


已有 6102 次阅读 2020-1-11 22:17 |系统分类:教学心得


1)逗号(comma... 2

1)用于句中的并列成份之间... 2

2)分隔句中的状语... 3

3)分隔句中的非限制性定语从句... 4

4)分隔句中的插入语和称呼语... 4

5)用于附加疑问句... 7

6)用于引述动词与直接引语之间... 7

7)用于句子成份的省略... 8

2)冒号(colon... 8

1)引出列举或解释说明... 8

2)用于强调直接引语... 9

3)用于信函的抬头或讲演开头的称呼后... 9

4)用于书面表达小时与分钟之间的分隔... 10

5)用于数学比例的表达... 10

3)分号(semi-colon... 10

4)句号(period... 11

1)用于陈述句或祈使句尾... 11

2)用于缩略语... 11

5)破折号(dash... 12

1)表解释或补充说明... 12

2)表语意递进或转折... 13

3)表插入语... 14

4)表同位语... 14

5)表概括总结... 14

6)引号(quotation marks... 15

1)表直接引语... 15

2)表书报刊物及文艺或科技等作品名称... 15

3)用于对句子成份的强调... 15

7)问号(question mark... 16

8)感叹号(exclamation mark... 17

1)用于感叹句末... 17

2)用于强烈语气的祈使句末... 17

9)连字符(hyphen... 17

1)用于合成词... 17

2)连接词缀与词根... 21

3)用于句中单词的换行接续... 21

10)缩字符(apostrophe... 21

1)表名代词的所有格... 21

2)表词语的缩写... 22

3)表数字或字母等的复数... 22

11)省略号(ellipsis dots... 23



标点符号是书面语中一系列表句子成份之间的停顿、分隔或上下文关系、对句子成份的注释或省略、对词或词组的连接或缩写、对语气的强调以及句子的完成等语意的符号。标点符号对句子的表情达意具有重要的辅助作用。常见英语句子中的标点符号包括逗号(,)、冒 号(:)、分号(;)、句号(.)、破折号()、引号(“”)、问号(?)、感叹号(!)、连字符(-)、缩字符(')、省略号(...)等。标点符号根据用途可置于句中、句尾或单词内外。英语中的大部分标点符号与汉语相同,但也有一些差异,如:英语的句号为(.),而汉语的句号为(。)。英语的省略号为(),而汉语的省略号为(……)。英语有省字符,而汉语没有。汉语有书名号,而英语没有。英语中印刷体的书籍报刊等名称用斜体或引号,在手写体中可用引号或下划线表示。汉语有顿号,而英语没有。





a) Any success is in a journey, not at a destination. 何一次成功都是在旅途中,而不是在终点。(逗号连接并列表语)

b) Life looks like the ocean, and only the strong-willed person could reach the other shore. 生活犹如海洋,只有意志坚定者才能到达彼岸。(逗号连接并列句)

c) A happy marriage is a new beginning of life, a new startingpoint for happiness and usefulness. 幸福婚姻是新的人生开端,是福利的新起点。(逗号连接并列表语)

d) The more advanced the social civilization is, the less powerful the individual function is. 社会的文明程度越高,个人的作用就越小。(逗号连接并列句)

e) Learning is like climbing a mountain, the higher you climb, the farther you see. 学习如登山,登得越高,看得越远。(逗号连接并列句)

f) There are many theatres, museums and libraries in Paris. 巴黎有许多剧院、博物馆和图书馆。(逗号用于并列名词之间)

g) Young George, his wife and his two children were watching television then. 当时,小乔治和他的妻子以及他的两个孩子正在看电视。(逗号用于作为主语的并列短语之间)



a) To be successful, one must struggle. 要成功,须奋斗。(分隔作为动词不定式短语位于句首的目的状语)

b) If you want to be effective, do first things first. 若想提高办事效率,首先处理当务之急。(分隔句首的条件状语从句)

c) He was born in America in January, 1998. 他于1998 1 月出生在美国。(分隔时间状语中的年份与月份)

