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已有 5944 次阅读 2016-8-29 17:41 |系统分类:论文交流



2014 Sep 30;5(18):8429-41.

Interferon-stimulated gene 15 (ISG15) is a trigger for tumorigenesis and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma.


Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common cancers worldwide with poor prognosis. IFN-stimulated genes 15 (ISG15) is an ubiquitin-like molecule that is strongly upregulated by type I interferons as a primary response to diverse microbial and cellular stress stimuli. However, the role of ISG15 in HCC remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the function of ISG15 during HCC progression and related mechanism using clinicopathological data, cell line and xenograft model. Our results indicated that ISG15 is highly expressed in HCC tissues and multiple HCC cell lines. ISG15 expression is significantly associated with the differentiation grade, metastatic of tumor and survival of HCC patients. However, the expression of ISG15 is not affected by HBV infection. ISG15 promotes the proliferation and migration of hepatocarcinoma cells through maintaining Survivin protein stabilization via sequestering XIAP from interacting with Survivin. Knowing down ISG15 with SiRNA inhibited the xenografted tumor growth and prolonged the lifespan of tumor-bearing mice. All these results support that ISG15 high expression is an intrinsic feature for HCC and a trigger for tumorigenesis and metastasis. ISG15 may be a prognostic biomarker and the inhibition of ISG15 could provide a therapeutic advantage for HCC patients over-expressing ISG15.


上一篇:【原创】J Exp Med:Mad2多聚谷氨酸化与巨核细胞的生成
下一篇:【原创】Clin Cancer Res:全新膀胱癌标志物及其BCMab1单抗
收藏 IP: 218.241.213.*| 热度|


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2011-3-29 09:311 妤硷紙鍥炲妤间富锛� 璧� 璧� +1 |
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2011-3-29 09:301 妤硷紙鍥炲妤间富锛� 璧� 璧� +1 |
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2011-3-29 09:001 妤硷紙鍥炲妤间富锛� 璧� 璧� +1 |

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