

以色列海法大学安娜•斯法德(Anna Sfard)及其交流认知研究

已有 3005 次阅读 2018-8-8 13:38 |系统分类:科研笔记

       以色列海法大学教育学院教授安娜·斯法德(Anna Sfard ),是2007年弗赖登塔尔奖获得者,长期专注于数学教育中的对象化和话语研究、取得卓越而深刻的科学成就并对数学教育研究的许多分支产生重要影响。


       这一段时间,已经开始发展以色列海法大学安娜•斯法德(Anna Sfard)的交流认知研究,来进行手头上的数据分析。突然感觉,非常有必要进一步对其研究进行梳理,尤其是交流认知的研究。

       之前整理的《以色列海法大学安娜•斯法德(AnnaSfard)及其研究——基于国内18年3月的综述研究》,有比较详细的介绍了安娜•斯法德(Anna Sfard)的研究概况,详见如下链接:

这篇文章,想着梳理安娜•斯法德(Anna Sfard)的交流认知研究。

一、安娜•斯法德(Anna Sfard)交流认知的主要研究

Sfard, A. (2007). When the rules of discourse change, but nobody tells you: Making sense of mathematics learning from a commognitive standpoint. The Journal of the learning sciences, 16(4), 565-613.

[Cited by 287,Web of Science: 73,2018-8-8]

Sfard, A. (2015). Learning, commognition and mathematics. The Sage handbook of learning, 129-138.

[Cited by 6,2018-8-8]

Sfard, A. (2018). On the Need for Theory of Mathematics Learning and the Promise of‘Commognition’. In The Philosophy of Mathematics Education Today (pp. 219-228). Springer, Cham.

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二、安娜•斯法德(Anna Sfard)交流认知的相关研究

Sfard, A. (2008). Thinking as communicating: Human development, the growth of discourses, and mathematizing. Cambridge University Press.

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Sfard, A. (2001). There is more to discourse than meets the ears: Looking at thinking as communicating to learn more about mathematical learning. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 46(1-3), 13-57.

[Cited by 476,2018-8-8]

Sfard, A., & Kieran, C. (2001). Cognition as communication: Rethinking learning-by-talking through multi-faceted analysis of students' mathematical interactions. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 8(1), 42-76.

[Cited by 333,2018-8-8]


Viirman, O. (2015). Explanation, motivation and question posing routines in university mathematics teachers' pedagogical discourse: a commognitive analysis. International journal of mathematical education in science and technology, 46(8), 1165-1181.

[Cited by 11,  Web of Science: 3,2018-8-8]

Felton, M. D., & Nathan, M. (2009). Exploring Sfard's Commognitive Framework: A Review of" Thinking as Communicating: Human Development, the Growth of Discourses, and Mathematizing".

[Cited by 4,  Web of Science: 1,2018-8-8]

Nardi, E., Ryve, A., Stadler, E., & Viirman, O. (2014). Commognitive analyses of the learning and teaching of mathematics at university level: the case of discursive shifts in the study of Calculus. Research in Mathematics Education, 16(2), 182-198.

[Cited by 36,2018-8-8]

Presmeg, N. (2016). Commognition as a lens for research. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 91(3), 423-430.

[Cited by 9,2018-8-8]

Chia, S. N. (2017). Examining a teacher's use of multiple representations and noticing in the teaching of percentage: a commognitive perspective (Doctoral dissertation).

[Cited by 0,2018-8-8]

Park, J. Y. (2017). A Commognitive Perspective on Pre-service Secondary Teachers’ Content Knowledge in Mathematical Modelling. In Mathematical Modelling and Applications (pp. 289-299). Springer, Cham.

[Cited by 0,2018-8-8]

Ioannou, M. (2018). Commognitive analysis of undergraduate mathematics students’ first encounter with the subgroup test. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 30(2), 117-142.

[Cited by 0,2018-8-8]

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