d) The theatre can seat 2,700 people. 这个剧院可容纳2700人。(分隔数字的千位与百位)

e) The European Strategy was filmed in Milan, Italy. 《欧洲攻略》是在意大利米兰拍的一部电影。(分隔不同等级的行政辖区地点名称;小辖区地点名称在前,大辖区地点名称在后)


a) True friendship is like health, the value of which is seldom known until it is lost. 真正的友谊如同健康,直至失去才知其可贵。

b) As usually happens, the man who has been cheated is afraid to trust even honest people. 通常,受过骗的人甚至不敢相信老实人。



a) Happiness lies, first of all, in health. 首先,幸福在于健康。(分隔插入语)

b) The greatest fault of all, I should say, is to deny admitting that. 我要说,最大的错误就是拒不认错。(分隔插入语)

    c) My friends, we must endure pains and go through hardships and then always march forward. 朋友们,我们必须砥砺前行。(分隔称呼语)

d) Twain, Mark was born in 1835. 马克吐温生于1835年。(Twain是笔名,Mark是实名,以逗号分隔)

e) An E-mail of congratulations on nomination:

Roger Hamilton, Director of Physical Therapy Department


Dear Roger

I wanted to express my personal congratulations to you on your appointment as a director of physical therapy department here at the hospital. We are very fortunate to have someone of your obvious abilities and background associated with SGH, and we look forward to a long relationship with you.


Sincerely, (逗号用于信函结尾客套语后)

Adam, Christy(逗号用于分隔姓与名,表“姓在前、名在后”的倒置)



罗杰 汉密尔顿,理疗科主任





克利斯第 亚当

f) A family letter of congratulations on graduation:

Dear Harold, (逗号用于信件抬头后)

It seems such a short time ago that I was visiting your mother and we watched you skipping off to kindergarten in a blue suit size 6. And now you are finished with the exciting and demanding years of college ready to start on a fine career. I was told that engineers are in demand today. I firmly believe that you will soon succeed in any jobs related. 

With my congratulations,


Aunt Marian







玛丽安 姑妈


a) Work is a part of our life, isn't it? 工作是生活的一部分,不是吗?

b) No one likes to be bullied, right? 没人愿意受欺负,对吧?


a) As Charles Schwab said, “The man who does not work for the love of that but only for money is not likely to make much money nor find much fun in life.” 正如查尔斯施瓦布所说:“不是为热爱工作是为钱而工作的人不太可能赚大钱,也不太可能在生活中感受到太多的乐趣。

b) He said, “You should be kind to your neighbors, yet should not pull down your hedges.” 他说:“要善待邻居,然而却不应该不设防。”


a) To make a mistake is human; to pardon others for doing that, God. 会出错的是人,能谅解的是神。(用逗号省略后一分句中的系动词is

b) Mean persons are fond of wealth; noble ones, merits. 平庸者爱财富,高尚者爱功德。(用逗号省略后一分句中的短语动词are fond of




a) Work banishes those three great evils: boredom, sin and poverty. 工作消除三大弊害:无聊、罪孽与贫穷。

b) There are three ingredients in the good life: learning, earning and yearning. 美好生活有三要素:学习、收益与向往。

c) There are basically three things in life that can ruin one: power, libido and greed. 生活中主要有三样东西能毁灭一个人:权、欲、贪。

d) Life makes two precious presents to you: one is time and the other, freedom of choice. 生活赐予你两件珍贵的礼物:一件是“时间”,另一件是“选择的自由”。


e) Dictionaries are like watches: the worst is better than none; and the best cannot be expected to go quite true without any mistakes. 词典就像手表:最坏的也比没有强;最好的也不能指望它准确无误。


f) Charm: the quality in others that makes us admire. “魅力”就是:他人身上使我们羡慕的品质。


a) Patching said in recognizable English: “Good evening, sir.” 帕钦用尚可听得清的英语说:“晚上好,先生。”

b) He said with enforced calmness:I was fired.” 他强作镇静地说:“我被解雇了。”


a) Dear Dr. Jenny: 亲爱的詹妮博士:(冒号用于信函的抬头后)

