

交流认知的规范——对Anna Sford教授2008年出版的《Thinking as communicating》研读

已有 1926 次阅读 2019-2-19 15:35 |系统分类:科研笔记

       Anna Sford教授交流认知理论中的规范内容,让我困惑了很久。所以,近日来,进一步研读了Anna Sford教授2008年出版的《Thinking as communicating》,尤其是其中和交流认知规范相关的第7章和第8章。

       先分享《Thinking as communicating》目录中第7章和第8章的内容。

7 Routines: How We Mathematize

  1. Meaningfulness from Repetition

  2. Rules of Discourse

  3. Routines

  4. Routines and Creativity

  5. Routines一in a Nutshell(简言)

8 Explorations, Deeds, and Rituals: What We Mathematize For

  1. Explorations

  2. Deeds

  3. Rituals

  4. Development of Routines

  5. Explorations, Deeds, and Rituals:What we Mathematize For一in a Nutshell

       其次,再分享一下7.3 Routines中关于Routiue的定义。

A Routiue may be defined as a set of metarules that describe a repetitivediscursive action. This set of pattern-defining rules may be divided intotwo subsets:    

  The how of a routine, which is a set of metarules that determine,    or just constrain, the course of the patterned discursive performance    (the couYSe of dctiou or pYOCeduYe, from now on) and    

  The when of a routine, which is a collection of metarules that deter-    mine, or just constrain, those situations in which the discursant would    deem this performance as appropriate.

        以及8.4 Development of Routines中关于Routines和Explorations, Deeds, and Rituals的关系。

How do new discursive routines emerge and how do they later evolve? The Incipient Numerical Thinking Study provided us with an opportunity to watchearly stages in the development of the comparing-by-counting routine. Asargued earlier, in this initial phase, the routine was clearly a ritual rather than an exploration. I now wish to argue that this one case may count as rep-resentative of a more general phenomenon: Far from being an unintendedresult of an unsuccessful learning-teaching process, ritual is often a natural,mostly inevitable, stage in routine development. This vindication of ritualsis a necessary consequence of our recognition of the inherently socialnature of human lalowing and learning.

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