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Current Biology:“心碎”蛋白HEARTBREAK通过翻译后修饰作用于荠属的心形果实形态建成

已有 1965 次阅读 2020-8-18 10:54 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

HEARTBREAK Controls Post-translational Modification of INDEHISCENT to Regulate Fruit Morphology in Capsella

第一作者Yang Dong


通讯作者Lars Østergaard


背景-形态变异作用Morphological variation is the basis of natural diversity and adaptation. For example, angiosperms (flowering plants) evolved during the Cretaceous period more than 100 mya and quickly colonized terrestrial habitats. A major reason for their astonishing success was the formation of fruits, which exist in a myriad of different shapes and sizes.

背景-形态变异调控机制Evolution of organ shape is fueled by variation in expression patterns of regulatory genes causing changes in anisotropic cell expansion and division patterns.

提出问题:However, the molecular mechanisms that alter the polarity of growth to generate novel shapes are largely unknown.

研究对象:The heart-shaped fruits produced by members of the Capsella genus comprise an anatomical novelty, making it particularly well suited for studies on morphological diversification.

主要发现:Here, we show that post-translational modification of regulatory proteins provides a critical step in organ-shape formation.

作用机制:Our data reveal that the SUMO proteaseHEARTBREAK (HTB), from Capsella rubella controls the activity of the key regulator of fruit development, INDEHISCENT (CrIND in C. rubella), via de-SUMOylation. This post-translational modification initiates a transduction pathway required to ensure precisely localized auxin biosynthesis, thereby facilitating anisotropic cell expansion to ultimately form the heart-shaped Capsella fruit.

结论:Therefore, although variation in the expression of key regulatory genes is known to be a primary driver in morphological evolution, our work demonstrates how other processes—such as post-translational modification of one such regulator—affects organ morphology.

 摘  要 

形态变异是自然多样性与适应的基础。比如,有花植物起源于1亿年前的白垩纪时期,之后迅速占领了陆地生境。其中被子植物之所以能够取得巨大成功的一个主要原因是果实的形成,并且存在形状和尺寸上的丰富变异。器官形态的演化是由那些能够影响细胞各向异性扩张和分裂模式的调控基因的表达模式变异所驱动的。然而,通过改变生长极性以产生新的器官形状,这一过程背后潜在的分子机制在很大程度上还是未知的。荠属植物产生的心形果实是一个比较新颖的解剖学结构,使其成为研究形态多样性的一个很好的对象。本文中,作者发现调控蛋白的翻译后修饰在器官形态形成过程中发挥关键的作用。本文的研究结果显示荠属植物Capsella rubella中的SUMO蛋白酶HTB通过去SUMO化控制果实发育过程中关键调控因子CrIND的活性。该翻译后修饰起始了一个转导途径,保证了局部生长素合成的精确控制,从而促进了各向异性的细胞扩张,最终保证了Capsella rubella心形果实的形成。因此,尽管关键调控因子的表达模式变异是形态演化的一个主要驱动因此,但是本文的研究揭示了对于关键调控因子的翻译后修饰等其它途径同样也会影响器官的形态。


**Lars Østergaard**



doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.07.055

Journal: Current Biology

Published date: August 13, 2020


上一篇:Nature Communications:水稻精细胞中的DNA甲基化在生殖发育时的SAM中就已经开始
下一篇:Nature Plants:苔藓中DNA损伤诱导已分化的细胞重编程形成干细胞
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