


已有 2065 次阅读 2018-11-12 21:01 |系统分类:科研笔记

      整理文献过程中,意外发现,SSCI期刊《数学教育研究》(Educational Studies in Mathematics)在2016年的Volume 91, Issue 3, March,刊发了《交流视角下的数学学习与教学研究》(Communicational perspectives on learning and teaching mathematics)的系列专栏。该专栏的编辑为:Michal Tabach和Talli Nachlieli。

      这个专栏一共刊发了如下7篇文章,其中第1篇是Michal Tabach和Talli Nachlieli两位专栏主编写作的专栏序言论文,最后第7篇是对第2-6篇这5篇的评价性论文。中间第2-6篇这5篇则是该专栏的5篇论文论文,主要涉及语言手势关系、自主活动作用、愉悦化与数学化、功能话语规则、导数教科书讨论等。

[1] Communicational perspectives on learning and teaching mathematics: prologue


Michal Tabach, Talli Nachlieli Pages 299-306

Abstract:This special issue comprises five studies which vary in their focus and mathematical content, yet they all share an underlying communicational theoretical framework commognition. Within this framework, learning mathematics is defined as a change in one’s mathematical discourse, that is, in the form of communication known as mathematical.Teaching can be defined as the communicational activity the motive of which is to bring the learners’ discourse closer to a canonic discourse. Reading the five research articles interconnected via their shared theoretical infrastructure has the potential to further develop insights about various aspects of teaching and learning mathematics.


Keywords Communicational perspective . Learning mathematics. Discourse analysis


[2] The interplay between language, gestures, dragging and diagrams in bilingual learners’ mathematical communications


Oi-Lam Ng Pages 307-326

Abstract:This paper discusses the importance of considering bilingual learners’ non-linguistic forms of communication for understanding their mathematical thinking. In particular, I provide a detailed analysis of communication involving a pair of high school bilingual learners during an exploratory activity where a touchscreen-based dynamic geometry environment (DGE) was used. The paper focuses on the word-use, gestures and dragging actions in student-pair communication about calculus concepts as they interacted with a touchscreen-based DGE. Findings suggest that the students relied on gestures and dragging as non-linguistic features of the mathematical discourse to communicate dynamic aspects of calculus. Moreover, by examining the interplay between language, gestures, dragging and diagrams, it was possible to identify bilingual learners’ competence in mathematical communications. This paper raises questions about new forms of communication mobilised in dynamic, touchscreen environments, particularly for bilingual learners.


Keywords:Thinking as communicating . Non-linguistic communication . Bilingual learners.Dynamic geometry environment . Touchscreen dragging


[3] Rituals and right answers: barriers and supports to autonomous activity


Marcy B. Wood Pages 327-348



Student autonomy has been an important object of study for mathematics educators for many years. Over time, framings of autonomy have moved from a focus on the individual to considerations of how an individual’s autonomy is entangled in classroom-level interactions. What has been less closely studied is how classroom interactions provide uneven access to autonomy for individuals. This study uses a communicational perspective to clarify Piaget’s intellectual autonomy and examine students’ mathematical interactions. The findings describe barriers and supports to autonomous activity for three students. Students were prevented from engaging in autonomous activity when they were seen as less capable than others, when they felt the need to manage the activities of their peers, or when they focused on being seen as knowledgeable. In contrast, students acted with autonomy when they took up the teacher’s request for explanations, noticed a contrast between their answer and the right answer, and worked on making connections across different representations.




