

Jijian Lu: Main research results(陆吉健:主要研究成果)

已有 3274 次阅读 2018-7-27 15:40 |系统分类:人物纪事

English paper published at International Conference:

1.  Jijian Lu, Piao Jiang.(2016) A study on the recognition to STEM SOS model in Chinese Mathematics normal students. In: Proceedings of the 4th InternationalConference of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in education. Beijing, China:STEM.

2.  Jiqing Sun, Jijian Lu.(2018) Beyond the Edutainment: The Possibility of Implementing Discovery Based Digital Games to Develop Mathematical Understanding.Paper presented at Mathematics Education Research Group of Australia (MERGA) 41 Conference. Melbourne, Australia.

The papers published at CSSCI ( Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index,CSSCI期刊论文 ) :

1.  张维忠,陆吉健. 基于文化适切性的澳大利亚民族数学课程评介[J]. 课程.教材.教法, 2016, (2): 119-124.

Weizhong Zhang,Jijian Lu.(2016) Review of the Australian National Mathematics Curriculum Based on cultural adaptability. Curriculum. Teaching materials (in Chinese). Teaching methods, (2): 119-124.

2.  张维忠,陆吉健,陈飞伶. 南非高中数学素养课程与评价标准评介[J]. 全球教育展望, 2014, 43(10): 38-47.

Weizhong Zhang,Jijian Lu,Feiling Chen.(2014) Review of Mathematics Literacy Curriculumand Assessment Policy Statement of South Africaon the Grades 10 - 12. Global education outlook (in Chinese), 43(10): 38-47.

3.  东洪平,陆吉健,张维忠. 印度初级小学数学教学大纲评介[J]. 数学教育学报, 2016, 25(1): 15-19.

Hongping Dong,Jijian Lu,Weizhong Zhang.(2016) Review of Higher Senior Primary School Mathematics Teaching Syllabus in Indian. Journal of Mathematics Education (in Chinese), 25(1): 15-19.

4.  张维忠,刘艳萍,陆吉健. 埃塞俄比亚小学高端数学大纲系列内容评介[J]. 外国中小学教育, 2015, (10): 52-57.

Weizhong Zhang,Yanping Liu,Jijian Lu.(2015) Review of primary school mathematics syllabus in high-end series in Ethiopia. Foreign elementary and middle school education (in Chinese), (10): 52-57.

Full text reprinted paper by photocopy materials of Renmin University of China(人大复印资料全文转载论文):

1.  朱哲,陆吉健(Jijian Lu). 数学教学是数学思维活动的学与教[J]. 中学数学月刊, 2014, (4): 9-11.

2.  陆吉健(Jijian Lu),朱哲. “数学思维与数学教育”研究综述[J]. 中学教研(数学), 2015, (3): 23-26.

Core journal papers in China(核心期刊论文):

1.  陆吉健(Jijian Lu),张维忠(Weizhong Zhang). 认知水平分析下的中澳数列习题情境比较——基于对高认知水平教科书的讨论[J]. 中学数学教学参考, 2014,(8): 70-72.

2.  陆吉健(Jijian Lu),刘艳平,张维忠(Weizhong Zhang). 南非高中数学素养课程与数学课程的起源、发展及启示[J]. 浙江师范大学(自然科学版), 2015, 38(8): 294-298.

3.  陆吉健(Jijian Lu),刘艳平,张维忠(Weizhong Zhang). 南非义务教育《数学课程与评价标准》评介[J]. 现代中小学教育, 2015, 31(11): 129-132.

4.  陆吉健(Jijian Lu),张维忠(Weizhong Zhang). 可汗学院微课程分析和启示——基于圆锥曲线可视化的视角[J]. 中学数学教学参考, 2015, (6): 70-72.

5.  余春妹,陆吉健(Jijian Lu).PISA、TIMSS和NAEP数学测试框架及题目比较[J]. 中学数学教学参考, 2016, (4): 63-65.

6.  周建峰,陆吉健(Jijian Lu). PISA2015和ATC21S协作问题解决任务及其对数学教育的启示[J]. 中学数学教学参考, 2017, (30): 64-66.

硕士论文(Master Thesis):

  陆吉健. 高中数学课程标准内容综合评价与国际比较研究[D]. 金华:浙江师范大学, 2016.

  Jijian Lu. The comprehensive evaluation and international comparison of the standard of mathematics curriculum in Senior High School[D]. Jinhua:Zhejiang Normal University (in Chinese), 2016.

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