b) Ladies and Gentlemen: 女士们,先生们:(冒号用于讲演开头的称呼语后)


a) I begin to give classes at 8:10 in the morning every day. 我每天早上810分开始上课。

b) The train left at 9 : 30. 这趟列车是930分发车的。


a) The score was 5 : 3 between the champion and the runner-up in the final. 在那场决赛中冠亚军的比分是五比三。

b) The final vote proportion was 1 : 3 : 5 : 7 : 9 between the five candidates in the election. 在这场选举中五位候选人最终得票数的比例是1 : 3 : 5 : 7 : 9



a) Success is won by three things: first, choice; second, effort; third, perseverance. 取得成功靠三件事:第一是选择,第二是努力,第三是毅力。


b) Destiny is not a matter of effort; it's a matter of choice. 命运不是努力的问题;而是选择的问题。

c) Adversity reveals genius; fortune conceals talents. 逆境显天赋;好运隐才华。

d) With substances, you can live; with ideals, your life can be called life. 有了物质,才能生存;有了理想,才叫生活。




a) Double-win is the foundation full of the warm and kind relationships. 双赢是充满温馨友善关系的基础。

b) Never give up and never give in. 永不放弃,永不屈服。

c) The most tenacious muscle in the human body is that of the heart. 人体中最坚韧的肌肉是心肌。


a) Mr. 先生(Mister

b) Mrs. 太太(Mistress

c) Prof. 教授(Professor

d) Ph.D. 哲学博士 Doctor of Philosophy

e) Dr. 医生/博士 Doctor

f) Thur. 周四 Thursday

g) A. Lincoln 亚伯拉罕  林肯 Abraham    Lincoln

h) John F. Kennedy约翰 菲茨杰拉德 肯尼迪(John   Fitzgerald   Kennedy

i) Sept. 九月(September

j) a.m. 上午(ante meridiem

k) p.m. 下午(post meridiem

l) e.g. 例如 exempli gratia

m) Wm. Wrigley, Jr. 小成廉 里格利William   Wrigley, Junior

    n) C.C. / CC. 立方厘米 cubic centimeter

o) n. 名词 noun

p) conj. 连词 conjunction

q) pron. 代词 pronoun

r) i.e.  

s) etc.  等等

t) Jan. 一月 January

u) Dec. 十二月 December

v) Feb. 二月 February

w) Mar. 三月 March

x) Nov. 十一月 November

y) Aug. 八月 August

z) Oct. 十月 October



  a) Weed a plant whose virtues have not been discovered. 野草是指,其价值尚未被发现的植物。

  b) There are three classes of men — lovers of wisdom, lovers of honor, lovers of personal gains. 有三种人:爱智慧的人,爱荣誉的人,爱私利的人。

c) There are essentially two things that will make you wiser — the books you have read and the people you have met. 实际上有两种世事让你增加智慧:你读过的书和见过的人。


d) Wake up! Every minute is gold. 醒醒吧,每分钟都贵如金。


e) The kind is the beautiful. — Plato 善就是美。— 柏拉图

f)  The brave risks his life, but not his conscience. Friedrich Schiller 勇者冒生命之险,而不冒良心之险。— 布里德克  席勒。

g) The followers of the rich and power can never be trusted in need. — George Gordon Byron  趋炎附势者绝不会与你共患难。— 乔治 戈登 拜伦


  a) Don't curse the darkness — open a skylight. 不要诅咒黑暗,而是要打开一扇天窗。

  b) There's always a way to do it better — find it. 总有把事情做得更好的方法去找到它。

c) You must beware of the danger in a crisis but should recognize the opportunity. 在危机中务必谨防危险,但也应该意识到机会。


a) If you occasionally fall — and we all do — must be sure to fall forward. 假如你偶尔摔倒,我们都会摔倒,务必向前摔。

b) If you will be afraid to make mistakes anyone will then do nothing. 如果你怕出错,任何人都会出错的,那就什么都不要干了。


a) His choice — giving up evil and return to good — changes everything. 他的选择“改邪归正”改变了一切。

b) He has no idea what is evil. 他对“什么是邪恶”完全没概念。


 a) I should say in short they have to reduce expenses this year. 总之我要说,今年他们必须削减开支。

 b) Be just and try your best — this notion will probably make you succeed in everything. 正义加竭尽全力,这个观念或许会使你无往而不胜。

