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Nature Communications:小蛇根草(药用植物,产喜树碱)基因组

已有 3073 次阅读 2021-1-20 11:43 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Chromosome-level genome assembly of Ophiorrhiza pumilareveals the evolution of camptothecin biosynthesis

第一作者Amit Rai


通讯作者Mami Yamazaki


背景回顾Plant genomes remain highly fragmented and are often characterized by hundreds to thousands of assembly gaps. 

主要研究:Here, we report chromosome-level reference and phased genome assembly of Ophiorrhiza pumila, a camptothecin-producing medicinal plant, through an ordered multi-scaffolding and experimental validation approach.

结果1-组装质量:With 21 assembly gaps and a contig N50 of 18.49 Mb, Ophiorrhiza genome is one of the most complete plant genomes assembled to date.

结果2-MIA代谢We also report 273 nitrogen-containing metabolites, including diverse monoterpene indole alkaloids (MIAs).

结果3-MIA起源A comparative genomics approach identifies strictosidine biogenesis as the origin of MIA evolution. The emergence of strictosidine biosynthesis-catalyzing enzymes precede downstream enzymes’ evolution post γ whole-genome triplication, which occurred approximately 110 Mya in O. pumila, and before the whole-genome duplication in Camptotheca acuminata identified here.

结论:Combining comparative genome analysis, multi-omics analysis, and metabolic gene-cluster analysis, we propose a working model for MIA evolution, and a pangenome for MIA biosynthesis, which will help in establishing a sustainable supply of camptothecin.

 摘 要 

植物基因组的组装高度片段化,通常存在数百至数千个组装gaps。本文中,作者报道了一种生产喜树碱的药用植物,即小蛇根草的染色体级别分型基因组组装。该组装仅包含21个Gaps,contig N50长达18.49 Mb,这代表着小蛇根草的基因组是目前已知的装的最完整的植物基因组之一。作者还报道了273种含氮代谢物,包括多种单萜吲哚生物碱(MIAs)。利用比较基因组学方法,作者发现异胡豆苷Strictosidine的生物发生是MIA演化的起源。异胡豆苷生物合成催化酶的出现要早于下游酶在γ全基因组三倍化之后的演化,在小蛇根草中大概是在一亿一千万年前左右,但是在喜树全基因组复制事件发生之前。结合比较基因组分析、多组学分析以及代谢基因集分析,作者提出了一个MIA演化的模型,以及MIA生物合成的泛基因组,这有助于未来喜树碱持续供应链的建立。


**Mami Yamazaki**





doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-20508-2

Journal: Nature Communications

Published date: Jan 15, 2021


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