry


Building microbial kinetic models for environmental application: A theoretical perspective


Applied Geochemistry


Effect of hydrothermal alteration of Ca-bentonite in K-rich solutions with different pHs on the physicochemical, swelling, and Cs adsorption properties

不同ph值富钾溶液中ca -膨润土水热蚀变对其理化、溶胀及Cs吸附性能的影响

Applied Geochemistry


REE + Y distribution in Tremadocian shelly phosphorites (Toolse, Estonia): Multi-stages enrichment in shallow marine sediments during early diagenesis

Tremadocian壳质磷灰岩(Toolse, Estonia)中的REE + Y分布:早期成岩作用下浅海沉积物中的多阶段富集

Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Correlation between the surface morphology of the intrusions and the formation of mineralization within skarn deposits: A numerical simulation study of the Qiaomaishan skarn Cu deposit, Middle and Lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt, China


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Trace element compositions and geochronology of cassiterite from the Bushveld Large Igneous Province, South Africa


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Indium in ore deposits and mine waste environments: Geochemistry, mineralogy, and opportunities for recovery


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Magnetite geochemistry and mineralogy of iron skarn in the southern Wag Water Belt, Jamaica: Implications for ore genesis


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


An active molybdenum (polymetallic)-enriching system in foreland basins


Journal of Geochemical Exploration




上一篇:NC 27篇; NG 6篇; NCC 7篇; NSR 2篇; Geology 3篇
下一篇:Earth-Science Reviews 9篇;QSR 7篇;GSAB 3篇
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