6)引号(quotation marks


a) As Winston Churchill observed, “Success consists in going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” 正如温斯顿 丘吉尔所评:“成功在于从失败走向失败而热情不减。”

b) We should not spend our life in vain but in the end should be able to say, “I have done what I can do.” 我们不该枉活一世,而应该在最后能够说一句:“我尽力而为了。”


a) “Emotional Intelligence” gives us an entirely new way of looking at the root causes of many maladies of the family and society.《情商》给我们提供了一个看待家庭与社会诸多弊病根源的全新的方法。

b) Have you seen the movieThe Pursuit of Happiness”? 你看过电影《幸福来敲门》吗?


a) If you want to succeed, you must fill the gap between “talking” and “doing”. 你要想成功,就必须弥合“说”与“做”之间的差距。(强调单词)

b) “Yes” and “No” are the oldest and simplest words, but they require the most thought before you say them out. “是”与“不”是最古老最简单的两个词,但这两个词却需要你在说出口之前进行最多的思考。(强调单词)

c) To accomplish a great cause is the “supreme state of life”. 成就伟业是“人生最高境界”。(强调词组)

7)问号(question mark


a) Is life an empty dream? 人生如梦一场空吗?

b) How can you gain dignity if you are not honest? This moral principle holds the same weight either for individual citizens or for social institutions. 没有诚实,何来尊严?这个道理对于个体公民或社会机构都具有同样的分量。

c) What is honest? Honesty is not equal to telling the truth to a bad person nor is equal to giving up your proper human rights to realize your life values and devote yourself to the society only for telling the truth. “Honesty” means honestly conducting yourself and doing anything on the preconditions with benefits to the others and the society. 什么是诚实?诚实不等于向坏人说实话,也不等于仅为说实话而放弃自己实现人生价值与奉献社会的正当人权。“诚实”是在有利于他人与社会的前提下老老实实做人做事。

8)感叹号(exclamation mark



a) What a happy life with achievements! 有成就的生活是多么幸福!

b) How many dangers and winding courses there are in the scientific research work! 科研工作中有多少危险和弯路啊!


a) Look out! 小心!

b) Do come earlier next time! 下次一定要早点儿来!




a) Books are the treasure-house of human thoughts. 书是人类思想的宝库。

b) Self-help is the best help. 自助是最好的帮手。

c) Wealth is more often the result of hard work, perseverance, and most of all self-discipline. 拥有财富,更常见是勤奋工作、坚持不懈的结果,首先是完全自律的结果。

d) Ill-gotten wealth is like a palace built on the sand. 不义之财犹如建在沙滩上的宫殿。

e) green-house 温室

f) get-together 聚会

g) father-in-law 岳父/公公/继父

h) the still-to-be-discovered elements 有待发现的元素



i) long-distance telephone 长途电话

j) old-style machine 旧式机器

k) small-business 小买卖/小本生意

(比较:a small business man 一个身材矮小的商人)