Communicational perspective;Autonomy Discourse ;Classroom interactions Learning


[4] Between people-pleasing and mathematizing: South African learners’ struggle for numeracy


Einat Heyd-Metzuyanim, Mellony Graven Pages 349-373



The reported research attempts to trace possible reasons for third grade learners’ limited progress in numeracy in a low socioeconomic status (SES) South African context. This is done through two lenses, both stemming from Sfard’s commognitive (The term “commognition” has been offered by Sfard (2008) as an amalgam of “cognition” and “communication,” thus expressing the unity of these concepts. Since its original appearance, some authors (including Sfard herself) have preferred using the word “communicational” to describe Sfard’s framework. We chose to stick with “commognitive” because we believe it clearly points to the specific theoretical stance presented in Sfard (2008), whereas “communicational” might point to many other theories or frameworks that have something to do with human communication.) framework. One lens aims to analyze two learners’ (Mina and Ronaldo (all names are pseudonyms)) mathematical and identity discourse both in one-on-one interviews and in a small group “math club” lesson led by the second author. The other examines the mathematical milieu in which these learners have participated through the analysis of a school mathematics lesson which exemplifies prevalent instructional practices in this milieu. Relying on the distinction between ritual and explorative participation, we show that while Mina was acting in an extremely ritualized manner, Ronaldo was more explorative in his actions. However, the milieu, as seen in the school lesson, encouraged almost exclusively ritual participation. Thus, while Mina was identified as a good student, Ronaldo was identified as an outcast or “troublemaker.” We conclude by drawing implications to the tenacious nature of rituals in the mathematics classroom and the effects that these rituals may have on students’ identities.




Commognition; Ritual learning; Explorative learning; Identity Discourse; Struggling students ;Mathematical milieu; Learning difficulties


[5] Making implicit metalevel rules of the discourse on function explicit topics of reflection in the classroom to foster student learning


Beste Güçler Pages 375-393



Despite the existence of extensive literature on functions, fewer studies used sociocultural views to explore the development of student learning about the concept. This study uses a discursive lens to examine whether an instructional approach that specifically attends to particular metalevel rules in the mathematical discourse on functions supports students’ learning of the concept in a postsecondary mathematics classroom. The findings suggest that such instruction has the potential to foster learning as indicated by the changes in the ways students talked about functions, and their awareness and modifications of the assumptions shaping their thinking about functions.




Functions; Teaching experiment; Mathematical discourse; Metadiscursive rules; Student learning; Postsecondary education


[6] Communicational approach to study textbook discourse on the derivative


Jungeun Park Pages 395-421



This paper investigates how three widely used calculus textbooks in the U.S. realize the derivative as a point-specific object and as a function using Sfard’s communicational approach. For this purpose, the study analyzed word-use and visual mediators for the limit process through which the derivative at a point was objectified, and word-use and visual mediators for the derivative process through which the derivative as a function was objectified. The analysis highlighted inconsistency in realizations of the limit process and object, and derivative process and object found in some instances, and implicit discussion on relations among different visual mediators. Specifically, the results of this study led to four observations about issues suggested by one or more of the textbooks: a) visual mediators of the initial and final objects, and the visual mediators of these processes were often inconsistent; b) transformations of visual mediators from initial object, through process, to final object were often implicit both in one visual mediator and across multiple visual mediators; c) visual mediators for the limit processes were sometimes disconnected from the initial and final objects, or the connections were not explicit; and d) realizations of both the derivative at a point and the derivative of a function were mediated with nearly identical symbols suggesting a possible difficulty with understanding the difference between them.




Calculus; Function; Derivative Textbooks; Communicational approach


[7] Commognition as a lens for research


Norma Presmeg Pages 423-430



This paper is a commentary on the theoretical formulations of the five empirical papers in this special issue. All five papers use aspects of the theory of commognition as presented by Anna Sfard; however, even when the same notions (e.g., rituals or explorations) are incorporated into theoretical frameworks undergirding the research, these notions are not always used in the same way. The analysis of how commognitive theory is used in the papers suggests that it is broad enough to be a useful theoretical lens in diverse settings. However, there are many aspects of Sfard’s careful theoretical formulation that are not touched upon, suggesting that there is much more potential for use of the theory than has been realized in these papers.




Commognition; Communication theory; Theoretical framework



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