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New Phytologist:拟南芥PIN7可变剪切作用于生长素介导的向性响应

已有 1820 次阅读 2021-10-14 09:32 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Mutually opposing activity of PIN7 splicing isoforms is required for auxin-mediated tropic responses in Arabidopsis thaliana

第一作者Ivan Kashkan


第一通讯Kamil Růžička


背景回顾Advanced transcriptome sequencing has uncovered that the majority of eukaryotic genes undergo alternative splicing (AS). 

提出问题:Nonetheless, little effort has been dedicated to investigating the functional relevance of particular splicing events, even those in the key developmental and hormonal regulators.

主要研究:Combining approaches of genetics, biochemistry and advanced confocal microscopy, we describe the impact of alternative splicing on the PIN7 gene in the plant model Arabidopsis thaliana

结果1-PIN7PIN7 encodes a polarly localized transporter for the phytohormone auxin and produces two evolutionary-conserved transcripts PIN7a and PIN7b

结果2-PIN7a与PIN7b的异同:PIN7a and PIN7b, differing in a 4-amino acid motif, exhibit almost identical expression pattern and subcellular localization.

结果3-相互关系:We reveal that they closely associate and mutually influence their mobility within the plasma membrane.

结果4-表型互补:Phenotypic complementation tests indicate that the functional contribution of PIN7b per se is minor, but it markedly reduces the prominent PIN7a activity, which is required for correct seedling apical hook formation and auxin-mediated tropic responses

结论:Our results establish alternative splicing of the PIN family as a conserved, functionally relevant mechanism, unveiling an additional regulatory level of auxin-mediated plant development.

 摘 要 



** Kamil Růžička **





doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.17792

Journal: New Phytologist

First PublishedOctober 12, 2021


上一篇:the plant journal:一个新的LRR-RLK基因CTLK1作用于苜蓿的低温抗性
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