l) vice-chairman 副主席


m) peace-loving people 热爱和平的人


n) hand-made goods 手工制品

o) man-made lake 人工湖

p) tongue-tied 张口结舌的

q) state-run 国营的

r) poverty-stricken 贫困的


s) highly-developed 高度发达的


t) hard-working 勤劳的


u) coal-mine 煤矿

v) wave-length 波长

w) self -control 自控

x) self-respect 自尊

y) quarter-share 四分之一份额的


z) 15-year-old  15岁的


A) old-fashioned machines 老式(过时的)机器

B) cold-blooded animals 冷血动物


C) snow-white paper 雪白的纸

D) half-asleep baby半睡的宝宝


E) a funny-looking man 相貌可笑的人

F) well-dressed 穿着讲究的/衣冠楚楚的

G) clear-cut 明确的/清晰的

H) well-known 著名的

I) far-fetched 遥不可及的

J) far-flung 广泛的/遥远的/广布的

K) new-born 新生的

L) quick-frozen 速冻的

M) mass-produced /规模生产的


N) dark-blue 深蓝色的

O) all-round 多才多艺的,全面的,全方位的,全能的


P) an X-ray photograph 一张X光照片

Q) V-shaped thing  V形物

R) H-bomb 氢弹


S) thirty-nine  39

T) twenty-first 21

U) sixty-one  61

V) a three-fifths majority占五分之三的大多数

连字符用于数词或日期之间时,具有“...至...”或“涵盖”之意 如:

W) pages 12-56  12页至第56


连字符也用于词缀与词根的连接,通常在co-ex- 等作为词缀的复合词各部分之间应加连字符。如:

a) co-workers 工友

b) ex-president 前总统



 a)   Lincoln said, “Now is the time to open the doors of opportuni-

ty to all of God’s children.” 林肯说:“现在到了为上帝所有的孩子们敞开机会大门的时候了。”

    b) Newton said, “If I have seen further than others, it is by stand-

        ing on the shoulders of giants.” 牛顿说:“如果我比别人看得远,那是因为我站在了巨人的肩上。”




a) Justice's delay is of injustice. 正义的迟到就是非正义。(表名词的所有格)

b) Envy is a most terrible thing, and it would spoil anybody's conscience. It is why envy makes many bad things. Everyone must restrain oneself from envy as the important self-cultivations. 忌妒是非常可怕的东西,它会损毁任何人的良知。故嫉妒生百事。人人都应该把克制嫉妒作为重要的自身修养。(表代词的所有格

c) Those are others’. 那些是他们的。(表代词复数的所有格)

d) children's language 儿童语言(表名词所有格)

e) Thomas's umbrella 托马斯的雨伞(表名词所有格)

f) an hour's wait 一小时的等待(表名词所有格)



a) He was born in the year '85.  他生于1985 年。'851985的缩写)


b) The power-holders can't sit back and watch social chaos, because there is no age that would tolerate any criminal offences. 掌权者不能坐视社会混乱,因为哪朝年代也容不下刑事犯罪。(can'tcan not两个单词的缩略)

c) I’m watching the cat jumping. 我在静观其变。(I'mI am两个单词的缩略)

d) Let’s promote social progresses. 让我们助力社会进步!(Let'sLet us两个单词的缩略)

e) It’s well known that one’s doing something bad is an insult to oneself. 众所周知,干坏事就是侮辱自己!(It'sIt is两个单词的缩略



  a) Ballet evolved into a stage performance in 1700's. 18世纪,芭蕾逐渐发展成了一种舞台表演艺术。

  b) The third REIT boom was in 1990's. 第三次房地产投资信托热潮是在20世纪90年代。(REIT: Real Estate Investment Trust

  c) Mind your p's and q's. 要谨言慎行!(直译:注意你所写的所有的“p”和“q”。言外之意是:小心别写反了,写反了就错了。)

  d) Dot your i's and cross your t's. 办事要一丝不苟。(直译:在你所写的“i”上都要加一个“点”,在你所写的“t”上都要划一个“横”。)

e) There are two u's in that word. 那个单词中有两个字母u

f) There are three 3's in this number. 这个数字中有三个3


g) Too many and's in a sentence suggest immaturity of literary style. 在一句话中用太多的“and”,显得文体不成熟。

11)省略号(ellipsis dots


a) unchangeable but the inherent and unalienable rights of man. 只有与生俱来不可剥夺的人权是不能改变的。(主语并列成份的省略)

b) Determine never to be idle... 下定决心不要无所事事……(句末的省略)

c) There are quite a lot of letters here...even a telegram. 这里有很多信……还有一份电报。(句中并列成份的省略)



1. 薄冰,何政安. Bo Bing English Grammar薄冰英语语法(袖珍本)北京:开明出版社,2007

2. 张道真,朱从军张道真英语语法长春:吉林出版集团有限公司,2013

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