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SEG 维基(SEG Wiki)-应用地球物理的百科辞典

已有 6549 次阅读 2012-4-13 18:19 |个人分类:地球物理勘探进展|系统分类:科研笔记| 地球物理, 维基, 毛宁波, SEG

    SEG(美国勘探地球物理学家学会)推出了SEG 维基(SEG Wiki)。大家有兴趣可以访问wiki.seg.org 网站,肯定对大家有帮助的。SEG维基有以下4个特点:




SEG has launched the new SEG Wiki—An Encyclopedia for Applied Geophysics. Breaking new ground in the geosciences industry, the SEG Wiki is a designed to serve up technical content to meet the needs of researchers worldwide. Go to wiki.seg.org to experience these four benefits of the SEG Wiki.

The SEG Wiki is a simple, intuitive research tool

Navigating through the SEG Wiki is a snap. With consistent navigation links and a handful of contextual "Toolbox" links to help you drill down, the SEG Wiki makes it easy to uncover valuable information. And when the general navigation doesn't get you where you want to go quickly enough, opt for the Wiki's intuitive Search tool.

The SEG Wiki focuses exclusively on geosciences topics

The SEG Wiki is the first true Wiki that is devoted exclusively to the geosciences. As you browse, there is no need to weave and dodge through irrelevant topics and commentary. The SEG Wiki is committed to providing only focused, pertinent geophysical content.

The SEG Wiki is moderated by your peers

The SEG Wiki is moderated by members of the geosciences community. SEG President Bob Hardage notes: "The SEG Online Committee developed the vision for this outstanding resource, establishing from its ranks an Online Technical Content Board to steward the project and team with SEG's IT staff to make it happen." Moderators and members of the SEG Online Committee are charged with protecting the valuable information housed in the Wiki, creating a safe browsing environment of legitimacy and integrity.

The SEG Wiki is populated by your peers…and Sheriff's Encyclopedic Dictionary

The SEG Wiki is a member-content-driven resource site. While its foundational content is built on the foundation of the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Applied Geophysics by Robert Sheriff, continued content contributions come directly from members of and subject matter experts in the geophysical community. "The new SEG Wiki [provides] an opportunity for all SEG members to contribute their specialized technical knowledge in a quickly accessible format to the entire SEG Community," said Bill Dragoset, SEG Online Technical Content Board Chairman. Its content is as current as the last commentary posted.

Apache Corporation has made a five year, US $250,000 commitment to support the ongoing development of the SEG Wiki. Mike Bahorich, Apache's executive vice president/chief technology officer notes: "Apache started down the path of developing an internal E&P Wiki but firmly believes that the natural owners are professional societies. Congratulations to SEG for being the first among the E&P-focused societies to have a working wiki. We are pleased to support ongoing development."

After spending even a short amount of time on the SEG Wiki, you'll surely be able to add to this list of benefits. Point your browser to the SEG Wiki today at wiki.seg.org.


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