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Science Advance:低浓度ABA释放ABI1介导的AHA2抑制,增强根的生长和向水性

已有 2887 次阅读 2021-3-20 08:11 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Low ABA concentration promotes root growth and hydrotropism through relief of ABA INSENSITIVE 1-mediated inhibition of plasma membrane H+-ATPase 2

第一作者Rui Miao


通讯作者Weifeng Xu


Qabi2-2表型The hab1-1 abi1-2 abi2-2 pp2ca-1 quadruple mutant (Qabi2-2) seedlings lacking key negative regulators of ABA signaling, namely, clade A protein phosphatases type 2C (PP2Cs), show more apoplastic H+ efflux in roots and display an enhanced root growth under normal medium or water stress medium compared to the wild type. 

低浓度ABA处理模拟Qabi2-2表型:The presence of low ABA concentration (0.1 micromolar), inhibiting PP2C activity via monomeric ABA receptors, enhances root apoplastic H+ efflux and growth of the wild type, resembling the Qabi2-2 phenotype in normal medium.

Qabi2-2的向水性与不对称的H+外流Qabi2-2 seedlings also demonstrate increased hydrotropism compared to the wild type in obliquely-oriented hydrotropic experimental system, and asymmetric H+ efflux in root elongation zone is crucial for root hydrotropism. 

ABI与下游AHA2Moreover, we reveal that Arabidopsis ABA-insensitive 1, a key PP2C in ABA signaling, interacts directly with the C terminus of Arabidopsis plasma membrane H+-dependent adenosine triphosphatase 2 (AHA2) and dephosphorylates its penultimate threonine residue (Thr947), whose dephosphorylation negatively regulates AHA2.


 摘 要 

hab1-1abi1-2abi2-2pp2ca-1四突植株Qabi2-2缺少ABA信号转导的关键负调控因子PP2Cs。因此,相比于野生型,该突变体的幼苗在正常培养基或水分胁迫的培养基中,根组织表现出更多的质外体H+外流,并且根生长增强。用0.1mmol的低浓度ABA处理野生型植株,会通过单体ABA受体抑制PP2C的活性,增强正常培养基条件下的根组织质外体H+外流和根生长,模拟了Qabi2-2突变体的表型。另外,在倾斜的定向向水性试验中,相比于野生型,Qabi2-2幼苗还表现出向水性方面的增强,而根伸长区不对称的H+外流对于根的向水性是十分关键的。此外,作者还发现拟南芥ABA信号转导中一个关键的PP2C蛋白ABA-insensitive 1与拟南芥质膜H+依赖型三磷酸腺苷酶AHA2的C端发生直接互作,并去磷酸化该蛋白947号位上的苏氨酸残基,从而负调控AHA2。


** 许卫锋 **




doi: https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abd4113

Journal: Science Advance

Published date: Mar 17, 2021


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