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Current Biology:捕蝇草及其近缘植物的基因组揭示其食虫特性演化 Abstract

已有 2579 次阅读 2020-5-16 08:15 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Genomes of the Venus Flytrap and Close Relatives Unveil the Roots of Plant Carnivory

第一作者Gergo Palfalvi


通讯作者Rainer Hedrich


背景回顾Most plants grow and develop by taking up nutrients from the soil while continuously under threat from foraging animals. Carnivorous plants have turned the tables by capturing and consuming nutrient-rich animal prey, enabling them to thrive in nutrient-poor soil. 

研究目的与手段:To better understand the evolution of botanical carnivory, we compared the draft genome of the Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) with that of its aquatic sister, the waterwheel plant Aldrovanda vesiculosa, and the sundew Drosera spatulata.

结果:We identified an early whole-genome duplication in the family as source for carnivory-associated genes. Recruitment of genes to the trap from the root especially was a major mechanism in the evolution of carnivory, supported by family-specific duplications. Still, these genomes belong to the gene poorest land plants sequenced thus far, suggesting reduction of selective pressure on different processes, including non-carnivorous nutrient acquisition.

结论:Our results show how non-carnivorous plants evolved into the most skillful green hunters on the planet.

 摘  要 

大多数的植物通过从土壤中吸收的营养物质来生长和发育,同时会持续性受到觅食动物的威胁。食肉植物改变了这种获取营养的方式,转而捕获富含营养的动物,从而能够在土壤贫瘠的土地生存。为了更好地理解植物食肉的演化,作者比较了茅膏菜科中捕蝇草(Dionaea muscipula)与其水生姊妹种貉藻(Aldrovanda vesiculosa)和匙叶茅膏菜(Drosera spatulata)的基因组。作者鉴定到了一次茅膏菜科祖先发生的全基因组复制事件,是许多与植物食肉相关基因的来源。家族特异性基因重复显示,从根部将这些基因招募到诱捕器是食肉植物演化的主要机制。然而,本文所获的基因组上编码的基因数量相比于其他已测序的陆地植物来说比较稀少,说明了不同生物学进程的选择压力减少,其中就包括非食肉性的营养获取。本文的研究显示了非食肉植物如何演化形成了这个星球上最为致命的绿色杀手。


An early whole-genome duplication is the source of carnivory-associated genes


Trap-specific genes were recruited from the roots


Expansion of specific gene families enabled fine-tuning of hunting styles


Evolution of plant carnivory was paralleled by massive gene loss



**Rainer Hedrich**



doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.04.051

Journal: Current Biology

Published date: May 14, 2020


上一篇:Developmental Cell:拟南芥中PLT/Auxin/ARR-B网络控制根分区
下一篇:Nature Plants:苔藓植物地钱中的最小化生长素响应系统
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